Do we have any proof yet that Islam is the motive? I don't want to look stupid when I discuss this with my bluepilled friends
he shouted allah akbar according to witnesses
His name is mohammad... How much proof do you need?
ISIS claimed responsibility. Dude was from the middle east. Can't remember the exact country, but its a google search away.
What the fuck more do you need?
>A man drives his truck on bastille day into a crowd of people and starts firing
>Claimed by ISIS
Even if IS claimed an attack by a nut it still celebrates violence against the west
How is this not a terrorist attack?
It fuels what has been going on, muslims need to be deported right now
Calm down lads. German media didn't report his alu ackbar and isis stuff that's why I am asking you
From Tunisia
>Middle East
Ah. Ok. North Africa. Different region. Same shithole.
Islam-motivated hatred for non-Muslims is something you can't find even among moderate Bosniak, Turkish and Iranian Muslims.
We have ZERO proof islam was the motive, and the fact that the guy was not practicising religion (didn't make Ramadan) is a good indication this explanation is not the correct one.
Furthermore, this is the story of a complete failure of a surveillance state.
Promenade des Anglais : 700+ surveillance cam, 385 public police, a lot of private one (police municipale), state of emergency since Paris events. None of this worked.
>name is Muhammad
>from Tunisia
>shouted "aloha snackbar" during his attack
Mudslime confirmed
Screamed Snackbar
>an algerian muslim ran over a crowd of people on the French national holiday
>Aloha Snackbar
>ISIS claims responsibility
Yeah pretty sure he's Muslim.
my bad
They didn't report it because it's untrue bullshit. What kind of retard just accepts and believes shit he reads on Sup Forums?
Muslim or not, he's an immigrant or the child of immigrants from a violent, shitty culture
If immigration had not been allowed, he wouldn't have been able to do what he did.
It's simple and clear cut. Attacks like this would not be happening if immigration was stopped.
Genetically, our behavior is set from birth. His people have been violent tribal monkeys for centuries now. It is in their blood to behave this way (save that red pill for later on of course)
No no proves.
He screamed Snackbar
That's the chant
They can't stop lone wolves with a billion cameras and police.
Maybe you believe this, but this is not the case.
He didn't screamed snackbar, had a lot of fake weapons and grenades but one real handgun.
Clearly, he was not looking like a muzz, but a guy turned into murderous madness for some other reasons.
Legitimate question: is there anywhere else this guy could've acquired grenades and firearms besides ISIS or another Islamic terrorist organization?
I'm curious as to how available or present the black market for guns is in France.
Not really, North Africa doesn't have the oil that The Gulf has and therefore is more of a shithole albeit one more familiar with Europe and it's culture than Arabia.
It's important to know the regional and cultural differences user, to present Islam as a cancerous ideology you must point out how it fails in every place it inhabits and why it degrades any society. Otherwise you get told social-political circumstance is the reason for their shit.
According to an eyewitness the driver of the truck shouted “Allahu Akbar!” before the attack.
shouting the words. you only really hear --hackbar in the first 2 seconds
Tonnes of illegal firearms are readily available all over europe. They're mostly smuggled in from eastern europe and sold to criminals all over the continent because there are no border controls. If you have any criminal connections you can get one easily.
Freedom of movement allows you to go to black markets in different countries
You hear him scream it in the video
The fake weapons were probably to get a suicide by police
>Didn't screamed snackbar
Video evidence calls you on that bullshit a million times over.
But couldn't it be assumed that he at least likely had ties to extremists if he was able to access the black market?
>I am literally retarted
They didn't report it because Merkel is Prime Minister, and silences free speech.
>What is silenced comedian
then dont discuss Nice, discuss thousands of other victims of bludthursty cult of islam
Iraq July 3, 2016 - July 2016 Baghdad bombings Two coordinated bomb attacks killed over 300 people and injured over 221 others
Bangladesh July 1, 2016 – Gunmen killed 20 hostages. 13 hostages were rescued, two police officers, and six terrorists were killed. One terrorist is in custody. ISIL has claimed responsibility
France June 14, 2016 – Two French citizens, a police officer and his wife were stabbed to death in Magnanville, France by a man swearing his allegiance to ISIL
United States June 12, 2016 – 49 people were killed and 53 injured in a mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The shooter, Omar Mateen, pledged allegiance to ISIL
Iraq May 11, 2016 – At least 40 people were killed and 60 injured in a car bomb attack on a market in Baghdad. ISIL claims responsibility
Belgium March 22, 2016 – Brussels bombings includes two suicide bombings that resulted in 35 deaths and more than 300 wounded
this list goes on and on
There are dozens of online shops you can access via the TOR-Browser, they basicly work like Amazon. I could buy a Glock 18 for around 700€ from Poland.
>But couldn't it be assumed...
>shouted "aloha snackbar" during his attack
Not confirmed. Report of a witness is not proof.
I'm sure you are referring to this ?
If so, there is no such shouting in the video in which it is alleged to be shouted. Just a guy that want to ear something he desire.
Another ((( proof ))) ?
Tunesian, Mohamed, Allah akbaring... You must be a tanned German.
seriously, end your life.
They didn't report it for the same reason that no credible news source anywhere didn't report it: It's non-factual
Well the lack of firepower would indicate that he didn't have any backing from a terror organization. The dude had a record of petty crimes so he was just a small time criminal who could get his hand on a pistol but no automatics or explosives it seems.
There's no doubt in my mind that the guy was religiously motivated but he seems to have acted alone here. Just like the Orlando shooter i guess.
>having blue Pilled friends.
>ITT: muslims
The place is over 90% muslim aint it
This, to be honest. It's fun to meme on here, and Sup Forums is generally always right in broad strokes, but you will look like a retard if you drop Sup Forumsfacts based on speculation irl.
why are germans so stupid ;( its obvious he was a muslim he even claimed allegence to ISIS in a video
Tunisian Muslim screams "Allahu Ackbar" as he deliberately runs people over and shoots them.
I'd say you're pretty safe to go with Islam as the primary motivator in this one OP.
He literally yelled "ALLAHU ACKBAR". Witness and video evidence.
Fake weapons - Well, he had one real gun and just demonstrated that Islam can topple high scores with vehicles and box cutters like nobodies business.
>Bangladesh July 1, 2016 – Gunmen killed 20 hostages. 13 hostages were rescued, two police officers, and six terrorists were killed. One terrorist is in custody. ISIL has claimed responsibility
Ivan, your reporting hides a very important fact (that is getting next to no coverage in the Western media).
Gunmen TOOK HOSTAGES in Bangladesh. They did not kill them immediately.
They separated the Japanese and Italians away from the Muslims. Then over a period of several hours tortured them death with knives.
The guy literally shouted ALLAHU SNACKBAR then accelrated into the crowd. This happened after police fired on the vehicle.
Jewish media have censored it or cut that part out entiretly. I heard it just once on live kike media last night and its been edited since with a journalist speaking over it.
Here it is the video of the drive up:
You can hear it clearly at 0:14 and the body impacts and screams not long after.