
Thoughts on this casting choice?

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Who the actual fuck cares about batgirl?

It'll become the center of attention a few months before it releases, for better or worse.

You already know what we think.

No one. It's a blatant push to look progressive. Y'kno, since everyone loves Super Girl so much.

If they don't cast a fucking white redhead as Batgirl I swear to god I will do nothing and not care as the movie will be shit anyway.

>Joss 'The Cuck' Whedon

comic book faggots are such cucks to social justice shit its not even funny

At least she's hot.

>Cuck Whedon
>nigger actresses

All the things I don't give a shit about are in this thread right now

>turned Marvel movies into quipfests
>gonna do the same to DC

Only if they're doing killing joke and it's going to focus on the actual (((rape(implied)))) of barbara

fuck you
>Morgan is of Irish and Mexican descent

I hope they pick a shitty actor in the name of diversity and this shit flops hard.

Irish are the negro of Europe

Irish and Mexican are both semi-nigger tier. 1+1=2

>Raven becomes a millionaire capeshit actress
>Clarke is reduced to giving cheeky titwanks for vegemite just so she doesn't starve to death
best timeline

looks like apologize-posting is back on the menu


yeah, could tell on The 100 that she's fit

I'd have to see her feet.


mmm i hope that pusy is on the menu

If its not a red head white girl i aint going to see it.

>this is canon now

>Google it out of curiosity
>turns out The 100 is as bad as iZombie with sneaking in fetish shit

is a white man playing black panther?

This, I fucking hate that.

>tfw massive racist
>tfw Sup Forums-tards are going to bully your 100fu

Dear God, not Barabara Gordo, no one cares about her as Batgirl.

DC just spent the last 5 yrs learning that.

This. Same thing with wonder woman.

doesn't mean the film can't be good

>Whedon currently in talks to write, direct, and produce a movie that already has a cast

>the joker is a rapist meme
the Joker is above that, he´s the fucking clown prince of crime from Gotham, not a meth addicted redneck from a shit town

1 less obese single 40 yrs old at the cienma

Cast her please.

Not that I expect any good scenes with Cuck Whedon directing.

Why is it so hard to get a redhead to play a redhead? Why do (((they))) hate us?

But who will play the tranny roommate?

1. Not his call
2. clickbait galore.

Harley fucking Quinn is more popular than those 2.

>Get the director who ruined age of ultron and is a well known feminist
>Give him Batgirl
I don't understand what D.C. Is doing

joss whedon directing does

lmao I knew it right from the start a black woman would be getting involved in this somehow.

It's a leftover hero that none of their already hired directors wanted.

Joss Whedon and his bbf Anita from Feminist frequency.

She'd have to be mulatto atleast. JK Simmons is already cast as Gordon. So it can't get worse than than a mulatto. No matter how hard cuck extraordinaire shills for an all-out nigger, Snyder's already blocked him on that front.

>casts a half-breed
Wow, I'm shocked.


Hollywood hates white people now. Whats new

>All redheads must die
What did they mean by this?

Redhead is a recessive trait that comes from white people procreating. Of course such a trait is the number 1 enemy of SJWs.

With the Lego movie doing it and now Batgirl live action doing it, she'll be black in DC canon soon enough

Fucking jews.

>comics have tons of redhead qts
>make them all mulattos or that ugly GoT actress for the movies

Harley Quinn is literally and unironically the biggest female superhero in the world

It's actually kind of mind-boggling that after almost a century of trying to push female-centric comics SHE'S the one that takes off

I'm ok with this.

How the fuck do you make a batgirl movie without the Robins first?

>Another redhead bites the dust
What has Hollywood against redheads?

Because Harley Quinn was popular and WB has no fucking clue what they're doing

Didn't you see BvS?

A Nightwing movie is just fine. Fuck off Robin cucks.

>when filthy casuals that only know comics from movies and wikis try to get offened about Batgirl not being white
>yet still thinks their outrage is valid

Fuck off Sup Forums everyone hates you.

I wouldn't mind it if this was Cassandra Cain Batgirl but everybody knows this is about Barbara Gordon Batgirl.

>to get offened about Batgirl not being white
No, we get offended when BARBARA GORDON isn't white, I don't mind if you put Cassandra like at all in fact I prefer her rather than Banilla Gordon

Gal Gadot in suicide watch.

they should get a man who thinks hes a woman to play batgirl - they wanna be progressive right?

Harley is one of the only female characters that's both feminine and self-actualized

She values fun and romance and freeing her inhibitions more than a humorless drudge like Wonder Woman or Gamora, but she's also not a helpless waif damsel in distress that exists solely to burden male characters around her like Mary Jane or Lois Lane

The only other major character I can think of that checks both those boxes simultaneously is Catwoman, and well, she's always been a popular DC comics mainstay too, hasn't she? Maybe she would have been a better franchise character if Halle Berry hadn't shit in the litterbox.

than she gets her ass beat by Joker when one of his plans dont go well. before and after that she is constantly berated by her puddin. she is not a good female role model.

Catwoman is coming back

"Role model" doesn't come into it. The Punisher is quite possibly the worst role model in the history of comics and look how many people love him.

In recent years she's been promoted into a full-fledged superhero in her own right, but it's telling that even when she was a glorified henchman she captured public imagination because she had so much personality and she occasionally got to shoot somebody or bludgeon them with a croquet mallet

she got popular because she was hot and Bruce Timm hit all the right buttons. the voice/costume/being super sub
Frank atleast you can see the good he does. he takes out criminal scum.
Harley just is around being a useless crazy(eye candy) batgirl for joker.

Batgirl is a red head and her name is Barbara Gordon, not Maria de la Beaner.

Irrelevant, Joss can pull it off. I would prefer Rose Leslie palying the part though...

In "recent" years Batgirl has become an interesting character, and so have some of the Robins. If the writers are not afraid to take the character where the comic character is it could prove, at the very least, to be different from all the regular cape shit both marvel and DC are doing.

I wager it would be more akin to how Netflix series are handled.

>DC can't do quipkino-

Gotham is under attack by a rampaging titty monster and the only way Batgirl can defeat her is by milking her until she calms down

>she got popular because she was hot
Be honest. ^This is the correct answer

That doesn't explain why 95% of female characters flop because all of them are hot

Women don't want to be superheroes. They just want to look good and to get fucked by clowns.

She literally looks darker skinned in-character on The 100 than she does IRL

Is it just the way that show is lit?

>she's also not a helpless waif damsel in distress

She is though. She is in a toxic relationship with an abusive man and suffers extreme Stockholm syndrome and BWS.

This is what their relationship actually is like...
Even if she does what he wants she is never good enough and after that fall she justifies him saying "she didn't get the joke".

The only moment Harley actually shows strength was when she left him and she only had the strength to do so because she was pregnant and she knew that if she stayed with her pudding he would beat her so much that the baby would die.

The old 'mystery meat' casting choice.

Good. Very good.

Not true. The problem with female leads today is that they are females for the sake of pushing a political empowerment agenda instead of being females because the story requires a female hero.

It backfires because Hollywood approach is basically limited to deliver a cardboard lead with boobs... which prevents any kind of dramatic development most times.

Joss is not gonna make that mistake though, he gave us Buffy, he knows what he is doing.

There is a risk he'll pussy out and be afraid of writing the character in an interesting way. He got such major backlash with the avengers for giving the black widow any flaws so he might not dare to include anything interesting in her character out of fear of autistic feminist rage.

Kat McNamara?

Dropped the show in early S3, but i always liked Raven. Best girl.

continue. i agree that s3 was shit but they stepped up in s4

>rumours about Jena Malone being Barbara Gordon in BvS
>tfw it was just a minor role in the Extended cut

>best girl
>not Lexa

Are we finally getting a female fit for a role in a DC movie?

I'm OK with this, her body is TIGHT


With all that armour on she might have well been an anerexic

>best girl

Harper is best girl

>best girl


Blacks with red hair look like cockroaches

IMO batgirl has a much better chance to make it than wonderwoman

didn't expect her to be so muscly

Raven is cool, I like her I have no problem she being batgirl, she will do great.

I wonder how he manages to piss off SJW's while pandering to them this time.
>I really wish Warner Bros. would make a Batgirl movie
said nobody ever

I think he'll come trough and won't be afraid to take the character to where she needs to be because the source itself actually enables him to do so.

I mean if he dares to cripple her, which i have no doubt he will, who would complain about a woman that is strong enough to reinvent herself and keep fighting after that?

Who would complain about a Maggie Fitzgerald like character that comes back from it? Not women because you certainly don't get a better developed stronger woman than that.

Batgirl turning into Oracle is no doubt the movie that Joss would do if the creative control is his and it's honestly the only batgirl movie that would matter not only because it allows for feminism well done but because it's an interesting story on itself.

He just have to follow the source material to get away with it and in the process he would also fullfill his agenda and deliver a good movie.

There is no downside if he plays this right.
