Can women direct good movies?

Can women direct good movies?

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American Psycho

I like Agnes Varda too but that's a terrible pic of her.

Lol why would we direct? Editing is where the magic really happens.

Pro tip: I bet your favourite film was edited by a woman.

Gia and Sofia Coppola are the only ones coming to mind

Short answer: no.
Long answe: fuck no

Lost in Translation was terrible.
>oh I'm sad and lonely fur no reason waaaah


Seven Beauties (1975)

Stfu simple minded pleb

Did you IMDB your favourite film to check my claim yet, pissbaby?

Inbefore you conveniently change your favourite film to one edited by a man.

>I bet your favourite film was edited by a woman.
With equipment/software designed, created and manufactured by men.

Meant for
But my point still stands.

>The tool is responsible for the creative end product

I didn't think women browsed Sup Forums. No wonder it's so full of bad taste, star wars and capeshit.

I don't even give a rat's ass about all this identity politics horsecrap but goddamn you're stupid.

You're rather defensive about this. Please calm down.

Very good read, but I bet no one will actually bother opening the link, let alone read the article.

>with men that were ejected from a vagina

Great male director/female film editor partnerships (and select highlights):

D.W. Griffith/Rose Smith (with husband James Smith and others)
The Birth of a Nation (1915)
Intolerance (1916, uncredited)
Way Down East (1920, uncredited)

D.W. Griffith/Margaret Booth (1915-1921)
Orphans of the Storm (1921)
[others without credit]

Cecil B. DeMille/Anne Bauchens (1915-1956; 41 films)
Cleopatra (1934)
The Greatest Show on Earth (1952)
The Ten Commandments (1956)

John Ford/Dorothy Spencer (1939-1952; 3 films)
Stagecoach (1939)
My Darling Clementine (1946)
What Price Glory (1952)

Martin Scorsese/Thelma Schoonmaker (1967-present; 23 films)
Raging Bull (1980)
GoodFellas (1990)
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Peter Bogdanovich/Verna Fields (1968-1974; 4 films)
Targets (1968)
What's Up, Doc? (1972)
Paper Moon (1973)

Steven Spielberg/Verna Fields (1974-1975; 2 films)
The Sugarland Express (1974)
Jaws (1975)

Arthur Penn/Dede Allen (1967-1976; 5 films)
Bonnie & Clyde (1967)
Little Big Man (1970)
The Missouri Breaks (1976)

Sidney Lumet/Dede Allen (1973-1978; 3 films)
Serpico (1973)
Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
The Wiz (1978)

Alan J. Pakula/Marion Rothman (1978-1979; 2 films)
Comes a Horseman (1978)
Starting Over (1979)

Francis Ford Coppola/Lisa Fruchtman (1979-1990; 2 films)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
The Godfather, Part III (1990)

Woody Allen/Susan E. Morse (1979-1998; 22 films)
Manhattan (1979)
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989)

Francis Ford Coppola/Anne Goursaud (1982-1992; 3 films)
One from the Heart (1982)
The Outsiders (1983)
Dracula (1992)

George Lucas/Marcia Lucas (1973-1983; 3 films)
American Graffiti (1973)
Star Wars (1977)
Return of the Jedi (1983)

David Lynch/Mary Sweeney (1992-2001; 4 films)
Lost Highway (1997)
The Straight Story (1999)
Mulholland Dr. (2001)

Quentin Tarantino/Sally Menke (1992-2009, 7 films)
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Inglourious Basterds (2009)

Holy shit user eternally BTFO

You're right. Nobody gives a shit.


Straub-Huillet and Vertov-Svilova

Fucking kek

I like American Psycho but that's the extent of it