Robert DeNiro played Frankenstein

>Robert DeNiro played Frankenstein

Why was this allowed?

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Kenneth Branagh was Frankenstein. Deniro was the beast.

Jesus Christ, OP

>calling the Monster 'Frankenstein'

Oh dear.

Memes aside, which film is the most "faithful" adaptation of Shelley's novel?

OP's mom

I haven't seen the most recent but out of all of them this one was. Still had its stupid shit that never happened in it but most of the plot points and characters are in it

>Mary Shelley's on top of that

Who was beauty?

Frankenstein =/= Frankenstein's Monster

not you

This one

Creature =/= Monster

Blackenstein (1973)

>five minute scene of shirtless, oiled up Branagh dragging a corpse around the lab

what did he mean by this

Then he became Dr Frankenstein and bred his monstrous autistic kids

End thread.

I know it's hard to believe, but when the movie was made, De Niro was still considered as a respected actor and his name could convince the public to watch a film.

look at that stitching and think about how impractical it would be. instead of using a whole head they have stitches along the iris and scars in edgelord patterns. embarrassing.

I couldn't get past the start of this movie, Branagh is so fucking hammy

Shelley copy the golem though
That's why FrnakensTEIN

>De Niro was still considered as a respected actor and his name could convince the public to watch a film.
that was never the case. his biggest box office success was the fockers(or meet the fockers? the first movie with ben stiller). all of his movies prior to that made less money.

The "monster" is basically his son. That means it's name is _______ Frankenstein. People often call somebody by their surname as a nickname or sign of respect so there you go. The "monster" IS Frankenstein.
Sup Forums BTFO.! lol

>Not Demon/Fiend/Wretch/It

Top pleb.

Frankenstein isn't the monsters name it's the doctors.

>that part where it goes full michael bay and Elizabeth catches fire and the place explodes

>being this retarded

Does it hurt?

Young Frankenstein

Why did he migrate to the Arctic, bros?

>"Well ackualeee..."

i recently watched this, it was good, really good when it was just the monster. its like the director was trying to make it an action so they made everything super breakable, like that mansion went up in flames like the walls were made out of oil or puppies.