If you could watch any two actors have a sex scene in a movie who would you watch?

If you could watch any two actors have a sex scene in a movie who would you watch?

Me? Robert DeNiro and Dustin Hoffman.

Zsa Zsa Gabor + Andre the Giant

Kirk Douglas and Dafne Keen

pic related

Warwick Davis and Danny DeVito

ASR and the guy who played Black Panther in Civil War

Aidan Gillen and Tom Hardy

Delete this

Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas

Mel Gibson and Idris Elba

Hayley Atwell and Elizabeth Olsen.

Christina Hendricks and pre reduction Ariel Winter

>they're literally all same sex

Fine then, Big Show and Bridget the Midget. Happy now?

In the hit gay comedy...
Big Guys For You

Muh dick

You misunderstand, friendo. I fully endorse this.
More gay sex scenes between high profile actors in big budget movies is a fucking dream

it already happened with jennifer connelly blowing keith david

leo dicaprio brad pitt and jonah hill

Christopher reeve and Tim curry
