Webm Thread


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fuck off newfag



hold your breath


What is that from ?

Ok filename is the movie. I'll go off myself.



>Not fucking every black guys sister







the handmaiden

is this what girl sleep overs are like?

what else are they going to do, talk about video games?

handmaiden. good shit. watch it


littererly the best cheeting revenge you could EVER get

What is the Asian girl's name saw this before,








Holy fuck the things I would do to Sean Faris even with that fucking weird haircut




I just saw the trailer,seems like the entire movie is set in the bedroom and who is the Asian? The other guys girl?

this fucking movie.....


Men Who Stare at Goats

this it's trash, don't watch it

I've heard. It looked like some kind of Hunter S. Thompson movie from the characters, but oh well.


lies, the movie is great. The jokes are a bit on the esoteric side.



It's not trash

it's pretty decent and all the actors appear to be having fun, Clooney especially

I agree with


>she wants dat BWC


cool, the white guy got an upgrade

scene looks dumb as fuck though, much like this one

>explosion is in the foreground
it landed exactly where it was supposed to

All asians crave it

Yeah it was faked and included some very sneaky editing to make the launch last longer than it was;


>that tiny white puff of smoke at impact






hows war & peace fàm?

how much Dano is in it?


It's pure telekino

Dano's in quite a lot. Probably the most out of any of the cast. idk if you're familiar with the story, Dano plays kind of a beta cuck but he's great in the role


post Emilia from GoT

nah, my knowledge of history is spotty at best, it's the one thing I really need to brush up on badly knowledge-wise

and cool, I love me some Dano, gonna download now, cheers nigga

AFAIK the main characters are fictional, or only inspired by real people so it's not really historical. But ofc there are some historical events in it like Napoleon invading Russia


meant for this to reply to you fäm

Any rape webms?


>tfw possibly my most hated part of the show as they were fucking awful
>those A++ tits


although I don't think even those tis could save what a slog season 5 was

the only thing that was good in this horrible season and """""subplot"""""


What movie

damn i couldn't do it






This is a music video, isn't it? Why can't it be a real porn?









What's this?
Straight out of Compton was better than I expected desu. But it was still them going dindu for 2 hours. Still entertaining.


Is this what it means to be a reverse cuck?



Man Castle was the best

i miss that show
