I think India would win

I think India would win.

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Bullshit. We have nukes.

A pooping in the street contest, maybe. Or cricket.

So do they. Just nowhere near as many.

In what field hockey?

They dont have ICBMs. Done.

Win at Slurpee machine clean up?

In 20 years, the USA hasn't been able to defeat a few thousand semi-organized inbred goat fuckers with 50 year old AK's. They wouldn't stand a fucking chance against the street shitters.

Indians make more money per capita in the US than ANY other ethnic group. They would win. These aren't stupid people.

Americans are 90% retards.

India can't even handle Kashmiri separatists.

Nobody likes you and your women ignore you

That's because Americans are cowards. They just drop bombs, but they're afraid of actually fighting.

Remember Vietnam (unless you're a product of the American education system)? They got chased out of a jungle by farmers.

In a shitting on the street contest?
No doubt

The U.S also manage to win two world Wars on different fronts simultaneously. Can you name any Indian military accomplishments

Haven't you been to Portland? Antifa could beat all of India in a second of street shitting. Toilets are apparently fir the rich in Portland.

Like 100 years ago.

You must be proud.

Plus Russia win Wii. America swooped in after to save face.

Portland, try San Francisco they have an app for all the piles of shit.

This, but
Also this

They'd win by stealing all of our social security numbers.

Lol panjeet keep on dreaming!
Even Kashmir issue you unable to solve, you're thousand years to become lik USA.

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what if those ICBMs needed tech support

>C.A. Callcenters Of America, India Alliance year 0012 (2044).

>yes this is Jay-sun
>err....right, anyway...
>can I please have your >addressnamephonumberpleas

I have no idea what you are saying.in the second half.
But can any one name a single Indian military accomplishment.
No you probably have to Google it to get one.
And if you want a more present one for America I would have to say operation desert storm is a great one.

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Learn how to not poo in the loo the we can acknowledge you!

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>A great one
>vets shaking from killing iraqi kids.
>peaceful integrity.
>but we stopped Dick Taters again!

Hahaha, you won? All credits go to Russia in WWII. I see your american “education“ shinning ...

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When did Russia win a Nintendo Wii? Did l miss something?

Panjeet stop being mad after your citizenship application being rejected and start shitposting about American.

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Haha this actually made me laugh.
GG you guys win
Also dude I cannot understand your English.

India has bigger army then US, US doesn't even stand a chance here.

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You have to comfortably feed your people before you can consider war, let alone war with the usa this is a shit post you could smell that Indian army from 6 clicks away

A counter idea.

Would be Zerg v. Protoss, in gaming terms

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but why India still can't have a peace and solve the Kashmir issue with Pakistan?

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Your clearly a euro fag, did u forget there was more than Nazi Germany? Did you forget the Americans helped free west Europe as Russia cleared east, the Berlin wall ring a bell?

more soldiers does not mean a better army.
20 dacias vs 1 tank who wins? same logic

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The u.s is the most advanced military on earth.
It doesn't if there army is bigger.
Who would win 5 guys with m16s or 50 people with sticks.

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In just few more month, that statistic will be nothing but history as India will surpass the us china japan in capital and technologies.

Call us when you decide to join the rest of the modern world.

>Pajeet and co stuck on sun continent
>Carriers bomb the fuck out of the pathetic Navy and air Force they actually have
>3 million shit slingers now can't get off the shitty continent
>China sees a week India and grabs a shit ton of land
>The proud pajeets do not surrender
>Park Navy offshore and bomb city centers till 1 billion becomes 200 million
> If they dare attempt to nuke navy turn India into a glass parking lot
Win/win honestly

wait wait.... indian is unable to make enough toilets or condoms for their people and it would win pooping on the streets war.
PS. Indian Prime minister is former street tea vendor with no formal education. and not to mention Known Terrorist member of RSS Part of Hindu nationalist who believes in complete religious and raise cleansing, in his career he orders killing for man, woman, children of any other faiths that is not Hindu in span of 3 days over 2k people were killed.
So yeah nice try wonna be hitler!
Per, 2017 Harvard university research shows, india have most (weakest)coward men on planet earth.



trust me indians are hella dumb cookie cutter shit. no self awareness, woman stink and men are weaker then weman

underrated analogy

In total war we would of wiped the map of these idiots in a week. Our problem is doing dumb shit like nation building where you can't kill civilians with enemies that have no problem hiding among them.

Why? The US and India are pretty tight. Certainly there are more realistic fantasy wars to discuss like India versus Pakistan.

I used to DJ for the US Army when they had base parties.

Seriously: half drugged out niggers and the other half are jugheads. Thry would lose any war they initiated.


don't fuck with my nag champa, mothafacko


How the fuck does that work?

Learn history faggot