1. ur cunt

1. ur cunt
2. do people there remove memorials to historical figures?

>that pic

you might aswell reunite with the u.k again

are you a commie or something?

Not in my city at least

Yes, some people are pushing for a name change for "Lenin's park"

Nope, we want to remember when we came from even if we don't like it.


Hopefully soon

That building is beautiful, why would someone tear it down?

>Sup Forums thread in disguise

why are you so terrified of Sup Forums?


1. Flag
2. Yes, if they were commies

kill yourself

Nazi collaborators get a pass in Poland?

fascist architect has no place in the world


Absolutely not.


and we replaced it with a giant steel pole for some reason..

we barely have any monuments whatsoever, why would we tear them down?

They don't have any memorials