I would

I would.

Pick yours.

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Jesus what is that thing 2nd in from the left on the top row?

If this was real life the Asian guy on the far left would be dating the white girl on the botton far right


The book of upper right corner.

Sleep tight black man.

Oy vey.

who's te qt reading?

I didn't know white people were a minority in New York.

to be fair this is bascally the Bronx Science or Brooklyn Tech of real life high school in NYC, and would most likely happen. 1% niggers in that school. Its all asians, pajeets and smart white kids

I choose this one.

>yfw they're just friends

Also, all 26 year old pretending to be highschoolers.

lol the jew kids

this butthurt that attractive white girls love asian guys.

Why would she be into little dicks though?


They practically are in Queens.


stop thinking about dicks all the time

But I'm gay.

why isn't there a single attractive person in this shot

If you find that attractive your standards are pathetically low.

nice you know how to read

I want Zendaya's feet in my mouth.

Reading? WTF? She is so weird and unattractive

I would NEVER fuck a girl who reads





More like 31


Why the jews

It's hollywood, they're probably the producers kids

Just your typical 12 year old Syrian refugee

What the fuck do jews actually go around looking like that? I thought it was some parody shit.

Oh my god

That's 8 year old Jaysen Bournjaili

But Parker is actually the Chadest of Chads. He even almost cucks Luke Cage

>It's hollywood, they're probably the producers

Trust funds matured early. Lets go and spend Rothschild inheritance on another Spiderman movie Chaim!

Hell yeah Schlomo!

now see i like where this is going

Ultimate Rabbi Moishe Shekelstein

Fat bitch could be Meg. Spiderman family Guy crossover

Originally their holy scripture said that men should wear beards. 2000 years and a load of mistranslations later they read it as "you shouldn't cut your sidecurls. EVER!". There are many Orthodox jews in New York and they literally do what's in the scripture and never question it. They have other even dumber rules though.


i genuinely like how kikes dont have to deal with women on their periods

thats some wisdom right there

christcucks could learn a lot

If I ever saw one of these live I probably couldn't resist the temptation to run up to them and pull from their sidecurls. Or maybe go and sneakily cut one side off.

Where did all the Asians come from?


That was really funny user!

>Human Bondage

Thanks bro, I try.



Why are they all so ugly

Its about an orphan or someshit so she'll want to befriend Peter cause hes an orphan or someshit :^)

Producers hit you over the head with metaphors because you watch capeshit and aren't intelligent :^)


I choose Aunt May.

Of course I'll do it all the time