So, I've talked to my piece of shit of a cousin many times about IASIP, showed him scenes and all...

So, I've talked to my piece of shit of a cousin many times about IASIP, showed him scenes and all,, but he refuses to watch it because he says they're always overreacting to stuff, screaming at each other and that people don't behave like that irl.

What should I do to convince him it's a good show?


just let it go
who cares what someone else watches
just rape your cousin and move on

Maybe respect that his taste and opinions differ from yours.

male cousin

It's not a good show. The humor is akin to Rick and Morty. Reddit trash.

That changes nothing

Kys and demand he watch it in your note. He won't but everyone is better off.

>he doesn't like what I like what do I do to make him like what I like?

I would start screaming at him like they do in the show to convince him that people actually do overreact like that in real life. Flawless plan.

>people don't behave like that
While that's untrue tell us shows he does watch that are all based 100% in what he thinks reality is.

>getting mad because people like something different

this is pure distilled Sup Forums autism usually confined to capeshit war threads.

leave your cousin alone you insufferable cunt.

The Sopranos and The Wire
He didn't even watch it. He just saw some scenes on youtube.

This desu.

He like any sitcoms?

let it go
people are different

some people just don't like what you like. If you showed him some scenes on youtube because you thought they would make him want to watch the show, and they didn't, then what does that tell you?

That's right. He's not going to like the show. Anyway why do you care?

HIMYM years ago but I don't think he's ever finished it. and I recently showed him Atlanta, which he liked

But he's right? They DO do that. The question is whether you find it funny or not.

What the fuck is your problem, OP?

>people don't behave like that irl
is your cousin autistic?

well OP definitely is, does autism run in families?


>You ever been in a storm Wally?
