What's some essential right-wing kino? serious answers please

What's some essential right-wing kino? serious answers please

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Straight Outta Compton

>mfw can't think of any right-wing kino


Watch some Charles Bronson's.

gods not dead

>inb4 that absolute fucking piece of shit Falling Down

is that a screencap from the upcoming dark tower movie? this guy looks like roland

Passion of the Christ

The Incredibles

The Wolf of Wallstreet
Boyz in da Hood

Those are the only right-wing wish fulfillment movies I can think of.

Red Dawn

every nolan film

Reactionaries don't make good art. Why bother?

this. Mel Gibson is awake.


Death Wish

Hacksaw Ridge


They belong in high impact leadership positions, not art

You wouldn't want Whedon to be a General or CEO just as you wouldn't want to watch a movie by Patton


Death Wish

Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters


Surely anything by Michael Bay is right wing? Seeing as he has such a massive hard on for the military and the police?

Has he really been able to penetrate hollywood that deeply without anyone figuring it out yet?

Best post. Unironically kino

Problem Child 2

Home Alone.

>Dirty Harry
>Right wing

I am curious as to how your reached this conclusion. He's a cop who takes feelings over rules.

>he thinks disliking criminals is right wing

that's just being normal

Army Dog

The Young Pope


this to be honest

When people were talking about "le rapists and criminals Donaldy Drumpfty" I just pulled the line from the movie and told them a mile south of Texas they're cutting people's heads off with chainsaws and throwing them in vats of acid

Shut them up to because they've probably seen vids of that shit too

Judge Dredd is a left leaning super authoritarian. John Wagner, his creator, even stated this. Dredd is literally all for diversity and has been since around his inception. The Judge system even allows religion (there's a Psi-Judge Pajeet called Omar).

The early comics were centered around Dredd's reaction to conservatist concerns. The comics have always made Dredd make chumps out of rightists in the form of satire. Only people who have a glance at him think he's a fascist. He's just anti-democracy.

Why the fuck do people keep attributing 2000AD to right wing biased? They're left wing biased.

>Gazillion replies.
>no Leni posted.

why are Sup Forums weenies such fucking plebs

the film is the plebbiest medium of art and they can't even be cultured in it

The Dark Knight Rises

Greatest story never told featuring begbie as hitler


>Wagner Moura and Josè Padilha are leftists
Really makes me think

London has fallen


The Dark Knight Rises, OP


>I didn't get it's actually satire

While we're at it Robocop and Starship Troopers

>London has fallen
>"go back to Fuckheadistan or wherever it is you're from"

Triumph of the Will

what's funny is that the guy who directed it is Iranian

Death Wish

>national SOCIALISTS
>right wing
begone cuck

True Lies of course

those hands are monstros

>the hustler
>the good the bad the ugly
>most Scorsese films

The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie

Air Force One

>full govt control over industry
>right wing
American public education

This so much, that movie triggered critics everywhere.
Doesn't matter when the source material is quite obviously conservative.

You guys don't understand what the left and the right actually are

I still remember when that movie came out and my family was talking about they didn't realize Jews were responsible for Jesus' death

No you don't. You think right wing = racism because you're a reddit fag who grew up with leftist indoctrination in our public education system. It's very simple:
>left-wing = full govt control (Marxism, totalitarianism)
>right-wing = no govt control (free market, anarchy)

But I'm guessing your definition is:
>left-wing = freedom and happiness
>right-wing = evil racist
Basically you're an idiot

Then why does right wing want the government to control gay marriage and abortions?

What you described as right wing is liberatarian, which itself isn't by default "right or left" wing.

you do not understand right nor left wing definitions.

please finish high school

Starship Troopers
American History X
Hacksaw Ridge

They don't, the left does. Right wingers don't want the govt involved in marriage at all. They believe it is a religious, symbolic gesture. Left wingers are the ones who inserted govt into our marriages. Left wingers are the ones who govt to force Christians ( only christians, not Muslims) to perform gay marriage with the threat of being jailed.

You're retarded.

Right wing = embracing human inequality
Left wing = embracing human equality

Go back to school kid

The fuck is a "reactionary" exactly? Is that comparable to sjw/liberal meltdowns over trivial shit?

Explain it then.

Also libertarianism= right wing, you goofball.

>Ten seconds of looking shit up on wikipedia is too much to ask of me...

>Right-wing politics hold that certain social orders and hierarchies are inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable,[1][2][3] typically defending this position on the basis of natural law, economics or tradition.[4](p693, 721)[5][6][7][8][9][page needed] Hierarchy and inequality may be viewed as natural results of traditional social differences [10][11] or the competition in market economies.[12][13] The term right-wing can generally refer to "the conservative or reactionary section of a political party or system."

>Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality.[1][2][3][page needed][4] It typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others (prioritarianism), as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished (by advocating for social justice).[1] The term left wing can also refer to "the radical, reforming, or socialist section of a political party or system".

You're a "reactionary" if a tranny sticks xir penis in your face and you don't suck it. You are being "reactionary" to "progress".


Screw you,you prude. Falling Down is ace. But it isn't Right Wing at all. if anything it's nihilistic as hell. Call it post right/left wing.

Gibson looks like burger king

>right wingers believe in natural selection
>left wingers believe in govt mandated "equality" (equality being whatever they define it as)
So in other words, right wingers don't think govt should control society, and left wingers want govt to have full control over our actions and our minds?

Thanks for proving my point, reddit.

Came here to post Kurosawa. Very traditional and nationalistic. I Live In Fear is pure kino.

They're pretty right wing in Iran.

Was this before or after Night of the Long Tampons?

So I guess the right wingers also dont want the government to interfere with who gets to come to their country? So Donald Trump and 99% of the republican party are secretly left wingers?

Please do yourself a favor and educate yourself on what being "right" means. I get that currently its counterculture being "right" but if your fundamental beliefs are not at all right wing (which I can only assume yours arent), it doesnt make a lot of sense.

>ITT: people who don't know what right wing means
Attaching your own political beliefs and narratives to films you like is fucking retarded and who even gives a shit

Left wing=forcing equality despite dismal failure over and over and over.

Maybe we shouls go back to school,clearly the cerebral suds didn't work.

If Kurosawa was white then he would be deemed "problematic" by the anti-white liberal white Americans.

Are westerns right-wing?

I agree

Correct. But replace left wing with right wing and equality with inequality and youre correct again.

lack of government as a right-wing thing is an exclusively american thing really.

One is forced. The other is a naturally occuring phenomena

Right wingers believe that if the left wasn't offering mass gibs to third worlders, then they wouldn't be coming here. Do you really think 30 million+ Mexicans would've came if there was no welfare? Do you find it odd that this mass immigration of non-working, welfare seekers began the same year that LBJ created the "great society" expirement?

mostly, albeit non-spaghetti ones

there's a reason why the genre was kinda buried

Its not an american thing. The amount of government and being left or right wing just has nothing to do with each other.

>Stalinists are left wing that wants more government
>Anarchists are left wing who want less government
>Libertarians (most of them anyways) are right wing who want less government
>Conservatives are right wing who want more government

Thats correct. But natural obviously doesnt straight up mean better than forced. Else say hello to being a tribalist...

Gosh Mr I don't want to suck a tranny penis.

>anarchists are left wing
Hello pleddit.

The Outlaw Josey Wales

this guy gets it.

besides dichotomy of right vs. left is just a sm0ke and mirrors sham tactics to get you distracted of actual politics and instead just virtue signal like a fucking low iq retard

Fucking reactionary shitlord. It's fucking current year already. Throw away your 15th century Victorian values.

(Yes I know Victorian era was 19th century, I'm making fun of redditintellectuals)

about any Eastwood directed western really, barring Unforgiven which is mostly neutral

Babe,we are tribalist. That is the end result of multiculturalism.

Every John Ford Western ever.
It's A Wonderful Life
Mary Poppins

To Kill A Mockingbird
Swiss Family Robinson

he's such a big guy wtf, how did they ever pull this off.

Higher Learning and Do the Right Thing will push you away from the left or push you so far to the left you'll wake up sandwiched between two effiminate black guys in dragonball z shirts.

Those are all left leaning.

Enjoy being a high IQ retard caught in the crossfire of giant warring political factions.