Today I watched Ghost in the Shell. What do you think about it?

Today I watched Ghost in the Shell. What do you think about it?

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It's shit

Haven't seen it

If it was made by intelligent people who were actually trying, and actually cared, it still would only have had a small chance of living up to its source material. But instead it was made by hack frauds cashing in on a semi-recognizable property.
Now they're fucking with anime, what's next? A live action western Ninja Scrolls?

>watched ghost in the shell
>still thinks there is an 'i'

there weren't many people in cinema. Wonder why.

>A live action western Ninja Scrolls?

I would pay all the money to see this done well but fuck my life Hollywood would force Kagero as a love interest even though the MC turned down fucking her even if it meant saving his life.

i'm going to watch this in a few hours, i'm hyped.

i'm expecting a dumb action movie with cool visuals.

yea, it's simplified


it doesn't have the dececy to be a dumb action flick. prepare for boring dialogue, references that only make sense if you know the series and if you do they make no sense and establishment shot. SO. MANY. ESTABLISHMENT SHOTS.

I doubt they'd let The Thing clean her cervix out with his tongue either.

It was ok

Pretty much this.

Probably shit. Will most likely never watch it because of prejudice.

It wasn't that bad. A decent popcorn flick that might get people who aren't necessarily interested in philosophical cyborgs to watch this and sequels.
There needs to be a Batou/ Togusa story around Innocence wince it's miles better than GitS anyway.

I hate Scarjo so I'll do it with low expectations.

She wasn't completely bad, but personally I think Rebecca Ferguson looks like the character more and is a better actress

That's exactly why I hate her, she's ugly and is a shit actress, everything played by her is always better played by anyone else.

I agree that the movie is KINDA riding on her screen presence, but if they wanted a better lead actress, Ferguson would have been perfect in every way, and she would have looked better in the skin tight thermoptic suit

I hear the ending was a big fuck you to the whitewashing controversy

She's one of those overrated actor that herself in this position because of shit movies, it's especially ironic with her because she got famous because of a series of children's movies

If I never saw the original GitS, will I enjoy it?

It is, but some people are getting even more butthurt because they think its even worse to have an Asian girl become white than to just change the character completely.

Yes, but you'd get more enjoyment for the minor details of the characters if you've watched the films.

>establishment shot. SO. MANY. ESTABLISHMENT SHOTS.
sounds like the oshii film desu

>25 years later
>Hundreds of millions of dollars
>Still nowhere near the source material both visually and story wise
Where did we go wrong, Sup Forums?

It's movie as fuck

It's clear whoever made it cared a great deal about the source material. There are many nods to SAC, Second gig and Innocence.

But the reality is they were forced to make a Hollywood action film lasting 90 mins. There is really not much you can do with that.

got a show starting in 50 minutes by me - should i go?????? user plz

just dub my shit up

With the way Hollywood is running it, mainstream action flicks will always be this way. Sad that they're the only ones with a big enough budget to do these kinds of films though.

>forced to make a Hollywood action film
If only
the movie is heavy on dialogue

>Ghost in the Shell



why she didn't go naked?

Wish it was R and that was her nude body.

why are the lower parts of the legs colored like that? seems like it's just made to recall women's leg socks or whatever those are called in english

fucking americans

It's a shame it's getting shit on, really.

Writing was weak and they made the ideas presented as easy-to-chew as possible for wider audiences, but from a visual standpoint it's beautiful, creative, and at the same time exists in awe of the original 95 movie and has a ton of respect for it. Lighting is great, and it was nice to see sci-fi fights that they actually bothered to hold the fucking camera still for.

It's not a 10/10 but nothing else looks like it and I think there's merit in that.


She wears those in the original because Shirow is a smutmonger.

post what you are talking about to show us your trueness

fucking japs

Spoiled for anime tiddies

You tell us you are the one who has watched it?

>PG-13 cash grab
I'll pass

holy shit Sup Forums and Sup Forumseddit BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

why not?! Your the one that watches wierd shit on Sup Forums too.


Live action Samurai Champloo is next.
Screencap this.

errr i am literally shaking in absolute internet nerd rage fashion. I just broke my keyboard with my knee as I type this. Make way Angry Joe/Razorfist, there's new angry guy on the internet in town. I typing this message to convey how excruciatingly angry I am. In case if you haven't noticed, I'm angry.

>this gif while listening to Initil D's Bang on the rocks.

Alita's already shooting

Reminder that anyone who didn't see the whitewashing plot twist coming is a fucking moron.

Akira directed by Jordan Peele is next, wish I was joking.


I saw it, it falls somewhere between "mediocre" and "okay".

It was basically just Robocop with the occasional visual throwback to the 1995 movie.

The plot twist is very amusing in light of the whitewashing controversy.

It was very pretty to look at, but like, that was it.

The script was shit, and the plot was somehow worse.

Also, what the fuck was with the literal NO BLOOD ANYWHERE

Even when obviously human characters were shot, no blood.

They haven't even made a first decent vidya movie and now they doing an anime?

Motoko is in a suit in the anime too.

PG 13 !!!!

Why was Movie "Covered for his sexual offender friend" Bob so triggered by the twist?

In the whole movie you could see how the society depicted was 100% multicultural with no racism. Shouldn't that be the ideal?

Is Motoko physically able to have sex with guys?

The screen was so visually busy it detracted from the movie. It felt like the movie had a lot of shots that were just excuses for adding cool looking background effects.

The giant hologram celebrities look fucking awful.

I don't know

Double Toasted were also offended by the twist. I personally think it was logical for sceintist to not make her body asian if they wanted to supress her momories. Also original director of the anime approved this movie.

I actually kind of liked the busy screen. Like, yeah, they did pack in the effects, but I guess a futuristic city is going to be busy as fuck, visually.

The giant hologram shiba inu made me burst out laughing

>The giant hologram shiba inu made me burst out laughing


The really unsubtle Honda product placement was embarrassing though.

I understand product placement is pretty much a necessary evil at this stage, but fucking hell.

Yeah, they fucked up big time here. The environments in the 1995 film had a really clear thematic presence and purpose, and compositionally the city was used really often to create a contrast between the people and the environment around them. It looks like they pretty much threw that idea out the window in the new movie.

Lewd and /ss/

I've actually seen a pirated cam rip. Its as bad as everyone assumed.


Could (you) at least try and stir up shit?

I saw it in theatres and it's not that bad.


Wow, I hate you.

That shit was the film's redeeming feature. The cityscapes and environments in general were great.


>live action samurai champloo
if wu tang clan made the soundtrack, I'd almost want this

t. Only watched the TV series

Mortal Kombat exists
only decent video game movie in existence, but it exists

PoP and Silent Hill are both a hundred miles ahead of MK.

I'm literally the movie and I was ok, please don't bully me.

Yes,Major is canon Japanese in the film before she became "Major"and her appearance is just the default model for the shell they created for her brain which is that of a japanese girl

No, she's in a suit in the 1995 movie

This is because the anime was created by artists, and the movie was created by directors. Live action will never ever fully capture an animated film.

The main comolaint about whitewashing by SHWs isn't representation or faithfulness to the character but "WAHH YOU COULD HAVE HIRED AN ASIAN ACTRESS STUPID WHITE BITCHES STEALING MY JOBS"

They don't care

You mean the one with nips all over the place?

Only if you're being pendantic and suggesting her body is a suit itself.

Instead of writing in a retarded plot twist that is a thinly veiled attack on whites they could have just fired a fucking Asian actress and made a faithful adaptation. But no, the Jew uses every chance he gets to spit venom at gentiles. No one in Hollywood gives a single fuck about making a good movie on its own merits.

No, I'm not being pedantic. She's literally in a skintight suit, although it's somewhat see through. See You can see it ripping.

ayy faggot

It's a suit user

Watch Stand-Alone Complex if you haven't, it's probably the best thing to have ever come out of the GitS franchise.

It looks cool and shit but that was the ugliest version of Japan i have ever seen in a movie.

Japanese cities are known to some as some of the most beautiful citys in the world and they dont need all that shit all over them.

EVERY FUCKING BUILDING had hooligrams on it.

Japan cities are already very condensed so i doubt they need even more junk to make the city seem even more compact than it already is.

I wonder if an actual Japanese residence would be okay if that was what the future of Japanese cities would look like.

its a suit
its just skin tight and skin coloured

Who is worse? Healey or that Sally Jane Black tranny-freak who makes every movie-review about how problematic everything is?
What is wrong with LB that people actually vote for what that creature has to say?

Literally just back from it.

I didn't like it, the dialogue was nothing but ham.

Some nice CGI backdrops, but inconsistent in quality.

Gimped by 13s rating. No bullet impact, it was like a tv movie where you would see the shot, hear the smoke, and then the guy would fall over. There's a part where Major shoots a guy, he falls on his back with a grenade, there's a close up of him. No bullet holes, no blood, nothing.

Lewd tbph

Healey because he's actually from this board

healey is from Sup Forums? someone should break his kneecaps with a pipe wrench for what he wrote in tha comment

With nipple detail

Under that "suit" is nothing but artificial muscle

Keke, did they really used cgi to make her look not fat?

That was HK you retard, not Japan