If you believe US propaganda about the South China Sea you are legally retarded

If you believe US propaganda about the South China Sea you are legally retarded

You guys literally made child porn illegal like two years ago.

Yup, retarded.

what propoganda are you refering to exactly?

What propaganda?
All i have heard is that China is trying to claim the sea at large by building small islands with minimal required assets to claim them, then claiming the surrounding waters. All of this because they have been fishing the waters traditionally for hundreds of years (like many countries).
Now the independent tribunal ruled against them, and they said a long timr ago they didn't care how they ruled. Philippines are mad but they have no army so they want US to do something?


We should own those gay islands fuck China and the other gooks, also why the fuck do they care about it so much?

If you believe China is an actual Country not a giant corporation you're even more retarded.

Now get fucked you sliding shitcunt.
Clinton foundation

Sovereignty is derived from force: local force (actor in question), regional force (confederations), remote force (actor abroad).

Sovereignty does not come from law. Law flows from sovereignty in tandem with culture. The efficacy of legal writ is based on the sovereignty of the entity either issuing or enforcing it.

To make it simple for you, nip: you buy big ten dorra lound eye gun, you be big supa sumo shit. Shity chinee man have rip off two dorra gun, but he have ten, he big sumo shit.

...but both of you slants are dependent upon the super sovereignty of the United States.

The guy you elected said killing your enemies is a victory for them...

Says the faggot who hasn't stepped outside his 4 cubic feet living place, covered in filth and jacking off to anime.

I come from a background where I see this first hand, if you don't believe it you're burying your head in the sand.

Praise be to kek

Rolin for criminal waifu

Law is only real if force is enforced


pls gib domestic violence qt

I can still see the image! Rolling

a nip defending my fellow chinks? what is happening?

Fuck you mods I finally got the roll I wanted and y'all delete it baka senpai

Potential oil reserves and making strategic military outposts.

So this is dick in crazy.

>implying you would rather have the soulless, empty Chinese insects ruling us instead of the BASED US of A
I for one would prefer not to have my organs forcibly harvested when the Chinese make me a political prisoner

I never said they should listen to the ruling just that it was made and they already said they would ignore it.
Didn't realize facts were propaganda :^)