What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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hmmm... really makes u think
How very progressive of him
Is is simply surrendering France to the Terrorists.
wtf i love terrorism now
[2 million votes to Marine Lepen]
>if we fight terrorism, it wins
What the fuck is Europes problem?
Best part yet to come.
>What did he mean by this?
sounds like a fucking dare to me
Christian pacifism taken to the extreme.
It really makes you think.
Does anyone else feel like the world has gone mad?
What will they think of us.
Inbreeding. It's time we send our bulls to enrich them.
Donald trump will cause the dominoes to fall. This shit needs to stop.
>What did he mean by this?
Allahu ackbar
>hey your family is dead
>just deal with it
Found article on original website
much of his constituency are muslim
really makes you think...
>France doing what they do best
>Giving up
It's time for France to get some real leaders again.
He means that the threat of terrorism is a fact of life in France, and French people need to learn this. He doesn't mean that they should accept terrorism or not fight it.
Am I on Sup Forums or Sup Forums? What the fuck happened to this board? Did you cough up the red pill?
One thing is for sure, they need them cheap labour workers and 80 or even 8000 won't stop them importing more hamburger purchasing power.
Here comes Sup Forums faggot patrol...
Merkel approves
See, that's the problem. NOBODY should ever say that people should get used to terrorism! Because terrorist attacks are not supposed to be something that happens!
If you accept it you fucking lose.
You are not to blame for that person killing someone, that person is to blame for killing someone.. PERIOD!
If muslims kill someone because they are offended, you shouldn't remove your first ammendment, you should remove them from your nation so that you can exercize your freedom of speech yet again.
Once you "get it" you'll laugh at how sadly accurate this is. This is pretty much exactly what the leftists are doing and what they use as their primary argument.
When you accept the demands of bully, it doesn't mean the bully stops being a bully.. It means it's not getting better from thereon unless you stop accepting the bullys demands and retaliate.
I loved that they called him a frenchman, born in Tunisia. French, born in Tunisia...
What mental gymnastics. At least french media is saying jihad and not 'truck of no religion attack'
I love you Hungary, I wish I could immigrate
>we broke their minds this hard
S-sorry. ;_;7
its just a byproduct of retarded liberal immigration
what a lovely society france now has... back when it was 99% white it was evil and racist...
Holy fuck what happened to the French that made them the ultimate cucks?
>I loved that they called him a frenchman, born in Tunisia. French, born in Tunisia...
notice how the leftist media always tries to say it's "one of us" that is causing the problem, therefore we can't be upset about it cause.. they're just like you and me breh..
Point and case jihadi john.. Muhammad Jassim Abdulkarim Olayan al-Dhafiri He's jihadi john, he's quintessentially british.. clearly UK males are the problem, don't you know that right wing extremist?
What else should they do exactly? Live with it I believe in this context just means realize the threat potential and stay on guard... to "fight" it.
It's worded stupidly but the actual content is just plain vacuous.
The French Revolution several hundred years ago?
>itt a bunch of in denial white cucks
It's over for us. Hopefully the bull we're assigned to will be attractive with a nice cock so when we prep them to service our wives and daughters we might have some enjoyment.
It was a good run for Whites, but nature has selected us for extinction.
>natural selection
Fuck off, nothing even remotely natural about this situation whites find themselves in with anti white propaganda flanking their entire perimeter of experience.
The fact that we even have a leftist portion of our people masochistically trying to blame ourselves shows we're doomed. No other population has this element, and combined with our declining birth rate and immigration, we're finished. Whites won't live to see the end of this century.
>pic related of the three spinsters leading the West in 2017
> France
> Christian
France has more practicing Muslims than Christians.
Ho god what an old tract.
Nowadays whoever would do a tract like that in FNJ would be banned. Even the FN is cucked to some extent.
Good analysis. Note that most Western countries are becoming charactized by feminine traits. Like you said battered woman masochism, and the need to be submissive. Note that nearly all women would rather be submissive in a relationship. The man NEEDS to be taller and make more money. Having this mindset for a nation is doomed to failure.
>allow women to vote
>suddenly your national policies begin to align with the way women act in real life
This should surprise no one.
Women make excuses for Muslims and niggers for the same reason they make excuses for their bad boy boyfriends.
I guess realistically the only solution is to end democracy. We'll never go back to landowning males being the only voters.
This lads is exactly how the roman empire fell. Except it was old testament Christians. We then entered a dark age which took hundreds of years to escape. It's a cycle and we are at the end of it. You can all sit there and cry about it but i doubt any of you do fuck all to help. If you are over 28 have zero or one child and/or don't intend to have more you are part of the problem. If you have ever voted for the left you are part of the problem. We're all fucked and there aint shit we can do about it because feminism has crushed the balls of our male population and sterilised the women. Muslims start having children by 20. By 80 they can expect to be a great, great grandparent. Mathematically if they average 4 children that is:
2 parents (80 years)
4 children (60 years)
16 grand children (40 years)
64 great grandchildren (20 years)
256 great grandchildren (0 years)
all spawned within an 80 year period
Now lets look at whitepeople who by and large live in countries with less than 2 births per women but lets be generous and say 2. Now lets consider that white people start families at 30.
By 80 years of age that is:
2 parents (80 years old)
2 children (50 years old)
4 grandchildren (20 years old)
It will take a further ten years for the grandchildren to have great grandchildren.
Obviously this is simplistic but it illustrates a simple fucking point. Within a generation we are going to be outnumbered and just like the Romans who refused to fall to Christianity we will end up fucked.
I'm not justifying large families or teenage mothers. I'd actually prefer if we just removed every fucking muslims from our lands and let them overflow in their own shitholes and starve to death. Will benefit the environment as well as our culture.
Requesting the infographic about the percentage of Muslim population in a country corresponding to the stages of advancement of the Muslim "political" agenda
Sad, French-bro. I want you to have your country back.
All except for the first line is sadly correct.
You dumb french people are not loving the Muslims enough... you need to hug the beehive of Muslims TIGHTER.
fun fact : if you remove red and blue from french flag you end up again with french flag
We can always go back. Do you think the current state of affairs can continue without Western civilization as we know it falling? When it does, we rebuild on bedrock, not sand.
fucking hell just change France's flag to white