Are they chinese?

Are they chinese?

No. Im white french pure catholic blue eyed 1m85 french canadian. Fuck angl*s and fuck ch*nese


t. Zhang Smiths

Yes the memes are true. 5% of Canada are 99% of the posts.

Go to any urban center and youll find lots of chinks there.
They are not a majority yet but by the time I retire they probably will

t. Jean-Pierre Zhang

Eww, true québécois are at least metis

t. Pierre Brahmajuma


t. 王章



4-5%. Higher percentages downtown Toronto, waterfront Vancouver and Markham.

I've got a pretty heavily mixed heritage, but none of it is Chinese.

Vancouver is, and the part of Calgary I live in certainly is
t. not chinese

I unironically thought that the Chinese population in Canada was exploding but they're only 4.6% of the population.

Not yet

did you really fall for the meme?

There are literally places in Canada where they will not serve you if you are not Chinese.

alright, i'll bite, name them.

my house

I uh.. heard it from Lauren Southern okay
and I believe it

so, bullshit i presume? citation if it's true.


fourteen percent, not four.

except no

our country's population is approximately 4.6% ethnically chinese
south asians (indians/banlgadesh/pakistanis) make up 5.6% of our pop.
caucasian white people are ~73%, so it would be odd to say we're a chinese country

fuck off, we need to kill the cancerous meme, not perpetuate it.

Congratulations, you fell for Sup Forums bullshit. Research things for yourself next time.

The rest of them just identify as "Canadian" lol

>t. rebel media

>in 5 years Canada will be less than 70% white

Why would rebel media want whites to despair?

except there is no "canadian" on the table posted here
are you implying that they are pretending to be white or that chinese make up 75% of our entire immigrant population?

>>can't even read a table

Ever consider moving to America?

>Why would rebel media want whites to despair?
at least half of their media is fear-mongering pham

They now (in 2016) constitute 4.56% of the total Canadian population.
For comparision Chinese make up
1.2% in the United States (2016)
1.2% in Indonesia (2010)
1.5% in Suriname (2012)
4.0% in New Zealand (2013)
4.9% in Australia (2016)
10.1 in Brunei (2015)
14.0% in Thailand (2012)
23.4% in Malaysia (2016)
74.3% in Singapore (2016)
91.6% China (2014)
92.0% Hong Kong (2016)
92.4% in Macau (2011)
97.7% Chinese Taipei

it's a jewish media

If its:
>Australia/Canada/New Zealand/etc flag
>defends china
>post AMWF pics
>butthurt at Japan
Its chink

Please remove zzZthemZzz before you regret it.

>Taiwan more Chinese than Mainland China

mainland has to deal with a plethora of ethnic minorities


there part of the western modern day babylonian civilization

Canadians are almost Chinese. Americans are almost blacks. Europeans are almost Muslims.

really makes me consider

Literally who

t. Mathieu Cheng

>there are people on Sup Forums who STILL bother replying to this spammer's lame threads
