Was last night a breaking point?

No, I don't mind a breaking point where people will want to get rid of Muslims for good.

I meant a breaking point as in where it's officially the new normal, and people will stop caring at all.

I don't think French people will be mourning this attack for more than a few hours before it's forgotten, despite that the death count will end up way over 100 people including many children

They are willing to accept this as their new weekly reality. as for the next attacks and France, it will barely get any news coverage. Just like attacks in many Muslim majority countries will not get much coverage. Because it's normal and expected.

Other urls found in this thread:


i stopped caring a looong time ago, attacks these days are so common that it's kinda gotten normal i would say

>breaking point

around 84 people had a breaking point last night

lmao when have prayers done anything?

Yes, in social media all you see is muh racism muh islamophobia so yes its becoming normalized

I doubt it. White people, specifically white liberals, are pussies. Liberal media won't call it an Islamic terror attack. French president activates State of Emergency but they had never left a State of Emergency. They've had an Islamic terror attack once every 2 months since the one at Bataclan last year and still they've taken no action. This won't be a breaking point, and I feel like nothing ever will be one. The mudscum are going to win because whites don't have a spine anymore and are afraid to call out the enemy and fight it for fear of being called a racist.

Was it isis?
Haven't been keeping up with what's been going on

Yes. Sad, and I have added France to my no-go list for holidays.. it truly saddens me that this list just keeps growing and I visited Paris only 4 years ago..

why don't you share with us your the no-go list for hollidays =)

You hit the nail on the head bro. I think that's what's happening. But, don't rule anything out, sometimes the people strike back unexpectedly.

Of fucking course it was, stupid. No other race or religion does this shit


>UK (at least large parts of it)
>Parts of US
>All of Africa
>All of Middle East
>South America

I have probably forgotten some, but there..

This is not a breaking point of any kind. It feels like it's over already. This is the school shootings of Europe. We were already complacent. I went to work today, and after a few minutes I was all the way into my regular daily routine again. Some comments during coffee break but that was about it.

Opposite. Even my Socialist voting mother who works in a university has said we need the FN now.

I was in such despair yesterday. This one really got to me. I just don't understand why they had to let them in. Why are they doing this to us. There were little kids slaughtered. Why must we live like this

>I meant a breaking point as in where it's officially the new normal, and people will stop caring at all.

People never cared to begin with. Are you seriously so deluded that you thought people cared about this shit? We live in the most selfish, materialistic age in human history. There is no sense of communal value, love for your neighbor, or anything traditional of the sort. People are so absorbed by their daily lives that even in attacks like this, the first thing ti ((((survivors))))) do is contact news agencies to sell their stories by being interviews.

Shit like this happens because nobody values anything but themselves. There's no such thing as a patriot - nobody alive today is willing to die for a cause, no matter how much they'd lead other to believe. Such an idea goes against the toxic 'Follow your dreams!1!1'.

This is no different to Paris, Brussels, etc. People will forget by the end of the week.

What could they do?

gagging on redpills

We don't want your prayers and your pitty... i mean damn dude i don't know how our government will deal with this shit enough is enough.

Spain. Women get harassed by poor euroniggers there all the time. My mother and sister went once, never going back. Greece, Italy etc. It's all the same.

Don't look at countries, look at percentage white. If the percentage of white people in the area is 97% or more then it's safe, otherwise not. That's the only reliable metric.



This is because the left in Europe thinks Muslims are peaceful and this attack need to be understood, maybe the attacker was stressed so much because of racism and xenophobia. As long as the left is in denial it's like open season for terrorists.

When was it that we made all those "ban assault truck" jokes? It was when that sheboon who dindu nuffin who was turning her life around drove over the Vegas Strip a year ago, right?

Yes. Until the next time the same thing (more or less) happens. Probably will be in France too.

Any elections coming up that could switch them in as a reigning party?

Ah, I see you're the conglomeration of every french person, posting on a filipino carpetmaking board on behalf of them all.

What makes you think your government will do anything beyond what they've already done (i.e. jack-shit/appeasement)? Take some direct action you pussy.

The Presidency is elected next year.


She is polling first at the moment.

>be burger
>turn on fox news
>hosts are calling for leveling of raqqa
>they blame the multi-cultis enabling terrorists
i can't believe i used to hate this channel

Is FN doing better than UMP/LR?


I have french citizenship
considering voting for her next election. Waiting to see the Republicains' promises on the issues but I have to say, it's tempting to vote for her.


She's first.
Sadly the expected result is UMP/PS bandwagonning together and the FN getting cucked on the 2nd turn.

Just vote for her, Republicans will offer nothing that will actually change anything, just cosmetic things. Hollande is already doing what they would do.

Muslim here, with a message for you islamophobic people.

The West created this mess.

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.

There is a still a silent majority. If limp-dick hysterical leftists were a majority like social media will have you believe Brexit would have catastrophically failed as a vote.

I can't speak for Europe but even before Bernadino and Bataclan and Nice and Pulse I was hearing my Puerto-Rican but whitewashed step-aunts (one having served in Iraq) bitching about Muslims and they would normally be left-leaning voters.

Time and experience will erode only the most delusional. I used to be an apologist,

I am ready to kill Muslims. Who the fuck is with me?

My list is based on chance of death or significant injury, not harassment. (Otherwise I'd simply stay at my home country, which isn't Spain)

I'm surprised it took this long.

You don't think the FN will gain support after Bastille day?

But of course white percentage is quite reliable as well, if available..

Nobody fall for the bait. It's just another savage dindu blaming everyone else for his living in the stone age

Shoo-shoo dindu. You were a savage ape in the time of Ramesses, you will be a savage ape in the time of Ramesses the AI machine-god in 2500.


pray to who, allah? :^)

is this a meme?

>It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.
You almost had me there. Stop shitposing Nigel.

FN must have a strategy for how they would try to get around this, maybe by trying to appeal to white Socialist voters on economics?

They will but in French elections we have two rounds if someone does not get 50% on the first round. Marine will win the first round, then on the second the common logic is the Republicans and Socialists will form an anti-FN alliance and defeat Le Pen in the second round.

No arguments.

>UK flag
Checks out.

French president being booed in Nice today. Probably doesn't help the prime ministers comments about France 'having to get used to this'.

I think this might be the straw that breaks the camels back. Not with the population at large, but more with a handful of people who are 'mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore'.

Could be an interesting few months ahead for France.


It will gain support
Will it be enough ? Doubt it.
Even tho the FN is at historical level, the PS/UMP alliance is strong

Still I always though 2017 was a lost cause, and now I think we "may" have a shot

democracy wins again

I seen a lot of redpills from last night.

Even my super liberal friend who rants about FN admitted privately that Le Pen would be a stronger leader then their current president.

it's weak pasta, seen it twice already today.

It is already ignored like all the other happenings.

It is happening?
Have we started the fire?

>word up
When you get a flat tire do you sit there and pray that Jesus will fix the hole and reinflate it for you? NO, you get off your ass and fix the damn thing yourself.
This external locus of control nonsense has to end.

>Was last night a breaking point?
if your prime minister can get away with saying that you should learn to live with terror attacks, then yes
your country is past the breaking point


he was born in france. he had no connections to any terrorist groups. so why would they call him a terrorist?

Shame that the Socialist will not get 2nd place, as I suspect the republicans have no love for the "Republican and Socialist alliance" but will take it to win elections.

It doesn't matter what your opinion is. The West is reaching a critical level of Muslim fatigue. The funny thing about white people is, we're the nicest people on the planet, until we're not. Plan accordingly you faggot.

No. Here media says that if now become less tolerant of islam, the isis wins.
Meanwhile I hope we can have our own Srebrenica within 10 years or so, and I get to remove some kebab. (please Russia, supply heavy equipment and ammo)

Hollande has the lowest polling ratings in French history.

If it was a Socialist vs FN the FN will win but it is not so sure with the Republicans.

what needs to happen is that a guy from Les Republicains allies with FN.

Since he ran over ~250-300 people while shooting at them?

He's probably another extremist who browsed Islam memes too hard on his government donated computer.

You're a big guy.

we need to cersei'd those dirty sand cultist.

A terrorist can be a lone-wolf as well you know.

one thing that i dont get it is why is isis even bothering to bomb western europe?, i mean we have and will continue to be flooded with muzzys every year thanks to our governments, if there wanting europe to become muslim all they have to do it get comfy and wait, surely killing people every month "could" spell an end or atleast hinder the mass immigratio were seeing now, seems that there trying to make shit harder for themselves,really makes you think...

Indeed, with PS and FG voters that about 25% of the vote, and they will go to the UMP/LR

Not wrong but not right either.

It wasn't me, or 'us' or whites.

It was the political elite and ruling families who are of multiple races across the earth. All of those actions required the co-operation, bribery and corruption of native officials, leaders and ruling families. Look at the Godless fucks that are the Saudis for examples where it hurts at home. So you understand what happened, good, but you don't correctly attribute the blame. The blame goes to the super-rich and elite, not the rich, or the middleclass, or the poor, the super-rich.

Keep pushing us, see what happens.

>It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

Attack a military base on US soil. Attack a military base in France. Oh no, it's easier to shoot and blow up civilians, the people who aren't even fighting or killing you.

Whoops, there goes your moral high ground. It's too bad, since without it you're just a handful of insurgents up against enemies far better armed.

you had a black guy shot a bunch of cops awhile ago, is that terrorism also?
yeah, he was a retarded radical, but implying terrorism is something completely different.

They actually dine together on a regular basis, they share counselors etc.

That's plenty of mutual love if you ask me.

go bomb a a Rockefeller or Rothschild or Soros mansion you misguided cuck.

For you.


And don't forget, our western bullets that year through the bodies of everyone that tries to stop us doing these things.

Life is power, and the west is the most powerful geo-political and economic group on the planet. You could assimilate and be accepted, but you get butthurt and isolate yourself, why is that senpai?

Why not delight in the paradise we have created in our land, greater even than the paradise promised by the Quran?

>we're the nicest people on the planet, until we're not

Top fucking kek big guy, whites haven't done shit, as usual.

Who, other than your echo chamber, with real power in the world, is actually doing something? Hillary has had a disastrous six weeks, plus RNC. And the racist bigot Trump is still losing.

>Dead kids

If this isn't the breaking point, nothing will be.

Find that "French-Tunisian" scum and exterminate it. With cars, machetes, molotov cocktails or whatever. You won't get chance to live normal lives like baby boomers did so why worry about insignificant stuff like prisons.

Not an argument Ahmed


I do think it will take elections to get out the dead wood but people are responding not the same way. People have learned to stop fearing being called a bigot.



Where do you live, il slaughter you myself.

>covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria

They were pretty open about it

None of those things have to do with the fact that your religion is a medieval, backwards, misanthropic religion that goes against every effort for humanity to proceed into a new era. You're a cancer. You really are. You are a detriment to humanities becoming. I personally don't support my countries in the afforementioned points and I'm furious we did any of those things. But none of those things have to do with the fact that you're religion is a festering wound on this planet that needs to be cauterized. You're filth. You're scum. You're absolutely THE problem. And don't be fooled the more innocents that get killed that don't adhere to your pig fucking religion the more we'll grow to hate you even further. You'll get a holy war don't worry.


Blaming the elites misses the point

It wasn't the elites who fought WW1 and WW2, it was the brainwashed drafted shits in the west
It wasn't the elites who voted time & time again for liberal politicians along with liberal policies

It has taken a very long time but liberalism is finally dead in the west
The left has finally dropped any trace of moderate behavior, and the right continues to radicalize

No. Pokémon go has gotten out of hand

You are right.

As much as pollacks around here dont want to admit, the fact is that europeans dont mind getting killed by muslims.

Their time has passed. Time to get ready for our new muslim overlords?

I read today that Bataclan terrorists tortured hostages; cutting off men's testicles and putting them in their mouths.

Foreign soldiers carrying out shit like this on your own soil while half the population shouts down any attempt to denounce them...it's fucked up.

If your house means a thing to you
Where you first dreamed your American dreams
In your swinging cradle, afloat
Beneath the log ceiling beams.
If your house means a thing to you
With its stove, corners, walls and floors
Worn smooth by the footsteps of three
Generations of ancestors.

If your small garden means a thing:
With its May blooms and bees humming low,
With its table your grandfather built
Neath the linden - a century ago.
If you don't want a Muslim to tread
The floor in your house and chance
To sit in your ancestors' place
And destroy your yard's trees and plants

If your mother is dear to you
And the breast that gave you suck
Which hasn't had milk for years
But is now where you put your cheek;
If you cannot stand the thought
Of a Muslim's doing her harm.
Beating her furrowed face
With her braids wound round his arm.
And those hands which carried you
To your cradle washing instead
A Muslim's dirty clothes
Or making him his bed .

[If you haven't forgotten your father
Who tossed you and teased your toes,
Who was a good soldier, who vanished
In the deep Iraq sand-snows,
Who died for your motherland's fate,
For each Rio Grande and each Missouri wave,
If you don't want him in his sleeping
To turn over in his grave,
When a Muslim tears his soldier picture
With crosses from its place
And before your own mother's eyes
Stamps hobnailed boots on his face.]