Well this looks like shit. I wonder if they will change the shitty giant spider ending...

Well this looks like shit. I wonder if they will change the shitty giant spider ending, that's the only positive change I could see happening.

i hope its as good as the evil dead remake. thats probably the best we can hope for

What about the part where the kids get trapped in the sewers after beating the spider for the first time and then start freaking out?

Are they going to show that part?

Honestly I'm just going to watch it for froggo

Real talk alert:
>The original sucked shit and people only have nostalgia for it because of Tim Curry's performance.
>All the non-curry characters and acting were terrible.
>The plot is fucking garbage.
>The spider monster reveal was the least interesting thing that could have been done with the monster.

It was bad.

will they finally include the scene where pennywise turns into an octopus and penetrates all the male childrens' anuses at once, then milks their prostates so they cum all over bev's face?

that's the best part of the book.

Tim Curry wasn't even that scary in it.

If I watched It when I was 7, maybe?



I agree

I dont get how things can be so widely popular that look like or sound like shit to me

My taste isnt some superior taste, I like loads of trash.

It's just that this sort of stuff is so formulaic, maybe that's the problem, I want something original and I just get the same things over and over.

Im reading the script now
Its pretty brazy cuz It is just in the kids houses and likes fucking with them to scare them so they taste better and he can overpower them (since It is actually really weak unless they're afraid).

Like It just goes into their house and like into their bedrooms and trolls them all day. Like in that scene he has his brothers corpse and then he floods the basement and makes Will go into the basement and then he sock puppets the bros body and then jumps out like OOOGA BOOGA BOOGA STOOPID DOG and then Will runs away all scare and thats the whole point. sick sadistic childish shit to scare a child that the clown guy actually enjoys doing. hes like that tails gets trolled comic where bugs bunny acts all gay and retarded

I like the giant spider the most
That is literally the only reason I watch this shit

Saw a screener a few weeks ago. I hope you guys aren't waiting for the orgy scene. In the reboot Bev only fucks the black kid.

>"Silly white boys, don't even bother!"

Actual quote from the film.


can confirm. anyone on /tv who sees this film is a KEK. former steven king fan here. This is fucking hilarious watching Sup Forums crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this this movie get the nuclear codes.

I don't know what the movie is about

Most of the threads I've seen talk about frog and spider and orgy?

Is this some kind of edgy talking animals movie?

How about how they nickname Bev "the African Queen?" I almost walked out during the scene where she winks at Mike

It's already confirmed it will be pg-13
It's over, gonna be shit

Evil Dead remake was pure trash though.
>But muh waifu

You're wrong.

You mean a drider?

Stop lying you ugly fat nigger.

Clueless jelly belly should stick to watching cartoons and listening to kid rock. Fuck you tubby wubby you little greasy pleb. I will suck you through a hose you little rat faced shit breath memehead

grade A o-riginal

This clown tries too hard to be scary.

Tim Curry's clown was better in the sense that he tried hard to look non-threatening but eventually the evil start flowing out of him.

It will probably be jump scares and won't put the fear of drains, clowns and float down here into the young ones.