Does your country have women like in pic related?

Does your country have women like in pic related?

What do people think about them?

Wtf I love single moms now

Probably, it's a big country.

Don't care

>single mom
>hate nigs
Aahh. I get it now. Or did her far right husband died in syria or something?

>single mom
>nasty ass tattoo on chest
>judges people by their body mass
>alcoholic and prone to violence
>shit uppity personality
>5'0 dwarf

most disgusting human being I've seen in a while

Well she is a single mom, maybe there is a reason she's like that.

I knew a neo nazi that was stabbed in the stomach by a random nigger on the street when he was 12, so I gave him a pass on the whole thing.

This bitch probably takes BBC by the truck load.

I'm brown and she'd probably swipe right on me



>singel mom
Why are neo-nazis such garbage?




pigs? but i thought rightwingers support the popo

Tell me about it Sweden.

You have more Neo-Nazis than the rest of Nordics combined and yours have actually attacked and killed minorities.

Police officers

what's a hype? not up on the latest nazi lingo

she looks bare cute

too bad her personality is clapped and shes a dumb slut

I guarantee her kid is half black

We have the opposite only, with no exceptions.

I guess she did not check what right wingers do except hating nigs and kikes

Sex with redpilled bogans is literally dirty fun. Just keep the bundy and cokes flowing and keep them away from your manga collection

>You have more Neo-Nazis
Because our population is larger than yours combined

She is a nazi not an alt right

>neo nazi*

>Because our population is larger than yours combined

You don't. And our Nazis have never harmed anybody except ANTIFA wrists.

I bet that bitch got knocked up by a nigger and then became a nazi when he bailed.

We don't attack people
The Nordic Resistance movement only uses force in self defense

lmao this was exactly what i was thinking, if a chad was ever racist (even though they never are) then i could sort of understand because of how superior they are, but this degenerate is worthless.

What are they doing all day then? They are theoretics of nazism or something