Should manlets get affirmative action? There are studies that proves manlets have a harder time getting a job or date when all other qualities are almost equal to a lanky.
a Fkn muchacho trying to start a stupid thread when pretty much everything is related to the attacks some way or another. How is this shit even related to /POI/
Im 1.72 my last 2 ex were 1.79.My height has never bothered me neither I care. Women prefer tall men? I dont mind either.
>Puerto Rican fag BTFO I guess.
There's no need for affirmative action. It would be trivial and cheap to screen pre-puberty males likely to be short and correct that at puberty with a hormone cocktail. Hell within fifty years the problem could be permanently fixed through genetic engineering.
hey /fit9k/
daily reminder that "women only like 6'0 and over" is real but only applies to whores on twitter and californians
women literally don't care if you're slightly taller or the same height as them, just don't be shorter
5'6" checking in. Doesnt effect me. Maybe its my 8" dick that counters being a manlet.
the guy would be quite attractive if he was 185-190 cm tall.
I seen this numerous times, a quite attractive short guy. Don't know if it is easier to be attractive when you are short, since your face isn't so big so disproportional facial features might not be so noticeable.
Manlets have lower IQ than tall people.
Spotted the manlet
You don't understand because you probably aren't a manlet. It's okay to make fun of manlets as long as they aren't midgets.
Asians are generally smarter than negros
"lol don't be shorter bro, be yourself, stretch"
Before affirmative action blacks and women had some success, doesn't means it is not needed for the 90% of the other people.
Just buy some stilts instead
We should just breed them out.
Seriously, women should be encouraged to make fun out of manlets as much as possible. The less they breed the better.
>Considers themselves to be superior
>Browses Sup Forums
Why are women so evil?
>Tallest person at work despite being king of manlets
>Go to center of town
>Everyone is taller, even the ladies
It felt so bad to feel what a manlet feels. They should seriously consider sudoku. Under 5'11" (180cm) as a male and you should seek euthanasia.
Manlet here,
No, they only make it worse by bitching about it. Height has never been a issue for me because I don't make it a issue. Sure, there are women that are off limits to me because if my height, but so what? They are fuck tons of women to pick from, one doesn't want me then move onto the next one.
Being a whiney little bitch doesn't make anything better. It makes you a whiney little bitch no matter what your height is, and nobody will like you.
Short? just fucking deal with it.
>muh attacks
Do you realize Europe won't stop immigration, so it is pointless to discuss because we lost the immigration debate and the problem will continue. At least we aren't sure if society will reject my proposal.
Poo in loo.
>appearance doesn't matter, I will make her fall in love with me by using my vast knowledge of cartoon ponies
lol whatever you say George "5foot5" Underbite
Shit, tall women love shorter men. Those tall girls like to be climbed like a tree from shorties.
literally the only thing you can even bring up in a debate
What bothers me the most is having a natural fighting disadvantage against tall men.
It is just their nature son.
>bruce lee
No, we dont need them.
What we need is a bigger dick.
LOL look what latrineo sacks of human waste find important.
>"breed them out"
>as if short people are a seperate classification of people
>poles are not subhuman
We should genocide you out of existance.
5'7" manlet here. Never even thought of my height before until I started visiting /fit/. Lankets are just mad they have to spend more time building muscle.
>Should manlets get affirmative action?
Of course not
>There are studies that proves manlets have a harder time getting a job or date when all other qualities are almost equal to a lanky.
If that is due to discrimination, it presents an opportunity for arbitrage for employers
>tell women I'm 6'0
>cunts too dumb to tell the difference
Try it bros, it's fucking brilliant. Put on some non autist boots to give you an extra half inch to be on the safe side, though.
Don't be silly.
5'6" reporting
100k job, tons of friends, and am on my 2nd wife.
Height has never mattered as far as I can tell in my 40 years.
everyone you've ever met has made fun of your height behind your back.
everyone you've ever met calls you a cunt behind your back.
Every man wants to be stronger than his opponent unless you are a cuck. And since I can't be stronger than top predators I want to be as string as a human can be.
You sound like a nigger.
>Should manlets get affirmative action?
No, they should be gassed
No, its deeper than that.
They cannot process the fact that a shorter man is able to have the woman that they jack-off to every night before bed. They cannot accept the fact that a shorter man could be stronger, better, and more intelligent. They see size like animals do. Just looking down to a person who is better than them makes them feel pathetic they have been outperformed and should be better because they're bigger.
Basically heightists are the dumb animals of the human race. I'm short, I have dated and fucked a girl 3" taller than me, have tons of great friends who are tall. I mean these people have no basis for their discrimination. Biologicly, short people are more longetive, resistant to injury, consume less food to live, and overall have less health issues. Also, intelligence isn't related to height, so that isn't an argument. Small dick isn't, as we know that many short people still have big dicks (plus average aize looks much more proportionate).
It's chroinc insecurity based from that "size effect": the idead that "you can't possibly be better than me because I'm bigger!!!"
I'm thinking about starting to fuck manlets. Not because I'm attracted to them (i'm not gay), but just because they are so pathetic. I know some species of apes use sex to assert their dominance, not only over females, but males as well.
What do you think /pol?
What is wrong of having something just in case you need it, not because you will use it like a a savage?
>tallfags will NEVER EVER be the little spoon
>Current year
>Not 6' or taller from milk and other growth hormone loaded shit
>MFW when I go out and see manlets looking tough
Did you read that bullshit study that said 5'7" is the average for males here? I was like wtf.
Worth considering, I guess.
Height has more to do with nutrition than genetics. That's why the average person in North Korea is 2" shorter than the average person in South Korea.
>second wife
also 5'6 is ridiculously short.
>mfw I see a manlet trying to do the tough, muscled guy walk where they swing their shoulders back and forth
I don't care. Being manlet is pain.
What are we going to do about the eternal lanklet?
>Most corporations and western countries are currently controled by lanklets
>as the frequency of lanklets in a society increases so has degeneracy
>lanklet propoganda seeks to diminish the passion and masculinity of the semi-average heighted man
Latley they have been perpetuating negative feeling toward men of below average and even average height. They use words like "manlet" to insult
the very men who
have build civilization. To counter this we have created the world "lanklet". Even their inslult "MANlet" reveals that they still see us as the true man, the
savior of mankind, the Ubermensch
>being submissive
>thinking this is a good thing
enjoy hell, faggot
Really depends on the area. Mountain people look like midgets to me, especially women. People in the metropolitan area can be fairly tall.
What about 5'9"? Will people make fun of me?
>mfw I am exactly 5'11 3/4
>you can't possibly be better than me because I'm bigger!!!"
This. I have never seen my 6' friend get so mad that I could beat him in a 100 yard dash. (We had bet a few bucks on it hehe).
The ultimate redpill is realizing that just as Jews are extremely ethnocentric, prone to degeneracy, and seek to neurotically consolidate power so too
does the lanklet.
Small sampling of """"manlet"""" men
>Alexander the Great
>Augustus Ceaser
Lanklets AKA males taller than 6' have only began appearing in significant numbers during the turn of the last century, the same time that marxism and
general degenerecy began to spread, coincidence?? That is what they will tell you, do not trust them. Just as their bones suffer from
They are historical abberations and genetic mutations. Just like Jews they will tell you about about their supposed
[[higher inttelligence]] and brag about their power in society, but just like Jews
they suffer from genetic diseases such as knee and heart problems as well as lowered life span
Lanklet revisionist history will tell you that most great men in history were only hsort because of bad nutrition, the truth is that prehistoric man was
the same height as man today... but how could that be??
The truth is that the lanklet phenotype is predisposed to savagery and destruction, only once it was suppressed was civilization allowed to flourish. After 4000 years
of supression the eternal lanklet rears its elongated spindly neck and seeks to bring mankind back to its knees.
Do. Not. Let. Them Win.
> Among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies 58 percent are taller than 6 feet
> 48 Percent Of U.S. Billionaires Are Jewish
>pic related is FDR, like most lanklets he suffered from joint problems and was crippled, that did not stop him from engaging in the honered lanklet pastime of destroying civilization via marxism and killing the 3rd Reich
probably not, 5'9 is pretty average in the West. Except here in the Netherlands. Being under 6'' really stands out here (if you are white, shitskins are short as fuck). Kinda sucks since most females here are around 5'9 with some even shooting up to 6'3.
Lanklet sounds like some shit a Manlet would come up with.
You've played yourself
Notice how lanklets attack none of the substantial arguments in this thread (i.e your a slave phenotype who belongs in the fields).
Are taller girls rejected there? That is the case here butI can't get one because I am ugly.
the weak should fear the strong, we don't have to explain you shit.
That feel when your 5'4 and like tall girls.
Is there any hope bellow being a celebrity manlet?
>this is what manlets actually believe
fucking subhuman faggots thats what I thought not a single response. Let the thread die, and go pop some anxiety meds you beta inferior waste of genetics. I just fucked my girl twice without any break in between. Just pulled out to cum all over her and then put it right back in without getting soft and fucked her for another 20 minutes. If only you knew what real sized human vigor is like.
no not rejected but I personally like it when a female is around 5'4 or maybe even shorter.
Tall girls are almost always 7/10 or up, I don't think I've ever seen an ugly tall girl.
*sexual vigor
if you are 5'4 a 5'6 girl is a tall girl right? How hard could it be for you to find a girl?
nigga you 5'4, every girl is a tall girl from you pov
This. I'm 5'11 and always say I'm over 6'0 works every single time. In fact I rarerely even encounter people taller than me.
Any manlet is of stupid, retard gay homo and should fuck off just go to fuck.
You lanklets made this thead. Is this a joke?
>haha u manlets are inferior
*gets proved wrong*
>yeah lol w-we don't gotta explain shit! Hahaha
*pushes face into pillow to smother tears*
>tfw tall as Hitler
If he could do it so can i
What makes you think theyll let you?
>not an overemotional child
pick one
thanks for proving me right
Keep the deflection coming.
Thank you for your input.
Tell you what though, fellow manlets of Sup Forums, as the tallfags so explicitly make it known, they don't want you to corrupt the white gene pool.
Therefore the only rational conclusion it leads to is that manlets have free rights to bleach the brown chicks. Those lovely, cute, petite tan chicks who won't hold your grotesque deficiency in height against you and will actually fetishise you for the colour for your skin. Seriously, try it. ;^)
> Manlets
You're a bunch of goyim, what do you expect?
All the women are controlled by the Jews.
We started with the women's rights. See, ya gotta have a game and ya gotta set a goal, ya can't go in like a sherman tank going through something, start a little small. So we said, how about ya get equal pay for equal work, and women have the right to vote, and everybody bought into that. And we started with the women because it's hard to get the men. We got the women going and now look at all the white women, most all of them around the world, especially in America, they got short hair, they got a schwartza for a boyfriend, they got a lesbian lover, they're not even married by the time they're 40, then they can't have many children because they've already ruined those years, chasing the almighty gold, the dollar, the shekel.
So they wind up a bunch of old maids because nobody want's them
But, the bottom line is that the real good looking ones, we Jews take them to the hollywood that we own and we give them a diamond, not that they're worth anything, we marked that industry up real big, and we have sex with them and sometimes we marry them.
You're all a bunch of cowards out there you white race goyim, all you men, the most of you these days, you carry purses, and wear earrings, it's no wonder the good looking white girls come to us, all the shiksas.
And even when we tell you the truth, outright, you don't believe it. So, that's your problem.
Manlets are absolute subhuman trash.
You should literally be genocided.
You are a disgrace to the noble white race which has always consisted of only the physically finest specimens of humanity.
And you scum are actually proud of spreading your subhuman genes?
YOu are pathetic, and I longe for the day when euthanasia will eliminate subhumans like you.
>yfw you find out Sup Forums legends are manlets
>modern germans
>finest specimen
i grant you the choice of 1 of these
Careful, women are insane. She will measure you in your sleep and wake you up with a knife to your balls.
>waaahh why won't you debate me on an ethiopian home-cooking forum.
>why won't you let me compensate my manletness by angrily typing on my keyboard whaaaaa
>You are a disgrace to the noble white race which has always consisted of only the physically finest specimens of humanity
We are the finest specimin, You abomination. Thats the whole point you are inferior You have no bilogical arguments but "I'm
Face to face, you would coward in front of a 5'8" professional boxer.
>no tall gf.
Why live?
>wants to expand affirmative action
>ID literally Sjw
Kek sees through you
I don't get this meme. I was kind of shorter in high school but never had this problem. Dated a good handful of taller girls back then.
The only time height was really mentioned among my peers was when someone was really tall and we'd make fun of him for it. Some guys were even shorter than I was and nothing was ever said.
It must be the new fad among the new vapid generation or something.
>all these excuses and rationalizing
>Sup Forums is actually full of manlets
Again. Lankets made the thread, you entered it, and now you want out. Kys.
>5'4 and like tall girls
you mean just normal height girls?
>all this deflection
>Sup Forums is actually full of shitskin lanklets
Really makes you think.
Manlet here. Don't worry guys I will kill myself eventually.
Okay lanklet.
Deflection from what? That you're genetically inferior and society recognizes that?
>now you want out
uhm no? I'm having fun seeing manchildren squirm
Goyim are cattle because we're the chosen people. George Bush was a good goyim, he was a good boy, he took his orders from ariel over there, in the white house, they told him what to do and he did it like a good goyim.
The goyim are the schleppers, ya know, they do all the work. That's what they want to do, they want to work, they always want jobs, so we give them jobs to work. Jews don't work. The goyim, I mean, they're the cattle, the white race out there, they're the goyim, they're the cattle, and so if we want to make money off of feeding our cattle, who's to say that that's wrong?
We like lots of gold, lots of shekels, some american express cards. We like to spend, we like to have a good time, we let the Goyim do the work and we have a party.
Look at the wars, we've got the white goyim fighting the arab goyim and they're killing each other and we're making a lot of money and we get the oil and we get the interest. We have all the ammunition companies, we have all the aircraft companies, all the gun manufacturers, all the supplies, we're making a lot of money. George Bush, he's a good goyim, he borrows it right from the federal reserve and then he has to tax the people to pay back the interest, because the most important part of a loan is the interest, you must pay back the interest, we're not concerned with the principle, the interest has to keep going on, and we've done pretty well with Iraq so far.
We're going to be drafting all the goyim here soon, the men, the women, the women, they don't want to sit home and have families anyway, they'd rather have a career, that's a nice exciting thing for a woman, to put on a green suit and go over there and shoot people and get shot at, must be exciting to them, so, we're making a lot of money.
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Okay I'm out.
Have fun getting culled out of existance by starvation in the next war lanklets. I'll be sure to console you as you die.