Would you risk your child's life to make a political statement about your dog?

Are pitbull owners more mentally deranged than the psychosis-filled pitbull breed itself? I know most of the owners are just gibs-seekers, but twisted liberals have some weird ax to grind here as well.

Other urls found in this thread:


Dogs, much like humans, are products of their environment. Raise a pit bull right and you should have no problems. If that was a golden retriever you probably wouldn't have even thought twice about it. And I don't even have a pit bull I have a golden doodle.

Here in Texas, pits are overwhelmingly owned by spics, who do fuck-shit nothing to properly socialize their dog or train them to be fighting dogs. Same with niggers.

dogs are a product of genetics like humans too, retard. nice try libshit.

>we need more programs for them pit bulls, the post

Lol, I refute your stupid shitpost and you call me a liberal in return. Genetics may play a certain role in behavior but the way a dog is raised is far more important. Have you ever even owned a dog before or are you some goatfucker who doesn't like them?

post more dogs

The Liberals in my province banned pit bulls. It was fucking retarded, typical liberal nanny state bullshit to keep people """safe""".

OP is a liberal troll who keeps posting these threads. Report, sage, and hide.

Pits can be the sweetest little darlings as long as you invest the time to raise them properly. They are one of the most gentle, loyal breeds you could find. The problem is that they can also be the most aggressive and violent if you don't raise them right.

The little baby is white, so guess what version of the dog that is.

Australian Shepherds


Be careful man, OP will call you a liberal like he did me if you refute him. I agree that pits are awesome btw, they are products of their environment so like you said raise them right and they'll turn out great.


Well that pit loves that baby.

>golden doodle

Are there girls on Sup Forums?

Then why not train pitbulls to herd sheep? Or St.Bernard's as gun retriever dogs? Or Chihuahuas to be useful?

Environment and training play a role, but overall, the genetics of the dog are its foundation for behavior.

Only white trash degenerates are worried about the status of their dog

Go away evil dogger

Go away evil dogger

You're not evil, you're a good boy

Nyet. Golden doodles are great dogs, I'm a dude who just loves puppers.

My pound puppy is an adorable marshmallow who is very unlikely to attack anyone and I still wouldn't let them anywhere near a baby simply because you don't fucking know for sure.


go away evil dogger

Nice dog you have, numale Berniefag.


Physical traits are what most often determines a dog breed's line of work, not necessarily behavior. Raise a dog properly and in a good home and I can garuntee you will not end up with an agressive, violent pit.

i have two of these, best doges ever

he dindu nuffin

>le nanny dog meme
Fucking hell. I am sure this meme is responsible for a lot of child deaths.

Genes influence everything.
Its true that known problem breeds can be raised to be well behaved, but on the whole they'll statistically be more prone to violence.

Saying things like:
>My pitbull is the best dog ever, it loves babies, it would never hurt anyone. Therefore all pits are friendly and trustworthy!

is like saying:
>Tomas Sowell is the best person ever, he loves fiscal and social responsibility, he'd never hurt anyone. Therefore all blacks are friendly and trustworthy!


Bravery kid


Dogs, like humans, also have an inherent biological nature.

That's not my dog big chief. What the fuck is wrong with people on Sup Forums? So if I like dogs then now I'm some Bernie supporting fag? Not how it works chief.

Yes, dogs do not necessarily perform well in roles not fit for their body, but that doesn't stop the fact that herding dogs often herd things with no training, retriever dogs retrieve things with no training, pitbulls are naturally aggressive, and chihuahuas are naturally useless pieces of garbage.

>Raise a dog properly and in a good home and I can garuntee you will not end up with an agressive, violent pit.
You realize this is a bit of a "True Scotsman" argument, right? If you did have a pitbull that went batshit, I guarantee your argument would be "Well, they didn't raise the dog properly."

pitbulls are for tinkers
In the UK it's only scum that own them.
I have never ever encountered a family that is middle class who has one of these dogs.

And, like humans, the way they are raised will almost always determine their behavioral outcome.

>are products of their environment.

They just tryin to get they live together...

Sure is summer in here. I'm guessing you came from The Donald subreddit.

Dogs are extensively specialized from breed to breed. Some for speed, some for scent, some for size, and various other types of things. Retrievers have webbed paws and can hold things in their mouths without breaking them because hunters wanted them to be able to paddle and retrieve game they shot and bring it back without crushing it.

Temperament is also a big part of a breed. Let's take a breed where the most aggressive and unpredictable dogs are bred in high demand as fighters and bull baiters and see if that doesn't change their disposition after a couple hundred years.

Most German Shepherds are great guard dogs. Most Great Pyrenees love digging holes. Shit like this is widely accepted. But if you say pitbulls tend to be violent animals then people call you wrong, and pull out all this shit about how environment is the main factor. You see stories all the time about how pitbulls are raised with love and affection, and one day just snap. Yet those are "outliers." If it's environment then why are pitbulls consistently violent?

Pits really are the niggers of the dog world.

Doggo thread? Doggo thread.

Pitbulls are like BMWs

Not all BMW drivers are idiots but all idiots drive BMW

It's not a "No true Scotsman" fallacy. I never said pit bulls are incabable of lashing out. I simply brought up the point that they are products of their environment and if you raise them well they will almost always turn out ok.

WASR dogger

I have a Mastiff and he's locked up outside when children are round. That includes my sisters kids, which annoys her no end because as far as she's concerned no animal can ever be dangerous.

He's very well trained, usually good natured but at the end of the day he weighs as much as I do and if you fuck him off he'll have your arm.

Pitbulls are for mongs.

Any pitbull discussion ever:

>but I know a pitty and he's the sweetest most cuddly lovely fuafua fwifwipants dadadsadada eeeeebbbbuuuurrrrr

In general it's the pet culture of the US where these genetic short straws misinterpret animals as their own offspring and get overly protective of them, like old people using cats and purse-dogs as baby replacements.

But the point is, and this is what these scum are too dense to get, the POINT is that the pit is perfectly fine, but just snaps one day. Of course if you're pre-snap you think he's a loveylovely cuddlepup wouldn't hurt a fly. That's the fucking point and the reason they are so dangerous.

American pitbull owners are pretty much coalburners. You know you burn the coal, you pay the toll. But their nig bf loves loves loves them and he's so kind and sweet and great in bed and...oh one day he just fucking snaps and beats the shit out of her. Who could have forseen it?

>I have a golden doodle
>I know that dogs are products of their environment because it must be true if everyone echoes this sentiment


Fun fact, Native Americans called this breed "Ghost-Eye Dogs" because of their high rate of heterochromia.

These dogs are the niggers of the canine world. Whenever one of them fucks up the family chimes in to say "he a good boi, he dindu nuffin." It's always "you set him off!" or "your dog threatened him!" Never do they have the sense to realize "I brought a ticking time bomb into my house against every sane person's advice and now I've paid the price for it."

And if they do lash out, you're simply going to say "Well, you didn't raise them right."

The vast majority of dog attacks in the states are by pitbulls. We can't control for all the variables, but there is logic to say that pitbulls, as a breed bred for fighting, are inherently more dangerous or more violent than other breeds.

have you ever fostered children from a fucked up background? no matter how hard you try to teach them the same as you were taught yourself to achieve the outcome of better behaviour you always come up against their genetics shining through.

That dog's seen some shit

this is my favorite dogger

Don't German Shepherds have a higher rate of biting incidents than pitt bulls though?

Only reason why Pit Bulls get a bad wrap is because they are cheap, IE, do you think niggers are really going to be able to buy a $500 AKC puppy like a doberman, lab, etc? Most niggers get like $12K/yr from the government, no way they are spending 1/24 of their whole welfare "income" on a pure breed.

No. So they get a "free" pit bull mix from a friend. Niggers can't even take care of their own kids and you expect them to take care of an animal? No. Especially in nig culture where it's "cool" to have a guard/fighting dog? I want to circle back around to niggers can't even take care of themselves or their children correctly, you can't expect them to take care of a dog that is inherently in their price range, and then dropped off at the pound a year or two after PTSD like trauma and be perfectly fine. They were around niggers and poor sub-humans like coal burners and half niglets, can you blame them for having some problems?

tl;dr: It's niggers fault, of course, that pits get a bad wrap.

I have no idea why this is so difficult to understand. I have never claimed that pit bulls are incapable of violence I simply stated that their behavior will mostly be determined by how they are raised. Yes, many dog attacks involve pit bulls, I understand that. But that doesn't mean they are an inherently violent breed that cannot be peaceful loving dogs.

I've never ever met a pitbull owner that was an intelligent person. Every pitbull owner that I have ever met was someone that dropped out of high school, or barely made ot through highschool. They are still paying the rent jew. They have crappy jobs or don't work at all.

I've yet to meet a pitbull owner that is intelligent and established.

i like this thread cos i fucking hate muscle dogs.

Doesn't explain SWPL pitbull attacks.

that dogger looks like he's had to call in some danger close rounds on charlie

i love this dogger

i wouldn't trust a child with a fucking Chihuahua
those things are fucking worthless dogs, no matter how "trained" it is

Whilst all of that may be true, there is something in them that makes them act that way.

There are about half a dozen types of dog that generally aren't suitable to keep in your home or around the public. You can argue the reasoning behind that until you're blue in the face, but it doesn't change the facts.

They're unhealthy, stupid, violent dogs that respond to training poorly.

Care to refute my argument? Have any proof to prove otherwise? Man people in this thread are ridiculously dumb.


Honestly? I have no clue. I really don't look at that as much as I do maimings/fatalities. Like I assume that smaller dogs have higher rates of bites not getting reported.

But overwhelmingly, pitbulls are responsible for a laughable percentage of dog attacks, and fatalities compared to their population.

Other breeds don't have the "Ignore Pain" and "Berserker" and "Relentless" abilities.

Big droopy ugly slobberong face. Put it down.

chihuahuas are shit, but peterbalds aren't
0 is such a cockblocker..

What you just said literally just backed up my argument.

Go away evil dogger

That's pretty much the reason I don't think the breed should be straight outlawed. If it were to be illegal tomorrow, I imagine all the same people would just buy rottweilers and we'd see rottweiler fatalities skyrocket in a year.

Go away evil dogger!


This dog is selectively bred to be agressive, why the fuck do you expect it to be normal?

probably, especially if you count every time the police sick them on a nigger.

>I really don't look at that as much as I do maimings/fatalities

Ah yeah that was the distinction I was looking for, thanks. It makes sense too because GSDs are herding dogs that have the nipping instinct to guide livestock around, so they'd get more "bites" recorded than something with different instincts like a retriever. What's really scary about Pitts is that their brain is prone to actually becoming addicted to pain.

Fuck I giggled m8

Someone tried to drown him as a pupper. He belonged to the Ohio state prison system as part of some program to rehabilitate prisoners. Somehow or another somebody drowned him, and he got put outside in the garbage. Somebody else realized he wasn't dead then rescued him, but he was terrified of people so he ran away. Got picked up by animal control about half a year later. When I got him from the shelter he was pretty close to being put down because no one else wanted him. His first year of life was pretty traumatic.

Going on 10 years old now. Happy as can be. He hates water like nothing else though.

I own a German shepherd some people consider it an aggressive breed, he could easily kill someone but he chooses not to,
being a smart dog we can play fight and have him understand boundary's i say stop and the play is over and he goes back to a sit and waits to start again

also dumping pics of my awesome little guy

and this post

You should pet him.

>tfw no husker

life is suffering

Ahahaha yesssss

Every dog makes some mistakes tho

Go away evil dogger

Here's my real issue. The breed or species of pet doesn't even MATTER.

I don't fucking care if your pet fire dragon is the gentlest dragon ever raised by your hands.

I don't fucking care if your pet chinchilla has the mind of a serial killer.

One of them has the strength to rip me in half, the other one can't harm me even if it tried to. I'd rather have a psycho hamster trying to headbutt me to death than sit beside a 'gentle' spiny skinned dragon.

Pitbulls are nowhere as dangerous as sending your kid to school with niggers.

not sure if dogger

As a cute little pupper


Dogs are fucking ace, man.

Dindu nuffin good dogger

shhhhh no tears only dreams

>Somehow or another somebody drowned him, and he got put outside in the garbage.

I hope whoever did that died slowly.

>far more important
not when the dog has been bred for a very specific behavior for hundreds of years. your argument is that statistically, better "environment" = better dog, but if the dog is naturally a fucking lunatic killing machine then you can blame the environment all you fucking want, better might not mean much.

and most people who love dogs would shit on your face for thinking it's just the owners fault every time if a dog is misbehaving. no master professor 3 time world champion dog trainer can keep constant control of their pets, and if it's a pitbull going ape shit then a small child could get killed. nobody should have em.

Immunity cat will protect me

I know what you mean, I kind of want to get a giant ass mastiff, but I also realize that unless I'm constantly locking it up I wouldn't feel safe having children around it.


So you are just a pussy

i normal dog mistake is pissing on the rug, or tearing up a piece of furniture.

a nig nog dog mistake is murdering someone for shits and giggles

anyone have that webm of the dog attacking the child on the tricycle