Americans are so goofy

americans are so goofy

Other urls found in this thread:


Blame the islanders

>blow smoke in an American boy's face
>he starts crying

You try that and I'll whoop you

Ooh a tough guy huh?

Go get your rocks off with someone else bud, I'm not interested

It's just bantz lad. Who shat in your cereal today?

Nobody, just not interested in getting flirted at online by prancing lala homos

>interprets innocent bantz as flirting
Hmm... maybe you are the prancing lala homo man here.

How can I be gay if you're gay?

Isn't it obvious? It's because we're the same person.

I'm not Canadian and I never will be

Damn you're not very good at this whole "conversation" thing are you?

Oh no I'm very good at it, you're just being weird about everything


Now kiss


Let's kiss instead and make him feel left out.

Kiss him, homo. I bet he tastes like maple syrup.


I don't want sticky lips

>implying you both can't take turns licking them clean
It's like you're gay or sumfin.
I have to go, but I hope he's at least got you in a maid outfit when I get back.

I will not be violated by a Canadian

I don't know what I expected when I clicked on this thread, this is gay as fuck.

Alright sorry but you'll have to be raped. Don't talk because I don't want to lose my boner.

Go rape this guy

Yeah I'll rape him too after I'm done with you.

its not gay if you think its a girl

How about you rape him now and don't touch me

Is this a boy or a girl

Something odd happened in this thread, and now I'm confused in a good way.

A very homosexually repressed boy.


Ugh so noisy. I need another person to plug up his mouth.

the real question is:

does it really matter?


this thread is fucking gay

I have a boyfriend already
Go fuck the Dane

>says he's not gay at the beginning of the thread
>now he suddenly has a bf
Also I don't think you understand what rape is.

I'm bisexual
Go fuck the Dane or the Swissy boy

>swiss boy
im not a boi im a man.

They are entertaining.

Swissy boy!
Sissy boy!

I don't want to be raped though, that's fucked up.

why? arent i goofy?

you will regret saying that when im trough with you

So you're bi now huh? How many times did your story change in just this thread?
Rotten character desu. You really deserve to be raped.

>Sissy Swissy
>Having his way with anyone
Everyone here knows you're just the plaything of proper men hahah

You all need to be banned

Yes I'm bi, not gay
My story never changed boyo you're just trying to fuck everything in sight because pictures make ur pp moist and getting mad that I'm saying "No"

first im not swiss.
second i would never be a plaything
three i willl help you.

Why are Americans so fat and dumb?

>tfw no Swissy boi bf

>gay Check
>anime posting check
welp, everything seems to be in order here you fucking homos


If you're not Swiss then why are you in Switzerland hmm???

>either he's so stupid that he can't read or he's just a pathological liar
Typical of twink sissy sluts desu. And frankly my boner was long gone the moment you opened your mouth so I think I'll just turn this rape into a murder.
Nothing of value would be lost.
Help me bury the body.

you wont find one here either
my country is too small for me so i work and live here

Why comrade?
Why you start this gay shit?

why are finnish megusluts such megasluts


Fatty McLard

but I found you. now you're going to be my Swissy bf

Haha made your benis smol

Liechtenstein eh?
Extremely sissy then

Whorebum von Slutinki

no. dont say such things

Sir Fat I of Dumbfuckville

it's too late, I already have men out to capture you and bring you to me

They're not allowed to leave their house without their Canadian handler.
It's a thankless job.

Jonne Cumdumpus
Hurry up and start taking dicks or else people are going to start forcing you to whoreslut

just bring them on

Reminder that Liechtenstein is sissy twink central for Alpine qts

Y-you too.


I want to _____ Astolfo in the ___

I've heard that you have entire communities devoted to making boys into qt sissies who will serve their master's every whim

cuddle, bed

you better watch out what you say i have a russian friend here that will annihilate you


i will leave now.

Oh great the autist is making people leave now.
Great job.

I'm not doing anything

The other boy who is incredibly homo is here

you are the only homo here!

I'm bi
He is homo
(You) are sissy

Am American, can confirm and I really don't like it. Where should I expatriate to with only 10K USD to my name?

I'm back
Did that one American take the leaf pill?

Nope lole

>thread finally has a dom in it
>you don't let him dom you
wow ghey
I think he and I actually talked once before in a kidnapping thread, and I'm pretty sure we talked earlier today. He's very creative.

Because I'm not a sub dummy
You're mistaking me for someone else

I-I'm not a dummy.

You people know there are multiple people posting under the same flags right? Uh oh here's another American, woo boy you're really in for it now trying to guess who's who.

Avatarfagging subhumans, I go to sleep and I see you faggots at it again

dont be rude

dummi bummi lole

Go mate with the Canadian

shut the fuck up you fucking faggot avatarfagging subhumans

Go to sleep Ikibey

I would if he were here, queer.

faggot subhumans, my crusade against you avatarfags will never stop until you dumb fucking faggots leave me home board

Dumb ikibey

>You're mistaking me for someone else
yes, hi, hello

here I am

I'm sorry to differ with you, sir, but you are the caretaker. You've always been the caretaker. I should know, sir. I've always been here.

Looks like you'll have to satisfy this nerd's urges until he gets back

faggot subhuman avatarfag, I'm not iki but keep projecting. Everyday your shitty avatarfag homopost threads are being deleted, everyday you faggots are getting more and more bans your thread numbers are dwindiling to the point where you have to disguise your threads as "international" topics to get it working. But I will hunt all of you faggot subhumans down one by one, until you fag homoposters will be banished and never come back