Ig- clevergirlx

Ig- clevergirlx
Anyone want her nudes? She sold half of what she agreed on then blocked me

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that's a man.

Oh shit its public.. grabbing popcorn

Looks like a dude

why would you buy nudes from this creature lol

fuck this faggot

let em loose

Attached: trapgoddess.jpg (736x1000, 83K)

> her

I knew her in hs, always was curious. Flat chested doesnt always = dude

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post em

Pretty sure that’s a dude, user.

definitely a dude

Anyone else want?

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post em

Yeah keep em coming

yeah keep them goin!!

How the fuck is that a girl

what the fuck

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This is a man

Hate to break it to you mate, thats a dude

I thought yall said she was a dude

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Must have some hormonal imbalance. Has vagina but otherwise very male looks.

I agree, flat chested is fine, but doesn't change ithat the facial structure, body shape and musculature look more masculine than anything else.

she looks like a worthless cunt

Might as well be, this isn't any better

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If someone messages her on ig and posts convo here, I'll dump vids. I just want her to know i want what we agreed on

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you need backup i'm on uni just north of hampden

Mmm thats actually pretty hot

oh boy OP she just found out don't you worry



y'know, like a tag team if you nut too soon

that's to you, I mean. If you need a tag team partner

i enjoy looking at her butthole, but fuck that face is horrendous

mass dm of pics of this thread, will report back with a reply if it happens

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Show message


So lose

So what's wrong with her? That's the face of a subtle genetic defect.

More lad more

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we wanna know what u said tho, what the hell

face and flat tits had me thinking this was a low-effort trap, but now I just see it's a girl who lost the genetic lottery


Remember kids, don't do drugs or you end up looking like this.

I love show slim she is. More plz.

Asshole pics? Feet pics?


more pics of her pussy?

typical white knite shite

Moar nudes
What do you have vids of, OP ?

ask how much this pathetic op paid

holy shit her friend is super hot!

IG: internetxmermaid

it was $20, dm was sent from her backup

so, more?

So dump vids then

Send her this

Attached: CutPaste_2019-10-06_21-15-35-601.jpg (1080x2160, 269K)

Fucking gross

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sent her dis

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dump the fucking vids you neet

Post more faggot

No more of slagathor

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She has a face like Eminem. LOL


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No, she's alsmot as bad as this girl

You paied money for these pictures?

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OK first rule of a trap is they have to be passable. PASSABLE... not some obvious dude with a mental complex.. Baily J... passable this dude.. a dude.


His dicks gone... At least there's that

Definitely not a female.