Carry your gun today.

Thank me later.

why? and what if I don't own one?


Is this about the Rage protests today or something else?

Carry your saber

Listen to A knife will suffice

Day of Rage is a hoax.

Is it really going to get that bad???

I don't have a gun OP?!??!?

That's not a risk I'm willing to take.

I never leave home without it

Are aliens invading?

You should've told me three hours ago when I left for work.

>tfw can't carry my CCW or even keep it in the glovebox because I work on a federal installatiom

You can say that

Damn, do you have a wife or GF that can bring it to you.

>works with Feds
>totally defenseless

I'm actually expecting more commando niggers shooting people today.

Day of Rage. Beware of blacks and heavily populated areas.

>I leave the house

who else /workfromhome/ ?

Lucky, I have to do a 20 minute commute

>Day of Rage the day after a terror attack

lol blacks are going to look like asshats when they show up for this shit

Not too bad- I know people that literally commute over an hour, will never understand that. Leave early and good luck avoiding the hordes, we need everyone here and comfy tonight.


I don't have one because I don't have an inferiority complex and I'm not a hunter. I also don't live where there are many niggers so I'll be fine. No one is out to get me I'm not important or have some false illusion I am and people want to kill me.

Is that today?

shit im in atlanta and i dont have a gun. i might as well kms

Is the Beta Uprising going down?

Will a CZ 82 be enough?

I have to go to Des Moines today until Sunday. Should I stay home?

I envy your ignorance, it must be nice to wake up and feel safe.

if my digits say so

all I got is airshit, charging the battery as I type

you're safe

How ignorance? Fucker I live in south dakota shit is not going to happen here.

Will nunchucks works?!

Your numbers say otherwise.

>tfw afraid to go take a shit and leave my /k/omfy post in case niggers catch me with my pants down

Hey I live in Pierre.

Buy a gun, user. If for nothing else, to express your freedom to the cucked states who have waiting periods or some shit.

West or east river?

Pierre. The Capitol. Dead center of the state m80. I guess technically on the east side of the river though.

dindu nuffin. dey gude boy

i has da rite skin so i be fin ya honkys

gathering my buddies together for the impending race war that will most likely go down OP i always carry a gun and it's a 1911

does anyone else see a race war starting soon because us white men will prevail if it goes down

What if you're in a white pocket?

>will nunchucks work

If you name your kid nunchucks you pretty much expect him/her to turn out like this

is today some kind of day in US when blacks go and bully whites?

I'm at work in Flint Michigan until 5. I have my sidearm on me. How fucked am i?

My dad works in Atlanta. If anything happens to him I'll go into Decatur and have my own Nice ride

arent the monkies gonna riot in decatur town hall or something?

Plz respond.

>mfw I have a rusty one

Probably, I live up in Cherokee county I just know Decatur is filled with them. Good news though my mother is sick so my father is coming home to take care of her. Dodged a bullet there

It will have to do

What caliber and pistol?

>can buy a gun

You have it so good and you throw it all away REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I carried to work today. It's against the rules. But it's just one day, and they'll never know.

Lots of blacks on the train this morning, heading north to downtown. That's my personal experience though, so take it as you will. Trains had 3x as many blacks as usual.


Just keep your country as un-cucked as possible till 2017 when Trump passes the Global 2nd Amendment.

If it makes you feel better I have 4.

>mfw I live in lakewood

>Trump passes the Global 2nd Amendment.

The only thing Trump is going to pass is gas

No. I want to use my hands for this.
My bare hands. I want my finger nails to get dirty. I want my arms to sweat.

Comfy here DESU

m8 you can buy new production machine guns that us burgers can't get.

>I want to get my ass kicked by a group of niggers

I'm surrounded by spics, comfy AF here.

>maga hat
>i voted sticker
>not a glock


wow, drumpffags btfo


i'm not a gun owner (yet) so i'm uneducated. why ruger vs glock? honest question.


CZ>Everything else

No. I won't lose any fight.
I am far stronger than anyone else.

Glocks have shitty antiquated grip angles. Many new guns are more reliable than glocks.

My body is my weapon.
My memories are all the ammo I ever need. I won't bleed.

Fucking meme pistol

Meme, HUEHUE, and buyers remorse

OK saitama

Personal preference
Glock has no external safety
Ask gun nut at range
Consider your level of experience
Consider your $ situation
A .40 cal round doesn't care where it originated from

>no poopsock
newfag pls go

Lakewood? Damn son, that's the hood. I took the day off. I'm nice and comfy in my white home town of Bonney Lake.

>Glock has no external safety

A million times this

Lack of external safety and a shitty trigger design count for most NDs. If you shoot yourself with a Beretta or Ruger, you really have to do something stupid.

t. no guns

Get a rooftop Korean

I am so fucking ready.

>Glock has no external safety
fucking pussies.

if you don't want the gun to fire, don't pull the trigger.


M8 you look like a tremendous faggot

>Implying I'm not

Oh, you goof. That would be every single day.

this is the day whites will realize we have a nigger problem that needs to be dealt with

I just moved here a few months ago. This place is a massive shit hole if I've ever seen one.

They're both fine. Some people don't think that Glocks are great ergonomically (me included) but they both have a good track record and it's more up to personal preference.

Although, those small Rugers do have shit triggers. They're not fun to shoot, even for a single stack 9mm, they're just reliable, cheap, and small. Basically the best concealed carry 9mm you can get in that price range but there's better stuff out there if you're willing to drop an extra 1 or 2 hundred.

The NJ Lakewood?

>tfw my Saber carries me

Don't have funds to buy a new gun but I'm going to start carrying so looks like I'm stuck carrying my SP-01 IWB when my permit comes in the mail in a week or two.

Gonna be real interesting.



Hard shell kydex holster. Carry with one in the chamber all day every day.

Try it out and tell me it's not safe. Just don't pull the trigger. If you can't manage that, then you shouldn't own a gun at all.


That's shitty user.

You can come across the street to JBLM and get /comfy/ with me and the famalam if you want

Smith and Wesson shield with an apex duty/carry trigger upgrade is leaps and bounds above the ruger lc9.
I own both.
I carry a glock 26 bc 10+1 and a 17rd extra mag.

Your holster is your safety.
what is trigger control?

Don't put your finger on the trigger unless you plan to pull it.

The WA one. I don't know what the NJ one is like but WA Lakewood is a shit hole where all the Tacoma detritus spills over into

>mfw grabbed my range bag on my way out