He's still doing sandnigger turrist stuff tho...
Ugh more toxic masculinity
Should've known.
He dindu nuffin
fuck men and the patriarchy amirite?
>He wasn't a muslim because he ate pork
>wife beating
>this is apparently evidence against being a Muslim
Just like the last guy was gay.
It's propaganda to make isis look weak.
It could work but lots more westerners will die.
We need to destroy islam to stop these attacks from happening.
>family members immediately jump to try and distance the killer from Islam
Didn't this exact thing happen in Orlando, too?
>Just like the last guy was gay.
Th 9/11 terrorists drank and went to stripper bars.
the race is what matters
Oh. I'm convinced then.
Some terrorist's mom from the november attack also went full damage control on her son's behalf and pretended he was just mentally weak.
>de Daily Mail
Fucking clickbait.
that's even better because it means that all shitskins will be extreme when it comes to ISIS
He's was just role playing by shouting allahu akbar
>shouting alluah ackbar
I find it absolutely fucking disgusting that the friends and family of these terrorists get to keep living in the west
You know all of them are abusing the welfare system too
Taqiyya in action.
>wife beating, drug addict
that actually describes muslims fairly accurately
I knew a Muslim who dismally that..... and a sihk...
Is this a new tactic used by CAIR? denying that every terrorist named Muhammad Muhammad al Muhammad isn't muslim?
but the media will take it seriously
Yeah, I'm really going to believe another Muslim on this. They are all liars. I don't believe jack shit they say.
Isis has yet to claim the attack. Could be the work of a madman.
>a s***
Wtf I love Muslims now.
Disregard the fact that his Facebook page was littered with verses from the Quran, or that he followed ISIS's orders to attack people with vehicles.
His cousin could not possibly be using Taqqiya
CNN was just saying this guy was a "loser at life"
>lives in a rich western country
some loser
IS muslim
>he was a shit
So he was a Muslim
>wife beater
People heard that wrong. He clearly was shouting "Ave Maria" and "Can't stump the Trump".
>he didn't follow follow Quran rules on eating, not a muslim!
>he followed Quran rules on killing infedels, he's not a real Muslim!
So do they just cherry pick verses based on how they can spin things?
Then why did he kill all those people?
Blonde hair blue eyes confirmed
Why not report him to the police then? Arrest his whole family
>No Real Muslim
So, the average wahabbi convert?
As if Islamic doctrine didn't say that all is forgiven once you die in Jihad, i.e. killing infidels.
He was being a little shi'ite
All forgiven by Allah for fighting in the way of Allah and killing Kuffar
So if all these arabs aren't muslim they just do it because that's what arabs do?
He did this to become a true muslim and erase all the non-muslim things he did in the past.
He was yelling "Allahu Akbar" what else do you need to identify his religion and intentions?
>Just like the last guy was gay.
>It's propaganda to make isis look weak.
Ding ding. I feel like intelligence services used to be a lot more clever. These days their propaganda is just obvious.
So what is a muslim then.
Is it the fundamentalis go to mosque every friday muslim or is it the moderate never go to mosque muslim?
When will they make their minds up.
Open the border now.
Problem solved guys, islam has nothing to do with this
t. cenk uygur
Remember when the family lied about the Orlando terrorist not being religious and then the media being completely silent when this was proven false? Makes me think.
>nothing to do with muslims whatsoever
Rather than grieving they rush to say 'guys look, he killed 80 people, but he's not muslim!!!!'
Dancing on corpses, I fucking swear.
>He wasn't a muslim. He was a sunni
now that makes sense. I guess I'm #ArtilleryForHillary now.
No we don't know that you faget
>Believes he's a muslim
>commits terrorist attack in the name of islam
>"He isn't a terrorist, he ate pork and abused women!"
>Numale sjw believes he's gender fluid
>"That's completely fine and true, he's free to act accordingly to what he believes"
Women are notoriously treated like shit by Muslim men and hardly any Muslim prays 5 times a day in the West
I don't see this as a valid argument.
Ok, so it is not a Muslim problem, it is an Arab problem. All Arabs need to go.
Who the fuck cares about the beliefs of sh*tskins. They must all be kicked out of Europe. If they want to stay then they must do so in mass graves.
Remember when the (((media))) told us Omar Mateen shoot up the gaybar because he was a grinder faggot
ye lets just trust the friend of a mass murderer, i mean in the best case scenario it was only destructive middle eastern culture but who cares
Lol CNN reporting he used to go to the cafe alone. Confirmed lone wolf and "bit of a loser"
In medicine this is called a distracting injury. You have a patient with an obvious broken arm which you immediately tend to, while completely missing the bullet hole in his back.
Everyone is convinced that Islam is the root cause since it's the most obvious distinguishing factor of most terrorists, while overlooking time and again their lack of Islamic fundamentalism in practice.
I'm never going to convince Sup Forums that they're wrong about Islam, and they will continue to believe that if these idiots all practiced Buddhism, none of this would be happening.
Every "religious" person does the same shit, they follow the rules that suit them and denounce everything else as either "NOT IN MUH BOOK" or offer an alternate interpretation.
I like how the muslim family always says "he ate pork and beat his wife!" after attacks
He was actually christian and he likes Anders Breivik.
Oh thats a relief. Now 80+ people can rest in peace
>He a bad boy he dindu sumeffin, he ate da pork 'n shit, he was'n preachin da word of Muhamma when he wuz killed!
i lost the game
Gays are the true terrorists
If you're Sunni you ain't Shiite.
>still an immigrant
>still shouted Allahu Ackbar
He probably thought he'd make good with Allah by doing this. Of course, the cousin might just be lying. That's the way of muslims. Remember that muslim who claimed the murderer of Jo Cox shouted "Britain first"?
Muslims lie.
>It's propaganda to make isis look weak.
>It could work but lots more westerners will die.
Yeah, it's a bit risky. It inspires copycats who feel like they're more 'pure'.
>He wasn't a Muslim. He was a s***
He was a Sikh?
Last Amaq broadcast was 2000h last night before the attack took place
They might claim it tonight
yesus I havent seen Bam magera since like 15 years he looks like shit
wtf i hate pork now
They say he wasn't religious but I bet we never get to see a picture of his wife with her hair flowing free.
>while overlooking time and again their lack of Islamic fundamentalism in practice.
>killing people in the name of Islamic fundamentalism according to how islamic fundamentalists tell them to
Here's your (You)
Most of these people are just pissed off faggots who have no idea what to do with their lives
>muslim feminists still count as muslim because you dont have to follow islam accurately
>muslim attackers do not count as muslim because they do not follow islam accurately
This leftist logic just doesn't work on any grounds.
It always comes out that they beat their wives yet feminists don't seem to connect the dots
Cool taqiya mohamed, care to bring it to the Hotel Matignon?
>There's the proof, clearly not a muslim, pure coincidence. Don't fall for the far right lies.
kek, I can't imagine what kind of mental gymnastics those reporters do on a daily base.
> Mohammed
> Not muslim
Eurocucks will believe this.
That's always the case, they always turn out to be an angry substance abusing no self-restraint loser looking for an excuse to lash out, just like every other criminal.
Doesn't mean they didn't do it in the name of Islam.
Islam is using feminism as a smoke screen to gradually implement sharia law.
Not a chance we will believe this. Media is a bubble not a reality.
They always say that.
And? A lot of them do drugs and drink alcohol and eat pork. Doesn't make him any less islamic
What a coincidence, all the muslims I've known have given zero fucks about pork, alcohol or drugs and still claimed to be devout muslims.