Why is the Illuminati so obsessed with Egyptian symbolism?
Why is the Illuminati so obsessed with Egyptian symbolism?
The Egyptians were from another galaxy, there was a program on their home planet that allowed a select number to populate a distant planet to further their dna across the universe.
White people have sort of the same story, this planet was widely known to be a great candidate for life, after the first race redirected a weapon to cause a "asteroid like effect" that would wipe all bacteria and life forms from earth. After some tume a base was constructed on the moon to monitor the "re-seeding" of the planet. The first people to arrive here were what we know as the african. Long story short the african leader mated with an Egyptian and the result was YAKUB, he was vengeful of his peers on the account of the constant teasing of his elongated skull. He was a genius that inderectly created a race so sadistic and cunning to rule the world over all others ie. White people.
Why are you so obsessed with the Illuminati?
Because they arent ?
Their symbol is owl, and thats pagan one.
Maybe Egypt is where it all started.
How was your race created?
The Egyptian religions were Luciferian. The Illuminati and Freemasons are also Luciferian.
The Roman Catholic church, Modern Judaism, and Islam are also Luciferian, though less blatant. They lack motifs like the all seeing eye but they make more prominent use of other symbols, like sun worship, moon worship, star worship, angel worship, six pointed star, Mary worship, and others.
It's all Luciferian and it's not hard to find the connection. I recommend Dr. Walter Veith's lectures on youtube. They are long, but they're the best out there. And there are a bunch of them. He does amazing research with first hand written and image sources.
I think he means the other ones Alexei.
> All seeing Eye / Eye of Horus
> Pyramids
> Stars
>CAPTCHA - Sphinx
They're not, conspiracy theorists are the ones who are obsessed with it.
Thats not illuminati user.
almost every religion is obsessed with stars
There arent only Egyptian ones
If you don't do any research, you have no right to condemn those who do.
If you did even a little research, you'd be singing a different tune. It's rather absurd how much evidence there is—quotes, symbols, events, and predictions that come true to the letter.
But you've probably been trained to demean anyone and everyone as tin-foil hat so I'll leave it up to you. But I will say this: Of all conspiracy theories I've ever researched, Illuminati was the easiest to figure out. It's Luciferian, and they're in control. You can call me a nutter, I don't mind, because I know the only reason anyone would call "illuminati xD" a conspiracy theory is because they haven't done research. The preponderance of evidence is self-evident.
And they're not even the worst of all secret clubs. Jesuits are far more sinister, and you've probably never even heard of them. Go ahead, look em up, you won't be disappointed.
Yahweh is the real enemy.
They're trying to harness the power of the black man.
A pyramid is just an easy eay to build a large structure with shitty technology.
You think God is the enemy?
Yahweh is their god, not mine. The real gods are far older and have been by our side since the antediluvian times. Odin, Apollo, Vishnu, Lucifer. It's the different names of the real god. Not the ursurper, the vengeful Jehovah of the abrahamites.
There is power in a kangz blood
Triangles accurately describe the state of Human affairs.
You must be new here.
Pyramids are cool
Thanks for the video user
Cultural apropriation, some contanct blm stat.
The Egyptians were rather ignorant and thought they could take their earthly possessions with them to the afterlife by putting them in a "magical room" inside their pyramid.
>mfw tutenkarmen rocks up to meet his maker without his gold leafed ivory hand mirror and matching accessories.
Ego, they choose symbols that represent omniscience, boundless intelligence, etc. They're full of themselves, just like the Egyptians.
Say what you want about the Vatican et al being a nest of evil, but you worship Lucifer and you're not even trying to hide it.
I'm closer to the Golden Dawn
Immersed in Crowley's uniform
Of imagery
I'm living in a silent film
Portraying Himmler's sacred realm
Of dream reality
Any sources on that? I do not want to end up luceferian without a good reason
They are all just names.
I believe an absolute God wouldn't give a fuck if you read the wrong book and misunderstood his name.
Everyone has a moral compass for a reason. Some are just less willing to use it.
they are all linked
Tell you what, if I even had a vague understanding of the name "Lucifer" then I'd chose a different name in trying to use my moral compass in finding God.
they know it's real
implying he chose the name, and not the people writing about it
I didn't chose any of the words I'm using right now. But we both still mainly know what they all mean and even use them in sentences and paragraphs.
What does Lucifer mean to you?
the light bringer? the morning star?
what about you?
Being the dumb animals we pretend were not, we love to find meaning in patterns.
Everything is a conspiracy if you try hard enough.
> All seeing Eye / Eye of Horus
> Pyramids
> Stars
>CAPTCHA - Sphinx
Too lazy to explain all
There's nothing illuminati there.
The archangel who got buttmad he wasn't God and mounted a rebellion until God had to cast him out of Heaven so he could have his own fallen Kingdom on Earth. And then Lucifer and his followers thought he'd won.
Now, the bringer of light bears interesting parallels to astrological worship. I think it's fantastically interesting, but the basic notion of Lucifer as some proximal equivalent of evil is obvious within Christianity.
and yet god kills a ton of people in the bible, and lucifer kills less than 10?
wasn't it lucifer who convinced us to eat of the tree of knowledge? god wanted us to be ignorant
>interesting parallels to astrological worship
there are many, e.g. god as a bull during the age of taurus, as a lamb during the age of aries, and as a fish(ictheos) during the age of pisces
really combogolates the neurotypes, huh?
What about kek?
Is he another incarnation of that evil god or some other entity?
Read Manly P Hall book about philosophical doctrines.
Ancient Mysteries
Solar aspect
Secret societies
Forget all you know about ordinary religion, if you can.
>really combogolates the neurotypes, huh?
neat word m8, I actually met a possible Shakespeare relation
It could be. But just because God judged people and Lucifer was only able to poison their minds is all the more reason for me to not try to conflate the ideas and chose some word other than Lucifer.
Already have lol
surely killing people is the ultimate evil, and lucifer did hardly any, whereas god killed everyone but for noah and his family, at one point
an omniscient, omnipotent being has no recourse other than to mass murder?
I think lucifer is the prometheus figure in christian mythology
gave us knowledge, and is punished forever for it
have you read the sumerian tales? the book of enki?
weird how the bible in hebrew uses the word elohim for god, when that is plural, and the singular is el
I read a few of his, not sure I am any the wiser though
secret teachings of the ages was interesting, but inconclusive
Another Egyptian scarecrow.
Although lately meme magic was putting some effort and attention into him, so frim religious aspect we can call him a demon/fallen angel (Lucifer promised that everyone who will join him will become a god, so this fallen angels were hanging out as false gods that people have created for themselfs).
el another god
I have not read those, and I'm increasingly convinced over time that what has been written is even more allegorical than I originally suspected.
But even if you want to try to play it like game theory, then it's obvious that God gave us knowledge and that there's some kind of a difference between God and Lucifer such that you would chose God over Lucifer.
Luciferianism is the worship of self as god. I.e self responsibility no magickal sky beings. Possibly no magick outside of cunning and trickery.
Masonry/Jesuits require belief in either JHVH or a form of supreme being. If they worship some manifestation of Lucifer they are not luciferian. That would be Satanist faggots who are on a par with God faggots.
Using the Bible as a source for why God is good is a bit silly, isn't it? It's his book, of course he's the hero.
It's to have a base on the topic.
Egyptians were looked by greeks as the oldest civilization. Although archeologically incorrect, it was a central belief back in the day and took people to look for a true doctrine and divinity on the egyptian mysteries. Like Hermes.
And so it built a tradition around egyptian religion.
Egyptian religion also had a more spiritual vision as opppsed to a more materialistic in mesopotamia.
It's pretty obvious that if god exists he isn't worthy of worship and if he was worthy he wouldn't want your worship anyway
they had magic
if God is not your hero he is your enemy
What drives you to that conclusion?
I come to the opposite: that he is the only one worthy (remember Moses?) and that he wants all the best for me including my worship.
Their symbolism.
My skin color.
Your flag design.
Our DNA.
This username.
A website.
The internet.
A mass murderer is not worthy of my worship
God seems to be the enemy to most people going by his own book.
This is a Kek thread now, praise Kek!
lack of creative spark
Where is this mass murderer meme coming from? God made life in the first place. All life has an end. And when you get to that end, you get judged for what you did with the life you were given.
That's not murder.
what illuminati? they haven't been around since the 1800s. They are a defunct group.
>people actually think adam weishaupt would have rubbed shoulders with nigger rappers and british royalty
illuminati was a good organization that believed in virtue, human rights and shit. It boggles my mind that people saw them as a sinister group.
But the hyekos were ancient Jews. That the Egyptians expelled from Egypt. Why would the jews make there name from isis and rah
Because if he wants worship he is not worthy of it, a worthy god would be humble, a worthy god would not get butthurt when his creations don't do what he wants and kill them all, although it makes sense since he didn't want us to have free will that was just naughty evil lucifer giving us freedom
see my picture.
>different group same name
heh, you ask, but you tell
another good one is kahn-i-baal
>I have not read those
I can't confirm that they are true, but they are certainly a good read, and pretty interesting
if true, they knew about ice giants 7,000 year ago, when we only distinguished them from gas giants in 1997 or so
the bible was written by kikes, wouldn't they want us to believe the opposite of what is true?
>either JHVH or a form of supreme being
I heard they call their deity either the supremem architect, or jahbulon
>Egyptian religion also had a more spiritual vision as opppsed to a more materialistic in mesopotamia.
perhaps, but not necessarily true
strange how the egyptians talked about the silver and golden gates, and they have them in san fancisco
have you watched youtube.com
pretty mindblowing, the alignments, monuments and encodings from ancient times cropping up in the more modern
kind of plausible, but even if we were only created as slaves, we wouldn't be here otherwise, and at some point we were freed. even if some groups are trying to re-enslave us
from a strictly scientific stanpoint, how do you explain the other great apes having 24 chromosome pairs, but humans only having 23(of which no 2 is fused, with central telomeres)? how did the same mutation happen simultaneously in a male and female at the same time?
why would a god want your worship anyway? maybe gratitude, or comitment to knowledge or family
why would a god be vain?
>remember Moses
what's your point?
praise him
I don't know why somebody with think God wants worship. He's omniscient and omnipotent. What the hell does he have anything to get out of some silly human's worship?
God gave us the freedom to choose what to do. I guess we've made different choices. I find yours to be predominantly ignorant and illogical so far.
illuminati is a meme, masonic type beliefs (kabalism) dominate the real elite of the earth but some sort of religious council ruling the world is not true
Wow that really makes me think..
I'm a Christian but thinking of converting to Odinism. What's it like?
>Cairo’s official name is al-Qāhirah, which means literally: “Place or Camp of Mars
He didn't give us freedom its literally in his own damn book, the snake did and god cast us out for it then starts asserting his dominance on us anyway, it's like what the fuck cunt its like your parents kicking you out of home then telling you how to live anyway
>if true, they knew about ice giants 7,000 year ago, when we only distinguished them from gas giants in 1997 or so
I've heard tales from people who have seen and studied a lot more than I have that there is abundant evidence ancient aliums style technology all over the world. One of them even expressed surprise that the Vatican didn't seem to have obtained evidence of its own in the form of bits of art they keep around until around the time ancient mystery stuff had a resurgence in Europe in the 1450s or so. Alas it's not anywhere near the top of my list of things I think would be most effective for me to study.
>>remember Moses
>what's your point?
The 10 commandments. One of them is that there is only one God. And so there was a pretty big problem when Moses came back down from the mountain and found his followers worshiping a frickin golden cow.
Thanks, I'll watch it.
Yes. The architecture is symbolic. Washington DC too has a masonic planning and design.
The pyramids and the Sphynx too. Location, shape, etc have an esoteric meaning, beyond their ingenious design. All the major cities in the world were initiation mysteries and secret societies played a role have this aspect.
Those things made me question the real functioning of society a lot.
Sure he gave us freedom. How else did we have the freedom to defy his instruction to not eat of the tree of knowledge?
Our mistake, our suffering. Who knows? Maybe it was for the best in the end -- like your analogy of growing up and getting kicked out of the nest so you can learn to live for yourself.
but god forced an artificial ending upon millions in the world at once.
It was a tree of knowledge, the knowledge was our freedom, so if adam and eve lacked the capacity to understand right and wrong since they had not yet eaten from the tree then it's bullshit that god then gets butthurt, he basically acts like a spoiled child throughout and judges unfairly
Which incident are you referring to?
are there any ice giants?
>>what's your point?
>The 10 commandments.
those come from the hammarabi code, which predates judaism
fun fact, satan is a corruption of satanma, a village and tribe in india, who were the jews enemies
the cow is symbolic, they were in teh astrological age(each age lasts ~2150 years, as the sun rises in that zodiac constellation, before the procession of the equinoxes changes to the next zodiac), as was the lamb of god=aries, and the fishermen = pisces
> it's not anywhere near the top of my list of things I think would be most effective for me to study.
how ill you know if you don't study it? try the first few chapters, it's a pretty good tale
the book of enki
yo sound christian, can you explain the verse in genesis which tells that "the sons of the gods mated with the daughters of man"? and who were the "nephelim"? those are biblical right? I thnk in genesis
>Washington DC too has a masonic planning and design
yes, new jerusalem street plan is in there, also rome, paris and a few other cities
gave us freedom, but no knowledge?
Do you deny God has the right to judge His creation?
How did God get butthurt? He said "don't do that or else" and then they did that so they got "else."
That's good parenting for disobedient children.
exactly, how do you kow what is wrong if the only way to know is to eat the fruit?
You indeed have no knowledge.
Hiding it is better?
>Do you deny God has the right to judge His creation?
if he is omniscient, then no, because that would imply that he knew how it was going to turn out, and it was he who made the mistake, and therefore has the blame
It all comes back to this.
thanks bro
we only have knowledge because the serpent convinced eve to eat the apple, and she convinced adam
god didn't want us to have it
now what? homo
Yeah except children have the mental capacity to understand right and wrong because of the tree of knowledge, its more like putting a pile of meat on the floor and telling your dog not to eat it since the implication is that humans would've been no different than any other animal without eating from the tree
>the sons of the gods mated with the daughters of man
Outside of my studies, but whatever the exact meaning is the nephilim are bad dudes (fallen angels?) who turned on God and corrupted his creation. So he had to do some purging.
>gave us freedom, but no knowledge?
It's kind of an empty question if you believe that God is the source of everything anyway, but I'd say he put the knowledge there for us to find if we wanted it. I'd go so far as to say he even expected we would go find it.
What mistake do you place on God's lap?
tricknology ftw yo lol
Now you learn that we were not built to live by the knowledge of good and evil, but in a cooperative and dependent relationship with a loving God.