STI THREAD if you have an sti get the fuck in here

STI THREAD if you have an sti get the fuck in here.
Recently caught hpv and have 2 wart growths on my dick near the base of my shaft. Any home remedies actually work like the apple cider vinegar thing? Poor fag btw

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fuck you taylor. hope your cunt falls off

You might not have recently caught it, since HPV can sit dormant for literally years before it shows any symptoms. In most people it actually never shows symptoms at all.

I picked up herpes from my stupid Korean ex, I hope that bitch lives a long and awful life.

Because of that, it's basically impossible to know who gave it to you. Even if you've only ever had sex with one person in your entire life, HPV can be transmitted from mother to child during childbirth.

Also this is why everyone should be getting the HPV vaccine. This is a trivially easy virus to stop, but only before you get infected.

> Also this is why everyone should be getting the HPV vaccine. This is a trivially easy virus to stop, but only before you get infected.

Does not vaccinate against types 7 and 11. Additionally. depending on age - the vaccine was more or less effective against only stopping female cancers - not warts.

I got an std from someone in her 30s when I was 18. Got drunk and she got handsy and I saw the opportunity of a lifetime and took it. Turns out it's HPV, so we're on the same boat homeboy. From someone who's already adapted to it, I can at the very least assure you that it's not so bad. If you feel like fuckin just use protection, and don't do it during a breakout. Breakouts are random, they can happen frequently or you could live your life without another breakout ever again despite still having it. During a breakout cortisone is your best friend especially when you've got shit to get done. Don't pick at it cause that makes it worse, the breakout will end. And yeah, you should be golden.

Welcome to hell, and good luck finding someone to marry.

Gardasil 9 (the only currently approved HPV vaccine in the US afaik) vaccinates against the 9 most common strains of HPV, covering something like 90 or 95% of cases in the US. 7 of them are the cancer-causing strains, the other 2 (strains 6 and 11) cause genital warts.

Worst case efficacy, which is at the upper end of ages it's indicated for (45 years), is still over 80%. Hence the CDC updating its blanket immunization recommendation to everyone, male and female, up to age 26, and partial recommendation up to age 45 ("shared clinical decision making" between patient and doctor - basically, if you're still sexually active and not married).

Couldn't find the ACIP (CDC's immunization council) source but here's CNN:

Yeah you "can" still get HPV, but getting the vaccine blocks almost every strain that exists in the US with any reasonable prevalence.

>If you feel like fuckin just use protection, and don't do it during a breakout.
The unfortunate thing about genital warts is that they usually don't happen on the shaft, it's usually at the base. So, using a condom won't do anything, since it doesn't cover the area around your dick.

Oh ! I almost forgot to mention, when you shower, I know it'll feel like heaven to use a rough sponge on it, but do yourself a favor


You are in hell, accept it or you'll gradually make it worse.

I think I’ve got aids for the last 3 years after I messed around and sucked another guys dick with a condom . I’ve had a dry throat and mouth for 3 years now . I know ive got something I just don’t know what . Scared to get tested

I got diagnosed with HPV after having tiny red bumps at the base of my shaft. Let me give you some advice:

- If possible, just get them medically frozen off. This will damage the wart severely enough that your immune system will go to repair the skin, notice the virus, and start attacking the virus to make it dormant.

- If you can't get them frozen, DONT do any of those online gimmicks like sticking duct-tape over them for a week or soaking them with vinegar.

- DO NOT PICK THEM. Picking/popping them makes the virus spread.

- Within 6-12 months, treatment or not, your immune system will make them dormant and "go away". However, you can still catch one of the other 160+ strains.

>Welcome to hell
>hell is occasionally getting minor, harmless, usually not even noticeable warts near your dick, often only a single small wart
Time to start sinning more, I guess

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Absolutely, that's why I never do it during a breakout. It should be fine as long as you're super extra careful not to get any kind of bodily fluid on them.
It's not contagious through just skin contact is it? Genuinely asking, I'm just a dude trying to live with this shit, man.
Granted the only other chick I've fucked since then was already born with it I think I'm good anyways.
Also, is it contagious through saliva?

Photo : saved
STI : avoided lmfao

Are you dumb or trolling? HPV lives in skin cells, and skin cells shed. Saliva, fluids, condoms dont matter, if your skin is shedding (which your skin sheds constantly your entire life), you are putting the virus onto your partner.

Lol that aint aids chief. That doesn't even sound like an STD. Go get your shit checked.

>It's not contagious through just skin contact is it?
That's exactly the way that it spreads

>I think I’ve got aids
STFU and go to a doctor, dumbass

>recently (last 2 years) develop genital warts
>have had health insurance my entire life
>could've gotten gardasil 9 right when it was approved in 2014
>could've just never had to worry about HPV, could've never got infected
>simply didn't know about the vaccine
I love bad shit happening because you were just never exposed to the knowledge that could have prevented it. It's really great.

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I had a whore phase in my life where I (a guy) got invited to orgies (with girls) once or twice a week. Played it safe 110% of the time and still got genital herpes.

My current gf is okay with the risk + she's amazing in bed so I'm going to stick with her as long as I can. I'm well aware that dating would be a bitch if I were to become single again.

Had them, I put apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball, then duct taped that onto the warts when I went to sleep. When I woke up, I took them off and put more ACV on it.

They turned black and fell off. I put too much on one of the bigger warts and it left a burn mark on my dick for like 3 months...

Be weary about that shit. They never popped back up again and it's been 4+ years. ACV does wonders.

How do I get rid of hpv, I'm tired of it burning when I piss

anyone ever try STI dating sites?


I didn't know that shaving before sex was a safety risk until it was too late.

>dating would be a bitch if I were to become single again
This is really only a problem if you're short/ugly/unattractive in some other way.

Got Herpes simplex 2 from my Korean gf.

Sausage fests. Women with STDs still get laid because many guys don't care, as long as they get their dick wet. It's not the same the other way around though. Women just swipe left.

Well that’s receiving but for real I’m not kidding . I’ve got something . And my wife has it too . I think I gave it to her after I had a gay affair I ducked a guys dick with a Condom on . I was trying to be safe but I think I jacked him off bare and then used that hand to suck and jack him off with the condom on . Really dry mouth . Always it never goes away

did the same thing but had them at the base so it could never stay on unless i just didnt move

so i just let nature take its course and after 6 months they just went away. 6 months of no sex sucked

You might be right.
I'm tall, dark, handsome, not poor and I probably could laid pretty easily if I were a bit more alpha but I don't want to risk friends in my inner circle learning of my status. :-/

That's not aids, you moron. Go to a doctor or a dentist.

Got herpes and hpv from being raped as a child. My tween/teen whore phase added chlamydia to the mix and just spread that shit like wildfire.

80% of north america has HPV.

Most HPV cases will disappear permanently after a couple years. Stop being giant pussies. I had HPV 2 years ago from my exgf who didn't know she had it.

Now we are both clean according to our last exams. I didn't even get the vaccine.

Dry mouth is symptom of about a million different things, none of them sexual in nature. Just go see a doctor.

>90% of HPV infections are cleared by the body within two years of infection
>less than 1% of US adults have warts
>I still have it, after several years

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>s still get laid b
Had the same problem u do years ago, I got HPV and herpes... herpes sucks... warts aren't that bad... heres how you get rid of them... buy a cautery pen on ebay or whatever… burn them off... this shouldn't hurt because theyre just a clumb of skin cells with no nerve endings so it really doesn't burn, burn them to the roots tho, itll burn a little but u wanna kill the whole wart. I did this about 5 years ago to 3 warts that started growing on my dick... hasn't come back yet

Tried burning off with 80% Trichloroacetic Acid (ACS grade) and gave myself fucked up chemical burns that didnt even fix shit.
Ffwd 1 year, shit pretty much just went away on its own

bovie medical cautery pen works good for burning them off

Well I know it’s a std because I was fine until after 2 weeks of messing around with a guy .

is this genital warts? noticed it two days ago

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penis acne
most people develop at least a few

so thats permanent ? damn wish i had genital warts


how many permanent pimples have you had in your lifetime numbnuts, think critically here

regardless, I do hate these fellas. I think with warts there is much less room for doubt

holy shit... are you a wizard?

finding a sentence like that from obviously an RN or higher on Sup Forums in a de facto porn thread ... wtf??

I agree user, and also for men, studies have shown 100% cases negative after 18 months

Dude, if you're fat, you probably have type 2 diabetes. Whatever else you did is likely coincidental. If you pee somewhat frequently and constantly have dry mouth, that's like a number one sign

You can catch another strain. But some people will get reoccurrences if you live an unhealthy life. Take a vitamin and work out and your immune system should clear it. I had it and it’s been two years. I tell my partners I should be cleared but it’s been important that they’ve been vaccinated just in case. All of them have been chill about it so far

Yeah, I cleared mine. There’s a lot of helpful info on Reddit

ive had gonorrhea, chlamydia, and mollescum contagious. Still have HSV and HPV sans outbreak. AMA

That sounds more like chlamydia
easy treated with pills

could be something like herpes but it would be really rare

I got hpv after being sexually assaulted and the kicker it was weeks before my final dose of the hpv vaccine
but when I went to a derm and my gp they both said there was nothing wrong, I don't believe them though

i gave it to here caroline is a whore.

Got chlamydia from hooking up with a black guy. Never again fucking niggers

The homemade vinegar solutions only work for yeast infections user.

I have no idea what the fuck I have/had.
Fucked a bunch of girls in a short span of time about a year ago, finally got a test recently and they called me back and told me I have an "infection" and to take 2 Doxycycline a day for 7 days, and I haven't gone back yet after taking them all over 7 days.
Anyone know what the fuck it might be? I fucked some dirty stripper I used to go to school with, which is where Im assuming I got it from, but who the fuck knows.

HPV is so common that it's estimated that roughly 2/3 of people younger than 25 have some form of it.

Forgot to add: the apple cider vinegar thing doesn't get rid of HPV, vinegar is just used as a very crude test to check warts if they are actually HPV as sometimes they turn white if they are HPV. It's very uncommonly used though as there are better tests available and they are becoming cheaper and cheaper. Honestly user just go to the doc and get medication.

Most traps are

Dude, I'm pretty sure you have herpes

wow i legit think i got the herpes and decided to hop on Sup Forums for the first time in years since im feeling like a loner. crazy thread. Story if any1 is interested

I had the same shit when I was younger, fuckin wart right at the base of my shaft, like, top-right. I picked at it, squeezed it, froze it, nothing worked. It was there for 2, maybe three years.

After I stopped fucking the girl who gave it to me, it stuck around for another 3-4 months and one day I woke up and it was gone without a trace - no mark, no bump, no scar tissue, just like it never happened. 8+ years later, still clean and none of the women I've fucked have caught shit from me.

this is now an sti thread

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best hot hatch coming through

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Bumping good thread with titbits

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nah, fordyce spots. super common look it up

>sti for ants

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think i have hsv 2 (waiting on test results) how is dating/hooking up with it?

fukkin saved, this is good info

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depends, how virtuous is your conscience?

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does anyone with hsv 2 wanna share some stories about hooking up and dating? i need some encouragement

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HPV, Herpes, and HIV are virii. They work by injecting DNA into your genes, which causes your cells to print copies of the virii.

To date no mechanism has been created to remove the viral DNA, so these diseases cannot be cured presently.

However sells CRISPR kits and classes on genetic engineering, which is how DNA can be changed, such as to remove virally injected DNA.

All hope is not lost. You may discover the first cure to viral infection!

textbook Sheeny Spots, usually contracted from the gnarled hand of whatever Mohel grasped your infant dong.

I had the love bumps on my dick, apple cider vinegar works a treat. They never grew back so i don't think it was HPV though i never got it checked. Maybe I'll die.

The way hpv spreads reminds me of the way I would play pleague Inc and hide all the symptoms and only focus on making it really contagious until it had a strong foothold in a large area then quickly upgrading symptoms to create a pandemic

whatchu mean?

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There are illnesses for which the cure is worse than the disease. This is one of them, statistically speaking. Far more women are injured by the HPV vaccine, sometimes left essentially paraplegic, than get cancer from it.

Warts are no reason to undertake the risk of nerve damage that can result from vaccination.

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just freeze them off. gone and ready.

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>Be me
>Around 25
>Split with wife
>Start dating the most amazing women
>Still double dip with wife sometimes
>She’s seeing older guy (like late 40’s or early 50’s)
>Ex ends up telling gf we’re still fucking just to spite me
>All that drama passes
>Gf goes to doctor for routine checkup
>She gets STD tests every 3-6 months
>We were both clean before we started dating
>mfw my ex caught HPV from that old dude
>mfw I gave it to my gf
>mfw ex ended up dating old dude’s son
>mfw she gave him HPV too
>mfw my gf got cervical cancer
>mfw she got a huge chunk of her cervix removed to save her life

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>gone and ready.

name of my new genital wart remover

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trips of fabulous success for your new product

if new gf is getting regularly tested, she was probably the source

I did vaccinate my kids, but only the vaccines I felt were appropriate and safe. How reasonable is it to vaccinate infants for Hep B? It's not.

Retards that think doctors are gods are massively allowing megacorporations to use their children as cash cows and inflicting massive doses of agonists and adjuvants into babies whose immune systems aren't even functional yet. That's not even mentioning the unidentifiable nanoparticles, foreign DNA from various animals, including humans.

No medication is risk free. Vaccines least of all.

You are probably such a retard. I hope you never have kids to medically abuse you faggot.

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