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Sad nigga hours edition

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Just sucked off a black lad.




nth for horror movies

Wow I never thought arizona lad was the type of guy to do that kind of thing. guess you can never really know a person

>Sad nigger face as the OP picture
Don't do that ever again

Business idea: Buttplugs that wash the inside of your ass.

back from my week long ban.
hate niggers

what's so bad about me that i've never had a gf

So the guy claiming he was the terrone wasn't actually you?

see you in another week kiddo! heh

What were you banned for.
Please tell

maybe girls are intimidated by your aloof and alpha personality

i've never had a gf either and i've never been better

they should find it attractive and mysterious

You've got nothing but negative qualities.

gotta put yourself out there. try going to a park at midnight to smoke cigarettes. you might meet a qt


girls are too shy to ask you out, silly :)
You need to take initiative and you will have a gf in no time

i'm handsome and very smart and funny

>girls are shy

literally not true at all

I can only guess that you're some kind of poorly developed subhuman that complains about his incel lifestyle.

I did that once and ended up getting a big scar down my hand because some old lady scared me.

*blocks your path*

You're a NEET, therefore not smart.

doesnt help that 90% of pharmacies in mexico only sell generic shit

takes a real brainlet to make such a connection

work is for suckers

>autism pills
>not generic


Keep the niggers off my /cum/

cigarette burn?

i feel bad for her, her back must be constantly sore from carrying those jugs around all day

How ignorant are you?

i remember as a kid I watch family guy once and woke up the next day saying "dammit" but I don't remember actually taking note of it or thinking that I wanted to say that too. But I did notice it in a gameboy game, so maybe it was from that. Specifically recall saying it for a few months after family guy all the time and noone ever said anything about it.

There's nothing wrong with generic medicine, it's the exact same thing as any brand name pharmaceutical.

I am not ignorant at all

rate my gf

i have also seen that anime

forgot what I was going to post

Where do you live at.

My guess is they aren't in Mexico since made up bullshit disorders don't exist here

stupid but cute


There is no generic version of what im looking for, and pharmacies that only deal with generic usually dont have controlled pills.



Oh boy, I sure do enjoy being able to buy nice things with all the money I have.

horey sheet

it's all useless shit you don't need

lemme guess
Port Hawkesbury

where did the black person touch you?

Oh, I gotcha. Well that does suck.


imma cutta boy
with a bunch of cutta wayz


like what

based mexico in charge of qt posting

stop posting hooers

stop being gay

I'm gonna hurt you if you don't give up your location. There can only be one of us in this general pardner.

i'm not gay please believe me

I'd say my frivolous commodities bring me great joy.
Then again, I'm no Diogenes.


I usually do this with my late night /cum/ Canadian buddy

You should visit this thread at 3 in the morning since it's wild qt posting hours


where's your gf

Big tits are kind of disgusting honestly.

I could be a bit more Stoic


Are they? ;)

there isn't a single ass that doesn't shit from the center
boobs are beautiful in all sizes

A house, car, computer, dog, washer, dryer, television, and so on.

are they just pics you found around Sup Forums over the years?


this is a front picture of me and my ex gf, please rate us

what are you a fag

what if you like poo


Not my president.

vvdf i love norway now

you can do way better


You got any?

you looked so happy
grow back beard

an hero

animals' lives are valuable

I do but I'm on my newer laptop unfortunately

There are 3 Sinaloans in /cum/ right now

Let that sink in for a moment

That's what I said the first time. Next thing I knew, I was hitting on a man who looked like a women. They're insidious, corrupting creatures of grand debauchery and sinful lust.

Flat chests bring you closer to heart
Girls with flat chests usually are more energetic and ready to go out and do physical shit
Flat chests don't get in the way
Flat chests don't attract MUCH attention
A girl with a flat chest and nice ass is great
A girl with a large chest and horrible placid ass is disgusting
Girls with washboards usually don't place themselves among higher people

Speecy me that thing pls

sinaloans are the most powerful mexicans in the world

this girl is a disgusting carnie piece of trash. i can already see her rolling around half naked in the grass on LSD

There are two Ontarians in /cum/ right now. Think about that for a minute

ontario un merde

It looks like her boobies are hanging out hehehe

But they're delicious!
Even the baby animals.
Especially the baby animals.

i used to be so happy, now im crying myself to sleep

really makes me wonder

fucc tron-no