YouTube cucklord Onision created a Twitter poll on who people would vote for on Election Day. He's probably gonna use this poll to "convince" people that most people like Hillary on one of his videos soon. Let's change the results of the poll against his favor by voting "Trump, I'm not white" and let's see him try using that poll on one of his videos to prove that non-whites like Trump. (This guy believes Twitter polls are very factual)
YouTube cucklord Onision created a Twitter poll on who people would vote for on Election Day...
Twitter is a liberal, SJW and dindu echo-chamber, unbelievable. It's not even close to representative of the demographics.
Im not gay enough to have a twitter account sorry.
Well create a fake one then
sounds fun. voted.
>Caring about a poll by a cuck
>the majority of his viewers are under the age to vote
fuck off.
He has the right to do so, fag.
You should be mad that they banned evagelion.
voted and bump
After the first debate, it will be obvious who is more disliked. BOTTA BING is always gonna be more fun that this crank, Shillary.
Onision is actually kind of red pilled
Seriously? Go make a fake one and russle jimmies nonstop
Fuck you. I was banned for a month for making a 'raid thread' doing something like this for you tube but whenever you guys get scot free. Kill yourself fucking Dutch cunt
Why white are more likely to be Jews' cucks?
done and bump
WHy do you watch this guy even?
literally 15 seconds to make a fake one
Is he the faggot of the month or why is everything complaining about him?
Make a fake account retard
>half the twitter replies are "I'm too young to vote."
Onision is a faggot
I think he was banned from Sup Forums, not twitter. I though you nippons aren't this stupid
>implying actual japs use Sup Forums
I'm not white, but if I was an American I would vote for Trump.
its because no one likes australians
is there a way to vote multiple times without having to use the TOR browser or having multiple accounts?
can someone post a screen shot of the poll I don't want a twit account
Slow but steady progress
Voted Trump Not White just to spite this faggot
voted, trump im not white
>majority of his followers are underage girls
>a bunch of underage girls pretend they can vote
>he makes a poll where only his biased followers will care to chime in
Well, until we enter the fray anyways
Voted, bumping for op
which one are we rigging? Voting for trump and not white? I think that'd cause more liberal rustling.
Either one is fine
Great meme, friend.
Upvotes for blacm Trump
There's actually a very vocal conservative side of twitter, I guess it's moreso this guy only appeals to literal cucks like himself
Good job friendo
is this fucking real?
That particular one is a joke account, unfortunately.
The lack of broken engrish should have tipped you off.
>unironically using cuck as an insult
Biased sample.
Anyone who isn't a preteen moron would know this.
And his audience is preteen morons, so why even bother? They can't vote.
To piss him off what the fuck do you think the point is
he made a video complaining about Milo so now he's Sup Forums's villain of the week
Isn't this the faggot that helped get evalion shut down?
This is serious Sup Forums, this faggot has a lot of influence over the left. You need to do this properly. This is a call to every active agent. We need you.
lazy people like you honestly deserve to die, fucking make a fake one in 2 seconds you autistic freak
hahaha, this guy is funny!
Only literal cucks get upset about this
>this faggot has a lot of influence over the left
No he fucking doesn't. He's a black sheep even amongst youtubers, everyone hates him.
Which gives him attention and popularity.
Do not question the bureau, agent. Do your task so we can all be home for diner.
Either he's totally retarded or he's looking for a sample of his followers
I voted for both Trump options and we're still losing by a ton.
Come the fuck on Sup Forums, what's the hold up?
Milo is a fag though
Most people dont care about some blue pilled faggots biased political pol
Never heard of him/her or whatever the fuck it is
He's a disrespectful cunt too it seems. Would probably be the first to crucify someone for expressing anti islamic sentiment, but has no issues making a joke about the deaths of 84 people including at least 10 children.
This is the current and dominant liberal generation in the West folks. In retrospect, think we're better off just letting our race die off if this is the future of our civilisation. Let Arabs take over, they're better than the cringey cucky pathetic demographics of most of our males.
What's the Sup Forums network of Twitter? I only have a handful of followers.
just got to pro trump live streams on YT and drop the link there
Where do you fags even find these people? Do you actually subscribe to these people just to hate them?
Nice try Ahmed.
Memes aside, no. White civilization has been the centerpiece for most of the greater developments. Although degeneracy is the cost of freedom, it would be far more detrimental to humanity as a whole to let Islam take over.
I agree with you, but I've just lost all hope. Liberals who want to destroy our civilisation have took over. I don't see what I can do at this point, so I've stopped caring.
Stop being pussies!
Someone organize a fucking crusade/revolution!
Give us until November. I know even voting Brexit didn't guarantee much for you lads, but a Trump presidency would make a YUGE difference.
If that fails, maybe we can just flee to Russia. They still have a sense of self-preservation.
It's hard as balls to make an anonymous one (one without your phone number)
It's not like anyone that watches that faggot is old enough to vote anyway
He's the faggot that got Evalion banned. Fuck (((Onision)))
only needs a katana, a fedora and a leather trenchcoat now. dumb prick probably owns that shit already.
yeah, no.
in slight ways at certain topics but mostly he just needs his head be drenched in gasoline and then torched.
he even said at one point that he liked watching other guys fuck his girlfriend, before backpedaling a short while later
It's evalion
Voted. Of course being Spanish I'm not white. Also I'm voting for Emperor Trump.
Take this to Sup Forums as well.
Vote fellow Sup Forumsack!
>Internet polls
>About anything that matters
Lol nope.
You can skip that option faggot
The one and only time I watched a full leafy video.
I want to make a fake account but it's asking for my phone number...I can't give that.
We only have 70 people in the thread that know about it and not everybody is making sockpuppet accounts. If everyone did we could easily get something like 500 votes.
Never mind just realized you could use email instead.
After doing some simple math, we need 1152 votes on Nonwhite to match up to the hillary (white) option.
>Unironically being a cuck
We can do that.
Just pitch a fit that as POC our votes are being whitewashed out by the privileged masses and should count as double.
Fucking Onionson is a bigot and his poll is a microaggression against us
Holy shit bump.
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