>did they buy those belts at Forever 21? Look at the knives, Burger. The knives are important.
Oliver Brown
>He says, fucking deploy the French army in areas of the world where ISIS is to kill them, instead of having them patrol inefficiently in France That's not based, that's a fucking stupid way to waste tax money and white lives.
Just deport all the subhumans back to Africa / middle east and let them strife and rot here
Michael Russell
>cut the foreign legion loose to act independently >FFL becomes a death squad on the ground in the middle east and northern Africa >Russia provides air support
Samuel Hill
frenchies are poor to do anything.
Grayson Hill
They should be more Goebbels like about this issue.
not necessarily nazi. Just all out fanatical about exterminating jihadists.
Charles Taylor
Caleb Brooks
They don't need to go to the Middle East to remove kebab.
There are plenty of kebabs right on their own clay.
Cameron Howard
French Army topkek. Kicked out of every single colony they ever owned by gooks and niggers
Jonathan Gonzalez
>Just deport all the subhumans back to Africa / middle east and let them strife and rot here
It's called REVENGE, boy. Real men care about it.
Alexander Turner
Jacob Bailey
His name sounds like "Vincent deports" in French.
Anthony Brown
How would that fix the millions of muslims in Frankistan and the Sharia ran muzzie neighbourhoods? Don't forget the possible rise of black militiancy with the milions of niggers, BLM style. After ISIS there will be another islamist organization. And another. Multiculturalism and mass immigration will cause a civil war in France, ISIS is irrelevant. Enjoy, Pierre.
Michael Taylor
ISIS in the middle east is fighting a regular war, moron, there's nothing the Frenchfags can do other Muzzies in the region aren't doing already. Let the sandniggers kill each other. "Real Manliness" would be, for example introducing the death penalty for terrorism and islamism and preparing the Army for mass deportation operations. What the "Based Real man" is doing is trying to get more popular support for their "Lets topple Assad and get the moderate rebels in power" idea that started the whole civil war thing.
Tyler Cook
Why? What's the fucking point with a continuos flow of Muslims entering Europe this strategy is pointless. #getusetoit Europe, this is the future Hollande, Merkel, and other European leaders chose for you!
Nicholas Kelly
>Based If he was based he'd be staging a military coup against the failed government.
Lincoln Stewart
How many shells per clip do those revolvers hold?
Cameron Gutierrez
>How many shells per clip do those revolvers hold?
What is bullpup? Are you retarded or something?
Joshua Taylor
Dumb frog just wants to send more people to die in a sandnigger war. If he was really based, he would round up every shitskin and deport them on a boat back to the middle East.
Nicholas Green
Riddle me this.
Why the fuck do they have bayonets that cover the muzzle of the rifle?
Holy shit France, are you that afraid of guns that even your military cannot be trusted?
Landon Cox
you cant be a real burger son
Aaron Ross
too smart
Logan Mitchell
Those FAMAS don't have mags?
Or is that like a mini mag... 5 round we can't see?
Ryder James
Looks like drill mags, little shitty plastic clips because their soldiers can't be trusted with real mags.
Adrian Gray
I noticed it too, and no mags.
The bayonet goes on the end of the flash hider.... kinda weird.
They do have those Rings at the base of the flash hider where they would go. If the barrels were 3-4 inches more it would fit.
Zachary Hernandez
French army fights with bayonets only mate.
Adam Nguyen
So, half of the France?
Owen Sullivan
Francois Hollande must be removed from power immediately and replaced by a General of the French Army. He and his administration have convered up details of the Bataclan massacre.
Men & women endured prolonged torture, eyes plucked, butchery of females genitals, castration, disembowelment, eventual decapitation, filmed and to be released later by muslim terrorists.
Nicholas Gonzalez
Yea we have been trying that here in the US for decades. Literally we had wiped out all "real" targets 24 hours into the war on terror, now we are just half ass nation builders.
I think its time to have a convo about the lesser of two evils.
>One on hand, a war on "terror" that could take decades and has no clear strategy or goal and kills thousands on both sides
>on the other hand, just say, "no, nobody is coming in from there, sorry"
I see a war on terror as something similiar to a war on racism. It would be nice and ideal if both went away but there is really no way to. Its a war on thoughts.
I see this as similar to if the EU came to the US to occupy us for decades in hopes that they will make us less racist.