Why did Prometheus put black goo in Holloway's drink? What happened to Asimov's laws?

Why did Prometheus put black goo in Holloway's drink? What happened to Asimov's laws?

Holloway vaguely kinda said "it's cool bro, poison me with an alien element that will give me squid contacts"

it was in line with the "how far are you willing to go to know why you're here" the movie tickled our balls with

Prometheus was the alien guy. That is Lawrence

Why did Holloway see an alien fish swimming in his fucking eyeball, after he'd spent the day walking around on an alien planet with his helmet off, and not immediately run screaming to the medical bay?

Or even tell the love of his life who he'd spent the previous night fucking, since maybe there might be some cause for concern about her health?

To be fair the movie didn't tell us enough, It might of been a pre existing condition before being an idiot and removing his helmet on a planet light years from earth

If you put your head on the sand all your problems go away.

Because plot and rational thought does not mix.

>immediately run screaming to the medical bay?
this is the future nobody does that
>maybe there might be some cause for concern about her health?
the same reason its fine to have a alien cesarian and tell absolutely nobody about it

>Asimov's laws?

can we talk about how retarded Asimov was? First those laws are only possible if you're a brain dead idiot who doesn't know anything about computer science. There was a good computerphile video on just how much of a joke those laws are, and how logically impossible they are to implement. Not just physically.
That guy that looks like a 12 yo with a crazy hair was the one in the video.

second thing that quote of his, something like "there are two possibilities, either we're alone in the universe or we are not, both are equally terrifying"

like fucking wat? how are those both equally terrifying? us being alone in the universe would literally disprove everything we know about our fucking universe. It would negate all our knowledge about how the universe work and it would also imply that the universe is some retarded place that exists on an irrational whim of a god and works by magic.

While the other option of us not being alone in the universe is completely logical and expected. There's not one scientist today that denies the probability that there is life outside Earth. Whether or not we'll ever see that life or interact with it in any way, that's another thing. But there's nothing we know about the universe that can be used as a justification for believing there is no life anywhere else. Literally nothing.

God I fucking hate sci-fi writers

Did anyone read The Circle? new movie coming out with emma watson getting blacked.com by john "nigger pear" boyega?
That's hands down the most retarded sci-fi book I have ever read.

Imagine knowing that you have a monster in your uterus and nobody wants to help you.
That's probably how my mother felt when she was preggers.

>hates sci-fi
>reads sci-fi

You'd implement those depending on how the AI exists. You are correct in that we can't simply true false, but there are ways to shape behavior

It's horrifying simply because
1. We are alone. There is nothing else.
2. We aren't alone, and we know nothing about them, especially their nature or intentions.

>It would negate all our knowledge about how the universe work
and it would also imply that the universe is some retarded place that exists on an irrational whim of a god and works by magic

Top pasta

Are we all ready for the most kino assault on a beloved franchise in history?

>Fully self aware machine
>following Asimov

>that quote of his
I believe that was Arthur C. Clarke, not Asimov. And the quote makes perfect sense 2bh.

>i never read good sci-fi: the pasta


You mean one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchies?


>one good movie in the franchise
>which was a sequel

>no because I said so
If we're alone in the universe that DOES disprove everything we think about reality. Either that it's literally the biggest coincidence of all time, a configuration of reality so unlikely it boggles the mind.

>We are alone. There is nothing else.

no, not "there's nothing else", that would imply that all we know about life is wrong.

How life works. How life starts. What are the conditions for life etc. Those conditions are estimated to be satisfied on millions of planets just in our own galaxy let alone in the whole universe. So if having the right conditions + time isn't what starts up life, then the only possibility is magic.

>2. We aren't alone, and we know nothing about them, especially their nature or intentions.

>this is what idiots actually think

first of all the universe is so big you can't even comprehend it, so even if there was life the chances of you bumping into it are minimal

and third, why would they ever want anything from you? If they can travel between galaxies they have no need for anything you can offer including the resources of the earth because there's nothing special about those resources, you can find anywhere and everywhere if you're technologically advanced enough to get there and mine those resources. And they would be technologically advanced given that they would need to travel from god knows where just to get to us.

Literally they can't have any malicious intentions towards you or any intentions at all. They wouldn't give a shit about you.

The reason people like you believe in this sort of bullshit is because you basically take what humans have done on this small Planet with limited resources and project that sort of behavior onto the stars.

When in fact there's no reason any technologically advanced group would act in such a way in the vastness of space.

Life is easy if you aren't stupid, try using your brain sometimes

I think that's the worst picture of Emma i've ever seen.

that's the one hacked from her iCloud

no makeup lol

I didn't know women could have a receding hairline