
this lad has really bad gyno edition

Other urls found in this thread:


me about to go out to shell some corbynites

HIGNFY is absolute dogshit
they don't go into any detail into the subjects except looking at the camera and saying 'BOOORIS JOHNSON BREXIT TRUMP'

Gender isn't real.

yank hours, yank editions

>applying for uni scholarships
>see this

leftypol is SEETHING



can't think of anything more disgusting than bean curd

asians should be ashamed of themselves

all the brits are in here
yanks stay put

is that real?
is the communist party outlawed or something?

>I declare that I am definitely NOT a terrorist

would passionately shag cara 2bh

yeah I vape

/brit/ etiquette dictates that the first thread posted is always the one used regardless of poster origin

>thread wars

nah but it's more or less irrelevant these days, he probably died decades ago and just really liked commies


do you ever contemplate how alone you really are?

disliked even

Reading the other thread reminds me that I hate the Brits. I hope they all explode.

real new
real new
real new

this was posted first sweaty


To become a US citizen you have to disclose if you've ever been a member of a communist party, Nazi party, or al-Qaeda

anyone else into audio porn


fuck off with this autism

yank hours

*raises paw*

what if you've been a member in a non-violent capacity?
like catering or something

old freddy probably made it one of the scholarship terms in his will

>EQUITY trustees
>not a communist


yeah lad
post some good ones


>I hear Jordan and Peter Andre are fighting over custody of Harvey...although eventually one of them will lose and have to keep him


Post your favourites

?? Back in the day I received a scholarship that was managed by that same company (i.e. not a commie collective)

howling at how everyone thought macron would be the next corbyn but instead he's just another reactionary neoliberal runt

just saw an ad for LA Noire

did i accidentally time travel to 2011?


I'm here for a horny pissing session

>not a commie thing

hmmm which accent is this

Why do people blame the Jews for interest when it's a natural extension to the time value of money?
Is it just 'excessive interest' that causes issue?

I'm saying that their ideology kinda clashes with their name

Jordan actually seems to be a pretty good mother tbf. She's a good business woman too.

so why don't you take your cock in your hand and let's go!


I prefer to remain ignorant of this whole nature of humanity


>Until four-thirty this morning I had hoped against hope that some miracle would prevent a devastating war in Europe and bring to an end the invasion of Poland by Germany. For four long years a succession of actual wars and constant crises have shaken the entire world and have threatened in each case to bring on the gigantic conflict which is today unhappily a fact.
>You are, I believe, the most enlightened and the best informed people in all the world at this moment. I can add to that by saying that I hope the people of this country will also discriminate most carefully between news and rumor. Do not believe of necessity everything you hear or read. Check up on it first.

hello nigger


which communist party?
although tbf australia doesn't have many, compared to a country like nepal...

my mum says there's a lot of black people in chicago

>[F4M] Morning Sex [kissing][loving][teasing][breathy][moaning][grinding][wet sounds][riding][big, hard dick][creampie][cuddling][18:26]

Noticed, thanks. from Home Counties,
low–klassnica too — not a posh wan.

time moves qhickly dunnit?

I'm watching, I know what you're doing

whats she up to these days

in australia you have to spit after you mention communism out loud or it's treason

just received a text for her

A LOT..I'm in the burbs and they are filling up FAST with all manor of brown people

the 'f's new tat

looking at a german escorts website
its like £200 an hour

any feels man in

imagine living in asia surrounded by so many people

Finance definition, not lay definition, not definition in common law either.

massive choon



yes- but youd never see them. its the most segregated city in the US/

Might have another go at breaking all my addictions at once
I get through 12 months at best then doubledown really hard

this is probably what is going to kill me and I don't even know why I'm doing it

ja, die deutsche huren ist sehr geschickt

hello nigger


impeccable bum. wish my gf wasnt chubby

What's its turnover, gearing ratio, operative capital, and profit? boy-o.

any chicken man in? just collected the eggs for today

don't ignore me you cunts, this is a serious matter

>Replying literally 7 years later
What's the point?

state of that pool

>stealing my gimmick to fit in

ooph. you gonna ask about the cuckio meme next?

me. popped on the heater for them in the coop earlier

seriously why dont we annex canada? nobody lives there

more of a cock man myself sweaty x

mow around the pool

using my hand to trick my willy into thinking it's having sex and it's totally falling for it


utter fucking cancer

d e p r e s s i n g

I foresee no long term economic detriment in this


love u

gimmick idea: become a farmer in australia

it's for horses to exercise in, I use it for swimming in summer though

I over-chlorinated the fuck out of it to get rid of horse shit and stuff yesterday so it'll take a while to settle down

need to get back into working out

start tomorrow

does the cock horn stay on when you aren't erect?

*S–6 wimyn*