Trump Officially Pick Pence. How do we feel, Sup Forums?

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not good

why not ginrich seriously. fuck pence

Well, as long as he supports God's people the Jews he's fine by me!

don't care. he seems to make base happy.

get the support numbers over 40% pls

Pro TPP pence has VP it's a fucking joke now

>why not ginrich seriously
because Trump doesn't want to commit suicide by shooting himself 3 times in the neck while hanging himself

So with such a good goy as his VP how soon will they shoot trump after he wins?

Nah, Gingrich and Trump = 6 marriages.

I don't want Trump taking my govenor, NOOOOOOOOOOO!

Pence keeps my property taxes low, while still sending me refunds checks from the state by having a surplus. On my $300K home I pay only $1500 in taxes on my home annually.

Nobody does that!

I honestly might vote for Hillary now, they're almost indistinguishable from eachother but atleast Hillary isn't an antiabortion retard who will let us get flooded with even more unwanted shitskins.

>Hillary isn't an antiabortion retard who will let us get flooded with even more unwanted shitskins

Trump is still the boss.

Pence will behave and follow orders.

>allows abortion to keep nigs under populated
>ships in thousands of shitskins instead
u wot m8

Hard Mode: Selected

>sending me refunds checks from the state by having a surplus.

if the public side has a surplus (e.g retard shit neoliberal governance), the private must have shit being taken away from them not the other way around.
(well it's either that or it's coming from another state)

Good. It's a solid political move; he helps consolidate the normal republican base while trump generates high levels of motivation and brings in the marginal votes.

>wanting to murder babies

you should vote for hillary then you scumbag

Wont this just bring in more flack from the left regarding Pence?

No, she only wants to completely dissolve our borders. Abortion kills white children too, moron. It affect minorities disproportionately because they're minorities, but the majority of women receiving abortions are white women.

Well, it's time to give up.

Abortions shouldn't even matter to you unless you are a female/trans...

Makes you think.

We're going to get flooded with shitskins anyway, Trump was always a globalist and him picking Pence proves it beyond doubt, at least with abortion legal and unrestricted their numbers will be kept down to some degree.

Losing hope.

Not really just guarantees no berniebros will vote for trump so he needs to get republican unity all the way up or hes dead.

WTF I was supporting Trump until his shit decision I am a #Cruzmissile now

>Trump Pence


>Didn't pick Jesse "The Body" Ventura
Trump just threw the election

OR the government could be spending money wisely for once. Like Trump, they could be ahead of schedule and under budget.

Funny how all the polls from the mainstream media don't line up with the independent pollsters at all.

white women that want abortions shouldn't be raising children, so let them have the fucking abortion or you'll just get fucked up white children, like me.

And like user said, pushes away virtually all Bernout support who might've been on the fence.

What in the fuck was he thinking?

I was going to vote republican this election, but I guess not anymore. Trump just lost my vote, and millions of others as well. Hillary is probably throwing a party right now.
HE FUCKING ENDORSED CRUZ OVER TRUMP for the very state that ended his campaign and the GOP Primary.


This is a bad fucking move. Why would he pick someone who opposes him on the fundamental issues on his platform and was recently trash talking him like a cuck?

I need Scott Adams to talk me down off the ledge.

Not crazy about it, but Trump has run a brilliant campaign to this point. I'm at least willing to hear him explain why he thought Pence was the best choice before freaking out.


romney 2.0
guess I'll get back to working on my worker's permit in norway
had high hopes, too.

sad part is that it probably wasn't even him, someone like paul ryan probably forced this cuck onto him

please tell me this is a joke and this is 4D chess. I don't really know what to think. But I was pretty confident Trump would pick someone right for the job. Think about Biden these last 8 years. Has Biden really done anything? I think Trump will still be his own person without being swayed by his VP, no matter who it is.


They had Trump down to lose one of the states to Cruz by +2% while every other poll had Trump leading by 33%, they're pretty much the most unreliable pollster.

Most polls are saying it's close the past few days, especially the swing states, they key things of note being Hilldog dropping a lot of points.

Cruz was probably even a better VP pick

There isn't. Pence is pro fucking TPP.

This is unbelievably stupid.

NBC/WSJ polls have consistently underestimated Trump from the very beginning/ Some could not have been more wrong.

Trump is a Hillary plant, this confirms it

VP is assassination insurance
right now, the VP looks 1000x better than trump for the people who would want trump dead

i dont care

I looked up that NBC poll, they only polled 100 people.

Not that big of a deal anyways, the VP doesn't do shit.

Vox Day thinks it's a good pick. Everyone step ofd the ledge.

Because Gingrich is fucking heavily disliked.
I can only think of 2 people who would be worse

>Pence is an unknown, this requires the DNC to start from scratch on bringing up dirt, ties up resources.

>Polling indicated that him and Newt rally the most additional support. This seems strange to us but remember the majority of the electorate are normies, however nearly 80% not having heard of him, meaning that Trump can paint Pence however he wants, unlike Newt who the public knows about.

>Complaints about gay rants don't really matter because the media has already declared Trump to be Hitler

On muzzies

Sure its not as edgy as Newt saying test all muslims and deport ones who believe in Shariah, but it uses the terms "western civilization", which is less cucky than a few bad actors

On rapefugees

>.Now that we know a Syrian refugee was involved in the attacks in Paris, I just determined as the governor of Indiana it would be appropriate for us to suspend any further resettlement of refugees in the state of Indiana unless and until we could bring about the changes that would give us absolute assurance no one would be a threat to our people. As governor I have no higher priority than the safety and security of the people of my state," says Gov. Pence.

His voting and advocacy record

[Pence has already voted for building a wall in the past](

[Pence voted YES on deporting all illegals caught reieving hospital treatment](

[Pence has a 100% rating with FAIR, indicating a record on restricting immigration.](

[Pence advocated ending birthright citizenship](

And my favorite

[Pence CO-SPONSORED a bill along with Ron Paul to declare English as the official language](

He may not be the best dream pick like Sessions, but hes certainly no cuck.

I respect his decision even though I would have preferred someone else.
I'm in it for Trump, he's what matters.


Who gives a fuck? Seriously, there are far more important issues than this woman non-problem.

what's up with the markdown links?

honestly, this

there is nobody voting for trump who cares about abortion.
98% of men don't care at all about it, and the women who do care were already voting for hillary.

He's also pro TPP and trashed the Muslim ban.

This pick is for conservatives that can actually maintain a marriage. Bernouts do not vote so I have no idea who would try to pander to them.

vp doesn't make policy you stupid fucking child. vp is the president's ambassador used to push policy. you do realize a lot of senators aren't on board with trump, right? having someone like pence convincing them to align with his policy after someone like him was against it lends credibility

The majority of the female vote relies on abolishment of female responsibilities. It's why women shouldn't be allowed to vote in the first place. Men vote for their country, women vote for themselves.

Who would you prefer? I know nothing about this Pence guy.


The next few days are going to be a wild ride.

I think he shoulda picked Ben carson

Yeah? You do realize Pence is going to push away any would be support, right? And he disagrees with Trump on several issues, backed Cruz, and trashed him before, right?

Go fuck yourself, dumbass. This move was fucking stupid.

>Who gives a fuck?

Millions of people. As much as certain Sup Forumstards love to embrace this "echochamber reflecting reality" idea, the fact is your cute little edgy opinions really aren't popular.

That only says he was strong on immigration. If that was the main draw of his pick then why didn't Trump go with Sen. Jeff Sessions, someone just as if not more Strong against immigration while also close to him on Muslims, Trade, and the rest. He was also the first Congresscritter to endorse him while Pence was apparently #NeverTrump until the end of the Primary.

Even Krispy Kreme would have been better as at least he's a high energy attack dog that heels well to his Master.

I'm upset.

Are you guys just butthurt that he chose a jewish person or do you have any problems with Pence that aren't ad hominem related?

literally copy pasted from reddit lmfao
fucking trumpshills ISTG

Bad idea t bh, but if you're going to give up on Trump because of Pence then please kill yourself you retard.
Pence is an idiotic muh gawd neo-con, yes. But Trump didnt pick him for no reason, I expect Pence has conformed to Donald Trumps views.

Pretty much.
At least Cruz brings some strong debate skills to the team, and his organizational abilities. It was also fun to watch him and Trump get along in the early debates.

Pence is just...boring. He also raises Trump's assassination chances.

Should have picked Michael Flynn. He was on the short list. Former Lieutenant General. Knows what's up in the Middle East.

i copy pasted this shit from someone's statement. I posted it before I got to edit it, stating my opinion of what this person said.

Fuck this globalist cunt

once again the white trash 80 iq retard doesn't understand a thing

Why should we care?
Can you give a tldr?

I voted for Trump in the primary (absentee ballot).

Fuck this shit. I am sitting out the election now.

yea i stated that here

I'm done. At least Hillary is probably gonna start a racewar since she is obviously a closet racist.

With a treacherous cuck for a VP, Trump is almost guaranteed to get assassinated.

This nigger better fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness for that TPP shit.

Also this. Trump could have this a populist election or taken the General as him running mate with recent terror attacks and ran as the National Security Law & Order candidate.

He's thrown that away.

Can't "Recom" Pence


Yeah, you're dumb as shit and clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

What you retards don't understand is that the majority abortions are of nonwhites and among whites it's liberals who get them the most. With both candidates revealed to be globalist stooges, abortion is our last line of defense against the shitskins.

That makes sense. I still don't like it.
Actually, polls say that Gingrich would increase his numbers, because he's a smart guy with experience. He's disliked because people view him as sort of dishonest and manipulative, but that's absolutely no issue being that Crooked Hillary is the epitome of that and The Donald, who is the head of the ticket, is very honest. Gingrich then would just bring intellectual credibility and experience to the ticket, which is why he was the only pick that made any sense.

>wanting to spend tax dollars on unwanted babies

you must be on neetbux to think like this

Trump cannot rely on meme magic for the next 8 years.

He is an outsider, with every democrat looking for blood. They will be 10x worse than they were during Bush.

Trump will need GOP support to get things done.

I'm sure Pence will fall in line and say what he is told to say.

>How do we feel, Sup Forums?

We need Sessions to keep his spot in Congress. Just like the Dems know they can't grab Warren as VP. She would give her position up to the governor,who is a Republican.

>Gingrich then would just bring intellectual credibility
"Intellectual credibility" doesn't win elections. Emotions and persuasion win elections.

What happened to based instincts?

Now we continue the tradition of not giving a fuck about the VP.

i very clearly explained what i was talking about. maybe you should re-read it. pence has nothing to do with policy and a lot of senators are actually pro tpp and don't want to build a wall or restrict moslems from entering. someone like pence, who has a history of being against trump's policies could lend credibility to trump's policies in the senate. it's about the senate and the ability to get policies passed there.

you're a fucking retard and a dumb white trash monkey. eat a bullet you worthless faggot

No, Pence governs with clean hands and integrity. The state of IN receives little federal funding for much of anything. That's a big luxury to be able to fight the feds. Pence runs a clean efficient program.

Though his TPP support bothers me.

Maybe Pence is actually a great guy and just got hoodwinked by his many advisors/consultants/lawyers et al. into supporting TPP 2 years ago. Pence at least has some humanity in his eyes.


Yea but if trump is assassinated, the VP takes over.
