what happend

That's the new Leeds logo.


This is MLS tier lol


It's honestly below MLS-tier, which is saying something.

What did Leeds fans do to deserve this?

Why not a modernised version of the classic rose logo?

>isn't wearing a scarf

Why is it a white person? baka

Looks like something a BTEC graphic design student would come up with as a last minute project

What the fuck lol



They're a set of cunts, this is hilarious

MLS tier

bring the peacock back

because it makes too much sense
modern owners (entrepreneurs in general) are retards

fucking kek

Seriously though this is a travesty and they probably paid some twat thousands of pounds to design it.

Red pill me on the Leeds hate.

That logo is shit, but it seems that Leeds is the most hated club in England.

There is a documentary about it. 'Damned United' i think its called?

Amazing that they had such high quality cameras to film that back then

they were just filthy dirty hatchetmen, and also corrupt in the 60s and 70s

and then in the 80s because their fans became subhuman holligans

This. It's fucking a white male.
I'm telling Twitter about this.

>6 months of research
>10,000 people consulted
>Ready for the next 100 years

kek, I did one of those 4 years ago. Any bongs here who are underageb& and thinking of doing one - Don't! biggest waste of time ever.

Fucking Americans

They should’ve just used the original logo