
rockstar developer edition

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urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=paddy wagon

need an answer

1st for thailad be bf

what are the ties that bind us

why aren't we on facebook or twitter or reddit like everyone else

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=paddy wagon

r8 my d-o-g

delete ur post u gay cunt and maybe

going to bed
goodnight x

the proto gf

>gta comes from britain
>la noire came from aus
what is the point of yanks

night lad xx


>ties that bind us
An acute sense of the impermanence of all things that allow us to see the beauty in these ephemeral exchanges

To buy it

>the most multi ethnic cities in america are the richest
>the whitest cities in america are the poorest

to make cowboy games pardner



not my president

is this /effay/?

fire alarm finally stopped
goodnight lads :)

>what are the ties that bind us
is this from a song

pls b my gf
night xx

*temporarily removes cock from mouth*
"Yea umm I'll have a frappacino please"
*resumes sucking*

whomst are you quoting nasim

not enough context

does nassim approve of cappuccinos

Guy at the café

paul walker im so sad that you died in a car crash

really resent people who have genuine friends who care for them

it wouldn't be so bad but i see it. i could pull out a gun and go "okay, off to the loo to kill myself" and they'd say "alright, don't take too long our talk starts in 10 minutes" while for others even a "i'm going to go outside for a minute" will involve an offer of "are you alright? do you want me to go with you?"

sometimes think a graphic act of self harm would be an interesting punctuation mark on these thoughts, but wouldn't act on it.

sometimes i forget that north africa is actually where all the white french people (like alan) live

Love spiders me

doing GOMAD for a laugh
tummy becoming larger v quickly hehe o_O

Definitely no if cold. Only marginally if hot because they are delicious but coffee isn't exactly supposed to be delicious.

pics xx

business idea: bulk but don't cut

>rockstar toronto
>only notable game is the awful pc port of gta iv

ah yes.......................................

Alri will go drink my coffee and Chainsmoke a bit then go to swim. Have a happy Sunday lads.x

and ea canada just puts out the same fifa game every year

see ya alan x

bye alan stay safe dont forget your floaties

at least we have bioware


Do you rock a speedo or jammers?

fuck off

never liked bill murray

glad hes dead

does pengdon refer to london or swindon

my guess would be swindon since absolutely nothing about london could be described as peng


lots of spiders ngl

genuinely do not fucking care


>since absolutely nothing about london could be described as peng


alri sargon

name one peng ting about london

wont you lads to invade again so i can kill some of ye

Slough and Swindon objectively are the two best cities in the world

it refers to Bredon actually

were singers in the 40s and 50s better than today or did the equipment just make them sound so


*invades direland*

lots of coloured fellas


Any leftypol man in

Come friendly bombs...

*smears mud on face*
*loads spud gun*
hee nothin personal fatty

they learned different singing techniques than vocalists today. Many of them were classically trained. People also just use to have nicer speaking voices, so that may have extended to singing.

that's a clickbait title

*blocks your path*

*runs out of ammo*
*starves* x_x

goodnight alan

goodnight thailad xx ;)

goodnight everyone else

an australian invasion of direland would be over in seconds
irish women would not be able to resist servicing us sexually while we methodically execute their husbands and sons

saw a ching chong who was taller than me the other day (i'm 6'2")

was quite nonplused

It's modern music being mostly shit, and autotune/melodyne/vocal editing that made them lazy.


know a japanese-australian who is unironically 6'4", his dad is really tall though

maybe he's their leader, and if you heem him all the rest of them will shut down

Love animals
Hate that animals have to be slaughtered and are often subject to cruelty


Will be greatly looking forward to laboratory meat

>tfw I love animals but I love eating them even more

it refers to Loddon m8

bugger that, he probably knows kung fu


*loses in you national sport to a country that doesn't even play it*


>wake up 6:30 according to the phone
>it's 5:30 according my computer
it's winter time lads

want to write a musical again

occasionally come up with the (deviantart) tier idea of writing a pseudo-musical where i use commercial songs with meanings tenuously linked to the ongoing plot. (since 90% of songs are about love and love stories are almost universally shit.)

in a quandry
or a quandra, whatever it is


quorn vegetarian lasagna is nice

fictional post



when does it snow is peeden?

never understood the 'long legs' meme
long legged lasses are always flat where it matters


post long legs

>Northern Ireland teen dies in road crash

>An 18-year-old man has died following a one-vehicle road crash near Dromara, County Down.

>The incident happened on the Banbridge Road in Dromara, in the early hours of Saturday, October 28.

>Inspector Jonny Francey said: “Shortly after 12:30am, police received a report of a one-vehicle collision on the Banbridge Road, Killallen - between Dromara and Killallen - involving an orange coloured Vauxhall Corsa.

>“Police attended the scene, along with other emergency services. There were five teenage males in the car, including a rear seat passenger who died at the scene.

>“The driver of the vehicle and the remaining passengers, one of whom sustained serious injuries, were taken to hospital."


mm yes london very good yes


just wanted some chips and ended up going a little bit gung-ho lads

oh well, these things happen
