He sounds pretty based, guys. What's the problem?

He sounds pretty based, guys. What's the problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


He supports the tpp.
He supports Muslim refugees.

when did our stupid government decide to spend billions bombing people, then import them?

He's another zio cuck just like trump. I'm considering voting (((Jill stein)))

TPP, and he's a neo con

We're fucked.

>corporate shill
Yeah he can fuck right off

Stormfags chimping out as usual.

He's actually a good choice.

>pay for corporate tax cuts

I've never understood how liberals equate NOT taking someone's money with giving them free money.

Clearly picked to keep Trump from getting assassinated.

You guys do remember that VPs don't actually do anything, right?


Pretty simple, really. They think all money belongs to the government.

Fucking this, look at Biden for Christ's sake

If it becomes a forefront issue, it'll be political poison. The GOP hasn't shown the ability to approach the topic tactfully.

>Anti LGBT law.
That he caved and signed and amended version of. More poison.

If he's used as an economic figure to rally the GOP establishment, he'll work fine. That's about it.


He will literally have no power

He has the power to lose this election.

Shills are the problem

The answer is build the wall

He wont lose shit moron

>Trump just cucked himself out of the FAGGOT vote, Women vote, Indiana vote, and anti-TPP vote
fuckin what

Anti-White Anti-Trump shills in full force

so he's just a male Sarah palin?

Indiana likes Pence

>17% approval

People who either wished for Michael Flynn but this guy is fine.
And then there are the shills and shitposters.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a shill
no idiot. This is a dumb pick. Get over it

The whole appeal of Trump was that he ignored these divisive social issues and focused on real issues.

Like it or not, appealing to moderates gets you elected, not appealing to a dying religion.

His stance on abortion is the only thing here I have a problem with. Abortion is our best tool for keeping the population of shitskins in check.

Yeah, that's prolly the only reason why blacks have been stable at 12-13% for decades.

Latinos and muslims instead breed like roaches.

Thread music:


Too much social issue baggage, free ammo for the lefties, and he drives away moderates.

If Sup Forums is unhappy with the pick it most likely means it's a great choice.

Banning abortion is a bad, bad idea. Especially if when whites are on the decline.

I would have thought that appealing to the Berntards and centrists would have counted for more, but he's gone the other direction, pandering to the establishment hacks.

Maybe there's something we don't know, maybe the Establishment are actually a bigger voting bloc. From the outside looking in, it just looks objectively bad.

You know how I know you're not from Indiana?


Also, I don't care about fags having sex, and neither do most Americans. While slashing higher education funding is fine, he should have put the money into K-12 education, in order to reduce property taxes.

No, almost everyone in Indiana thinks he's an idiot.

Trump needed to get the Cruzmissiles back. He needed the Republicans to go vote. He needs the rural vote in many of the swing states and Mike Pence will probably get them to turn out.

This is a meme they push a lot.

He wants Muslim refugees and abortion is important for keeping the nigger population down.

I fucked his daughter in high school and met him on many occasion. He is a douche nozzle to the extreme. He ran Keil brothers oil in Columbus Indiana for many years until e ran it into te ground.

explain. Do you mean libs won't want to assassinate Trump because Pence is even worse?

He fucked up big time. Independent voters are much more important than cuckservative voters.

Just a quick reminder:

Mike Pence wrote an op-ed in 2001 that said smoking doesn’t kill people.


Only about 60 years after research showed pretty concretely that smoking causes cancer and other diseases which will definitely kill you.

Why are republicans so against evidence based research??


You didn't fuck his daughter you fucking liar.

Smoking doesn't kill people. Cancer does you fucking retard.

hows it feel to know you got cucked by a clinton plant, losers?

Give your parents my condolences for birthing a literal retard

>Trumpfags crying about it when faced with the prospect of actual Conservatism

I knew you were all faggot lolbertarians.
Please leave, Sup Forums is a traditionalist Christian board.

>explain. Do you mean libs won't want to assassinate Trump because Pence is even worse?
Possibly he could choose someone he feels is incapable of being president so the GOP establishment won't risk trying to get rid of him after hes elected. If he has a strong leader as VP there's always the chance they could try to engineer some scandal to get him impeached.