I am going to post my analysis on what is really going on in the middle east, and what ramifications have spread throughout the entire world as a consequence.
>There were a few remaining Arab countries that had not signed a peace treaty with Israel come the year 2000.
>These countries were Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Libya, & Iran (Which is a Persian country, not Arab)
>These countries central banks were also not owned by a branch of the Rothschild family.
>After 9/11, it would be easy to convince the American people into allowing the president to take the country into two wars.
>The first war, in Afghanistan, would provide the chance to control the entire heroin super highway that spreads into mainland Russia, and the rest of Europe. The perfect way to degenerate a country.
>The second, Iraq, would first remove Saddam who had threatened and fired missiles at Israel multiple times, and also possessed one of the largest militaries in the world at the time.
>Saddam was a horrible person, and deserved to hang. However, do you think for one moment that the US invaded only to "free" the Iraqi people? There was much bigger profit to be had. From Iraq's oil reserves to construction contracts, there were billions to be distributed between the high rollers behind this scheme.
>The US invades Iraq on the pretense that Saddam was hiding WMD's somewhere in the country.
>The USA, the most powerful country in the world with its CIA spread throughout the world, could not infiltrate Saddam's personnel to either confirm nor deny the existence of WMD's before taking the decision to go to war which would cost thousands of American lives, and over a million Iraqi lives.
>Saddam's army who disbanded a week after the invasion, was also known to be one of the most corrupt in the world and would have been easily infiltrated for the right price, yet no one bats an eye.