Finally watching it.
What am I in for?
Finally watching it.
What am I in for?
Maria Hill
>File: tmp_11855-Avengers_Age_of(...).jpg (153 KB, 259x384)
>File: tmp_11855-cobie-smulders-(...).jpg (175 KB, 1181x1600)
When will mobile posters that hit airplane mode be purged?
Worst MCU movie to date with the exception of iron man 2
No idea, buddy, because I fell asleep halfway through.
James Spader and Jeremy Renner make this flick worth watching
Reminder that Civil Bore exists.
I hate the faggy way everyone speaks
But why did they make the robot speak faggy too?
Was he like that in the comics
You sound like a ten yr old. I can no longer take you seriously
What are you doing? You can't post that here.
Yes I am ten
(Every time I make this fake post on Sup Forums I get banned as mods are morons)
qt scarlet witch
A movie which you will forget completely about within 3 years.
"Beep beep"
3 days.
3 minutes
Quips and cringe
>Quips the movie
Also the flick that ruined Joss Whedons career.
fucking embarrassing, whedon is an absolute joke.
>Civil War is worse than Age of Ultron
RedditLetterMedia faggot detected.
coming from someone who hated age of ultron
>great fight sequences
>mostly great CGI
>mediocre story
>way too many stupid jokes taking from the seriousness of the situations
>scarlet widow is on a scooter driving through Asian city
>beep beep
>outta the way!
>honk honk
YIKES! Who thought this was a good idea?
I'll make a post that isn't low-effort shitposting about quips. Yeah, the quips are genuinely bad, but the mediocrity of this movie is much more deep-rooted than that. It's like a slightly darker B-side of the original Avengers movie, without the novel charm of a colorful ensemble cast coming together for the first time. Both shit movies, but at least the Avengers (2012) tried to be somewhat revolutionary. If Infinity War has any chance of being great it will revolve around the concept of doing what the original Avengers set out to do but with competent direction and without quips. There's enough new characters since AoU to rehash the whole "team assembling for the first time" idea and make it seem fresh.
>>great fight sequences
Iron Man 2 was unironically my favorite MCU movie. Come at me
What movie are you talking about?
>enjoyable first ~35 minutes or so
>quickly gets tiring and exhausting as you're trying to attune to all the missed beats
>then becomes an incoherent mess that forgets the villain its about with some scattered nuanced brilliance here and there
After the dream sequences you can tell that Whedon just fully lost control of the movie. The farm scenes seemed like they belonged to a much better film than almost every scene after it.
That being said I enjoyed a lot of it. Daresay most of it.
More like couple of days of Ultron... two weeks max.
is that the unfinished clip that's been floating around? that can't be the version they decided to put in theaters, can it?