Not surprised alt-right fags are against this

Pence is against illegals, gays, atheism, and welfare

Sounds like a smart dude, I don't see the problem? Care to explain?

Or is this just alt-""""""""right"""""""" fags complaining about this?

Other urls found in this thread:


No one trump could have picked would have been the best option.

Its massive shilling, remember, Reagan had to pick Bush.

>against atheism
Into the trash it goes

I'm not against Christianity, but don't believe it myself.

Sup Forums is a bunch of race mixing faggots, what did you expect?

*tips fedora*

Trump is a sell out. His "anti-establishment" nonsense is officially over with this pick. Pence is just another establishment globalist Republican who has backwards beliefs (anti-gays, pro-life etc..) and is Pro-TPP, which was my most important issue of this election. Call it pandering to the Christian right wingers all you want, none of them were gonna vote Hillary in the first place. Trump just fucked himself on all the independent voters who have a good chance of deciding this election.
I'm going third party. Fuck the Democrats and the Republicans.

>doesn't understand evolution

On muzzies

>We must resolve to bring to justice all those responsible and defeat this enemy civilization at its source

On rapefugees

>Now that we know a Syrian refugee was involved in the attacks in Paris, I just determined as the governor of Indiana it would be appropriate for us to suspend any further resettlement of refugees in the state of Indiana unless and until we could bring about the changes that would give us absolute assurance no one would be a threat to our people. As governor I have no higher priority than the safety and security of the people of my state," says Gov. Pence.

Pence has already voted for building a wall in the past

Pence voted YES on deporting all illegals caught reieving hospital treatment

Pence has a 100% rating with FAIR, indicating a record on restricting immigration

Pence advocated ending birthright citizenship

Pence CO-SPONSORED a bill to declare English as the official language

I'm not against atheism either, but pic related

newt would have been better

Trump picking Pence was incredibly smart because now people will think twice about assassinating him.

He is neo-con am i right?

Because, surprise surprise, Sup Forums is actually a den of degeneracy by themselves.

>daily faggot appreciation threads
>trap loving threads
>racemixing threads that get mostly positive replies
>idol is a bbc sucking faggot

What? Pence is a generic cuckservative globalist? Trumps chances of getting assassinated just skyrocketed.

Thank you for correcting the record

It is a coordinated shill attempt to shape public opinion. Ignore literally everyone who says something like "dropped" or equally stupid shit.

Just drop out already Ted

If that's what you want to call someone who is actually right-wing

I guess being right-wing nowadays means being a homosexual so long as you are against illegal immigration.

> who has backwards beliefs (anti-gays, pro-life etc..)

No one here likes Bernie Sanders faggot, maybe you should go back to rebbit. There is literally nothing wrong with being anti-gay and anti-abortion. Fuck off

Im not voting for Clinton either you retard. She's worse than Trump.

You triggered bro? Go back to fucking your cousin down in Alabama

No he wouldn't. Newt is the most establishment and would have driven the whole campaign into the ground

Just look at the front page being spammed with the same fucking thread

Hillary shills, what else is new

if you dont realize its shillarybots stirring shit up then you're as blind and dumb as they are.

>Pence is against illegals


I simply don't believe you

I heared neo-cons is pretty much fantic fuckers, they would make it worse, Trump don't look like neo-con.

Because he won't be the vice president.

He will be the president. Thats why.

This guy sounds pretty based, is it just #HillBillies shitposting?

Man, shut the fuck up you whiny bitch. Trump is just playing politics. He's a smart guy.

Your country is an unholy shithole so I'm not surprised

Jesus you're a whiny little cunt. Go back to plebbit.

ITT: Trumptards stumped because they just realized Trump is a Clinton plant and is purposely throwing the election away.

>he's just playing politics
so what you're saying is that he's a politician. So remind me what the fuck makes him so special in the first place? Oh yeah, it was not being a politician.

>you don't want another guy to fuck you in the ass?
>ha aha what a loser you probably fuck your cousin hahahaaha

that's how stupid you sound

yeah, thanks for fucking our shit up like everywhere you show up in the world.

He's an establishment cuck. And I hate fucking bible thumping tards.

At least it's not Newt who is an outright globalist shill though.

Mimi Walters

>Pence is against illegals, gays, atheism, and welfare

1. I am not against "illegals", I am against all non-whites, all subhuman trash must be purged. Pence is not conducive to this goal, since he is an anti-white establishment cuck.

2. How is Pence anti-gay? By preventing them from order cakes? Anti-gay means advocating for the total extermination of all diseased faggots, which Pence has not done.

3. Nothing wrong with atheism.

4. Nothing wrong with welfare.

>runs for President
>wooow how dare he act like a politician!

He's got no Bantz.

You need to unite the country, not run an alt-right meme board.

I know nothing about Pence but if he is a slight establishment choice it shows that Trump can break bread with the political heavy weights to bring the country to unity.

Being a TPP shill is probably the worst thing. That and him sperging out on Trump about the muzzy ban. I dunno. We'll see.

Mike Pence endorsed Ted Cruz during the primary.

>yfw you realize Trump is literally a bigger cuck than Bernie now

Bro, it's the vice president. No reason to give Hillary the presidency over a vice president.

>muh bible thumpers

Thanks for the moral-relativism bro! It's done wonders for Western Civilzation

I'd never vote for anyone who put his religion and his God above his country and his people.
>Christian first, American second
Whatever happened to separation of church and state?

What's wrong is it's a terrible pick that gains trump nothing

Hard right voters weren't going to vote for hillary regardless, picking someone like flynn would've picked him up independents and allow him to claim he's really unifying the country


I don't know go vote for Hillary then you atheist faggot

Yes, how dare he. When people overwhelmingly give him a victory against all odds for being anti-establishment that kind of fucking gives him a mandate to continue being so.

i have a hypothesis that the VP will be Christie. But I have not seen or read the news within the last 4 hours so it may have to be updated accordingly if there is anything related that's earth-shattering.

Trump had my vote till he revealed himself as another establishment shill.

Hillary and Trump deserve nobody's votes.


So you are now a #hillaryartillery ?

>someone who is actually right-wing

Goldwater was right. We're never, ever going to see common sense, fiscally-responsible policy ever again, because it's been irrevocably shackled to theocrats who put Christ before the fucking economy.

Go back to ribbit

Can't believe the number of spergs on this board hoping for Webb.

and why would I want to unite with trannies, niggers, mexicans, gays, and feminists?

>the alt-right
Don't bother considering them right-wing anymore. They took a wild ride to the left side.

It's Hillary. How can you in good conscience give Hillary any chance at being president. She's literally worst case scenario.

He is among the cuckiest of cucks.



He wants to ban BDS (which as we have seen at Berkeley literally means to make criticism of Israel illegal) and he's a big fan of AIPAC. This includes openly putting Israel's interests before America's on the issue of Iran.

>Putting shekels before religion
>b-b-but I am the real right wing 11


What's this nonsense about acting like hard right and religious right are already in Trump's hand? Sure they prefer him over Hillary, but it isn't enough to just be preferred. Tons of people don't even vote; a lot of election politics is about mobilizing your base. Getting the religious right to come out 100% is better than getting 60% of them and some moderates.


Half of Sup Forums is a bunch of degenerates who have completely bought into the leftist social engineering and social justice agenda. They like fags and trannies and abortion and atheism and general debauchery. It's disappointing but true. The leftists can even enslave the minds of these Jew hating bastards.

>against atheism
Pick one

>anti-gay, pro-life

Pick one.

My Theory: Behind the closed doors, someone bet Trump that he couldn't win if he picked the worse choice possible. So Trump being the egomaniac he is took the bet and is going to try to prove them wrong.

>implying Trump can't turn something shitty into a masterpiece

Have you guys even read The Art of The Deal?

Religion is a bulwark against degeneracy. The same degeneracy that's eating our country up. Sorry you're too fucking stupid to see that.



>God cucks in charge of winning elections

k e k

thanks for handing the election to hillary, GOP fucks

its retarded to hate gays



>“Though I know of no synagogues in my district, let me say emphatically, like the overwhelming majority of my constituents, my Christian faith compels me to cherish the state of Israel,” he told attendees. “In the year 2000 when I was first selected to Congress, Israel was already a priority to me. I really looked forward to being in a position where I knew I could help fulfill what I believed was not only right for America but the right thing to do.” - Mike Pence

>comparing liking trannies to not believing in sky faries


Milo please go

>let's push the entire political spectrum Left by forcing Right-wingers to accept Leftist policies

Good job useful idiot


is it that much of a problem in the U.S.? It's commonplace here so I guess it's not really a discussed topic


0.5 shekels added to your account

If Trump wins the Election i move to the US and enlist to as an IMPERIAL LEGION SOLDIER.

Ok, just 5 minutes ago I was shitposting about how shitty Pence was as a pick, but now I'm starting to think that maybe he was a good choice.

Trump is a conservative, so of course he'd pick another conservative. It's amazing how this board wanted Flynn, a fucking Democrat, to be the VP pick. Now that would have destroyed his chances of winning, as he'd lose all non-"alt-right" (I hate that phrase) conservative support.

Reagan had to pick Bush, remember that.

It's either help Israel or let Islam win.

When will you Stormfaggots get it?

There is no alternative.


VPs literally do nothing. What has Biden done that was so groundbreaking? Literally fucking nothing.

Just pray to God that Trump doesn't get assassinated.

By the way I think Mike is still better than Newt or Chris. Trump + Christie would be a massive shitstorm and everyday would be a joke. We already have Trump for the bantz.

I'm guessing Trumnp accepted he's not going to win the center and thought he needs a real conservative to solidify his support on the right. Unless Clinton fucks up and her voters stay at home Trump won't even reach Romney's level.

Israel isn't doing shit against Islam.

Israel is the reason Muslims are flooding Europe and America you fucking kike.

>anyone who doesn't support religious zealot bible thumping evangelicals is an atheist Democratic fag
Ok cuck enjoy your new church state


Fuck now I want him as president and trump as VP

Low energy.

Which independents are going to unify with some Bible thumping cuck? I don't get this logic. Trump is just preaching to the people who was already going to vote for him anyway.

You retard. You can't speak out against the Jew openly. No one has achieved anything by doing this. If you obtain enough power and authority, they will finish you.

You must pacify The Jew and beat them at their own game.

Trump already won the center, in that Bernie supporters will be evenly split between Trump himself, Stein, Johnson, and $hillary. Hillary has lost a big part of the Democratic party this year.