>ex gf is far rightist and literally the most intelligent woman I've ever met
Ex gf is far rightist and literally the most intelligent woman I've ever met
What happened?
Did you wake up?
how did you break up OP?
Yeah, those kind of women have high standards. 10 bucks you didn't even fill 2 of her basic relationship needs.
How did she break up*
you blew it
yes op i love my waifu too
>whining about it on a taiwanese bucket cleaning board
no wonder you ended up in this predicament
post feet
It's been like 4 years now but... We meet regularly and there's a deep respect between us, we always talk about current events. She says I'm still her no.1 discussion partner about everything and I have no reason not to believe her, she wouldn't actually keep contacting me if I wasn't.
Umm she scored nation top in her finals, that itself is not much but her world view is badically that of redpilled af white male. She is like more critical towards women than I am.
Her problem is a very deep egoism and (rightful) belief that she's so much smarter than people around her (still believe it or not I actually qualify as almost-equal with her). Also she has almost mental-level bond to her home and family, probably she won't marry before her mother dies because she's such a big person to her. Also the mother is an authority in a certain science community.
I know Sup Forums isn't place for personal stuff but thanks for hearing me out.
>every ex I have is just another ex
>my wife is a wife, she cooks, she cleans, she sucks my cock
I don't give a fuck what they believe in, I don't give a shit where their moral compass lies, their opinion is of little on the matter of physical reality. You should have just gave her a pretty dress, called her some good names in a honest kind voice, and made gorilla pussy ripping penatration love to her hole(s), and fed her. Women are simple. Ya blew it by listening to her as if she was going to make a big fucking difference in the world with her psychotic babbling, regardless of how true/false/meaningful the rhetoric was.
Did mom forget to bring your chicken tendies?
Good god just wife her if you want her so badly.
The 'she won't marry before her mother dies' part wasn't joke. We have discussed trying returning together.
You still meet up with your ex?
No wonder she dumped you. What a pussy.
Get a hotel room
Some vodka and weed
Hire two hookers
Always helps
>She scored top in the nation
>That information is public and was in a ton of newspapers
So your GF is Isla Nieminen from Vaanta judging by her being the only single one I could find of the last 5~ years winners? Good thing for you her FB is private but it was quite easy to find her phonenumber though.
You are so stupid you didn't even know you shouldn't give out her info like this, no wonder she left you.
Isn't that girl a bit... Young?
Is OP a pedophile?
anna numero
This was just a random pic mang.
My X was 135 IQ. She was smarter than me.
Still a fucking cunt though.
I know. It was just a shitty shitpost, my friend.
"She's so smart cuz she knows stuff!"
I'd rather have a woman with common sense than a brainwashed bimbo with good grades.
Get some balls and go find something worth your time, it's been four years cut the fucking cord already.
Sure it is.
OP has been cucked into oblivion
Kill yourself my man
STFU even if you're right unless you dig some real digging you don't know shit!
I think you missed the "right wing" part
>If I use a proxy nobody will know I'm the OP damage controlling
Right wing doesn't mean common sense you moron, or need I remind you that Ted Cruz and George Dubya Bush are right wing?
No, I said brainwashed...
I think we should get rid of all niggers and shit people who aren't white and institute coast to coast marriages of 12 year old honeys!
Just like the way white men used to have it!
I'm not OP dude seriously.
I know that feel bro.
Huge tits on her too, too bad she's bat shit retarded when it comes to philosophy.
I feel you m8. I refilled a girl then left her. Regret it every day
Jesus this is the gayest thread I have ever seen
You deserve to be alone, don't forget that no one will ever be as good as she was and you will never be as happy as you were.
Was just about to comment that OP shouldn't have posted this info, but oh well
>I'm almost as smart as her !
I know that girl her name is Isla... she came her for vacation a few years ago and told me her story... i CONQUISTAD her with my long dong
not every broken up couple has to hate each other like your parents
Only a kike would limit people!
they are right wing but not smart, she's smart and right wing so it's not the same
if you think about it right wing is basically just common sense. "if you bring a lot of people from fundamentalist countries fundamentalism will rise", "even if you ban guns, criminals don't care about the law", etc
>far rightist
>most intelligent
Wow you must be retarded
numero tai nimi :D meen vähä cuckaa
Mutta tosissaan, ei mitään hätää, etsit joskus jonkun toisen järkevän, jonka kanssa menee kivasti. Ei voi olla niin, että on vain 1 järkevä tydy olemassa.
Ei siinä menetä mitään, jos ei ole tytyydeä.
Koska vain sellaisessa on järkeä, missä tyty on järkevä ja juttu toimii jos toimii.
He's just droppen that Jew-pill yo!
>tfw wife is far right half native, that stomps all over regressive leftist ideologues without fear due to her racial heritage.
Just because you vote right doesn't mean you are right.
The "OLD" right has been brain programmed and subverted. They are the Bush voters and shits like that. They are the old institution of hypocrisy. They never held the leaders accountable in fact they worship them.
The "NEW RIGHT" is why people like Trump have stepped up to the plate.
Because he has the will, the intellect, and the means to.
Get her OP. Get her before a shitskin does. You don't have to be smarter than her to win her affection. Take it.
I suppose it depends on how exactly she's "right wing". It's also worth mentioning that "right wing" is different in different country's. America's left wing is generally further right than Australia's right wing, for example (who are ironically named Liberals.)
Yet, what about other issues like abortion?
>Ban guns, people get guns anyway.
>Ban abortion, people get abortions anyway.
This. Women aren't wired to go out and accomplish things. They just parrot things they hear.
yeah now there are different types of right and shit, the new is the alt right, which is a degenerate version of the European right
Doesn't sound to great tbqh. I had also a girlfriend who was super smart and finished two master degrees at the same time, also relatively conservative and orderly, loved to cook fancy stuff. But she was shit and a totally unfeminine careerist and expected too much for a woman, that is supposedly strong and independent. Wanted lids only when she's 35 and has a career, I just stopped contacting her and she didn't contact me, so it was pretty much finished. She's still single after our seperation 4 years ago, so I guess I had a good instinct.
Top kek
Is there any problem with being far right-winged?
>wanted lids
wanted kids
>tfw no alcoholic racist autistic finngolian gf to save the white race with by producing more alcoholic autists
The world isn't black and white, right or left, if you subscribe to one ideology you limit your ability to adapt to new situations, issue by issue is the only way to go.
>She's such a big person
Degeneracy has nothing to do with be a "NEW RIGHT" voter. It has everything to do with freedom of choice. Which the left fucking bastards DAILY try to limit people choices and freedoms. They do with with laws to bring down the middle class DAILY! AKA white people. They take what white people have built and put it in their own pockets out of the only fact of greed and to hurt the people of America and the Europeans. They give our money to 70IQ idiots criminals outsiders fanatics murders and general dog shit 3rd worlders. You know why they are 3rd world because they don't have the capacity of Euros and they never will when it comes to intellect. Even kikes with their small pop. Don't match the Geniuses of white and I SAY FUCKING WHITE!!!! ACHIEVEMENT!!! and Civilization.
There ya go. This is the truth. The "super intellectual go-getter" dykes of the world are a bunch of mal-functioning worthless retards.
You know what I like? Somebody with nice tits, nice hips, nice ass, and will be a good mother. Women can barely have original thoughts or opinions. Which is fine, because I don't think they're wired that way. Even the "really intellectual" women are just parroting a bunch of popular opinions all the time
This. She sucks, you suck. Move on. Women are fucking vile.
I was in a similar situation, or rather am going thru the breakup right now and it's astounding how heartless and sadistic these creatures can act.
Fugg em, do you. Get jacked and make them regret it.
t. OP
Most of them are all get alongers because the system forces us too. So the ELITES can TAX everyone even niggers and 3rd world shit bags no one wants around.
I never shop at a gas station almost never unless I have to if it is ran by some mudslimes ot hindi fucks. They are POS who don't even belong in this country. Asian make for a good 2nd but most Asians are cool so they aren't and have never been problem.