Checkmate, Sup Forums. Checkmate.
*sips tea*
Checkmate, Sup Forums. Checkmate.
*sips tea*
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Really makes me think, but these dubs make me think more.
When's the last time the KKK killed anyone? And WBC has never killed anyone.
Being obnoxious faggots is not a crime, and is slightly different than mass murder.
Westboro doesn't murder people
Moreover does the KKK even exist anymore outside of obese cosplayers in Alabama?
>Texas Officers Fired for Membership in KKK
How many nigs have they lynched this year? Last decade?
Sup Forums trolls, zero killed by them
Mass murdering, territory holding, FUNDAMENTALISTS who want to institute a global caliphate.
If the WBC were muslim, they'd be considered moderates.
Christianity a shit too
If I was not a lazy man I'd flood his feed with ISIS murder videos.
KKK was necessary to keep freed nogs in line
Christianity and Islam are both shit
Not hard
>using a tweet from February that is posted 3 times a day
Fuck off shill at least try to come up with something original.
Not really dumb ass.
KKK doesn't use the bible to justify hate.
ISIS does use the Quran.
Westborough church isn't killing anyone.
ISIS has killed more people this year, than kkk did in its existence.
But I doubt you can form an opinion without opening Facebook, so I'm not expecting much critical thinking from you.
And last I checked most Christians a pretty outspoken about how fucked up both groups are.
Yawwwwnnn. Come back when you don't have a giant log of shit in your mouth, so you can speak clearly.
We're not your girlfriend OP
come back when you can actually separate isis from islam
What if you can't separate them?
Checkmate OP *smokes dank weed*
But ISIS is Islam
The KKK only killed like 30 people in the 20th Century. The Westbro Baptist Church dindu nuffin
Wtf I hate Christians now
Literally had this thread hours ago.
Fuck off.
So, that's why ISIS is operating ONLY in Christian lands, right? Are the Muslims they kill just actors?
Yeah, they suuuurrreeeee are Islam alright
*pours champagne into glass*
Most Muslims admire ISIS.
>they're not muslim because they attack their own land
nice fallacy
What would Isis gain by just 'pretending' to be radical Islamist rather than just actually be radical Islamists.
>Implying that WBC isn't just a bunch of lawyers trying to get money from a lawsuit when people get pissed and push/hit them.
a lot of """"""peacful""""'" muslims agree with radical islam though. educate yourself
didnt the westboro baptist church leader once work pro bono as a civil lawyer for blacks during jim crow?
Most muslims are closer to the KKK and WBC. There is no Christian terrorist group like ISIS
I didn't know the KKK was killing millions of people on TV
Nice proxy, turkroach
Do they not realize this goes both ways?
>If you see that the KKK and WBC are christian then you should be able to see that ISIS is islam
That's because those Muslims aren't doing their holy "duties" under the Quran. Infact have you heard what the Quran says about apostates?
also, isn't the kkk a group established by democrats who hid behind state liberty when emancipation was in the cards? really makes you think.
Westboro is 30 people. KKK is (AT MOST) several thousand people. Radical Muslims are estimated between 150,000,000 and 300,000,000.
Nice try, though. You're still an idiot.
Literal Tumblrista style post
>Radical Muslims are estimated between 150,000,000 and 300,000,000.
That is a vast underestimation.
Westboro holds controversial protests, but has never actually killed anyone.
The Klan did attack and kill people in small numbers, but religion was never a motive in their attacks.
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (clue is in the name) carries out all attacks in the name of Islam. Many """""moderate""""" muslims believe in sharia law and condone the practice of jihad.
KKK has pretty little too do with christianity and is a nativist extremist movement at heart. I don't understand why cucks toss that out
why should i separate them? The WBC is literally following the bible, christians should be held accountable for creating them. Just like muslims should be held accountable for creating radicals.
the difference is prevalence though, if islamic extremists were at the same percentage of WBC members in their religion, we'd already have peace in the middle east.
When was the KKK Christian in nature, gay boy?
Except no one does except the people in said shitty religion.
Checkmate gays now go fuck a pussy
It's called lowballing. And if your lowball is the entire citizenship of the United States, then there's a genuine problem.
Plus the fact that the WBC doesn't kill anyone, they're just a bunch of jerks.
And the KKK was not a Christian organization as such, it was more like a racist/nationalist organization where the members were predominantly christian.
The Klan has always been an explicity Christian organization. And what I mean by that is that they profess that Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity and the son of God.
Not quite.
The Westboro Baptist Church never preached murder.
Muslims do every single day.
It's an evil death cult that can't be compared with any sane religion.
The Klan wasn't even about racism in the beginning, it became so after the Civil War, its last "victims" were commies that tried to kill them first so it's okay and self-defence.
Westboro never killed anyone.
nothing paints islam as bad as comparing murderous terrorists to people who say mean words. the fact that's the worst they can find for christians drives home how shit muslims are
The Klan didn't exist before the Civil War.
too bad islam isn't just a religion
KKK isn't even a fucking threat anymore, more of a joke honestly. WBC is just a troll group that brainwashes their children to be trolls.
ISIS kills people everyday, and is currently holding a crusade in the Middle East
really made me think on that one
>the same people who burn crosses
>anything but fedoras
had this exact same thread a few hours ago
shill harder faggot
Westboro Baptist IS Islamic, isn't it? I mean, they believe all the same things.
Ummmm, I'm sorry but WBC prays for deaths, and the KKK is seen asa group that still wants to incite a race war.
Meanwhile in Syria, Muslims get gunned down by ISIS.
Come back when your brains and penises are a little bit bigger, and then we can talk real.
Until then, I hope you don't mind if I take a nap.
this is low quality trolling
sage and move on folks
Why are people responding unironically to this obvious bait?
Seriously, you retards?
Maybe you should change your diapers and you wouldn't be that mad.
Well retards? Going to reply to or not?
Oh yeah, you're busy changing your diapers, my bad. Continue please.
Except opinion polls have shown that on average 30% of western Muslims are against homosexuality, and empathize with Islamic terrorist bombers. So not checkmate really. The general sentiment of most Muslims is brainwashed, and anti-western.
*picks up cigar*
I guess we should pack up boys, no civil nor intelligent responses yet.
No True Scottsman Fallacy: The Game
>The KKK and WBC are the equivalent of ISIS
I'm not even religious, but I think that I am ready to kill leftists with extreme prejudice.
These faggots are basically cuckshields for our enemies that are killing us.
Why would we respond to a faggot who has no knowledge of Islam? Take your double think fallacy rich self righteous bullshit and kill yourself.
Waste of Oxygen.
I'd take the KKK and Westboro baptist church over ISIS anyday.
Offensive signs > Killing innocent people
Christians, on average aren't preaching for the oppressive Shari'ah law to be implemented wherever they go, asking for special treatment, empathizing with terrorists (statistically supported, google it), and aren't rapists either (which is a trend strangely high among Muslim immigrants, in Muslim countries they can get away with rape as oppressive patriarchy is rampant there).
Wbc is an interpretation of christianity, a bad one but it is a viable interpretation. Same is true for isis and islamism being a viable interpretation of Islam. Nobody is saying wbc or isis is representative for their respective religions so i have no idea what point is trying to be made.
i don't even give a fuck about whatever you're arguing about, the fact that you're *emoting* means you're the hugest faggot on Sup Forums
Not an argument. Thank you for playing.
>Ummmm, I'm sorry but WBC prays for deaths, and the KKK is seen asa group that still wants to incite a race war.
They haven't killed anybody. ISIS has. Remember that. :^)
1. i dont separate them because they are christians and i dont like christians
2. westboro baptist church has never killed anyone
3. >cartoon avatar
this dude should be hit in the face with a dildo at 100mph
Here ya go
>implying that liberals seperate WBC from christianity
Wasn't there a thread here an hour ago about some/all statements? Can we get that venn diagram back up here?
WBC never killed or incited anyone
The KKK has been linked to sympathizers that do. Sorry kid.
Did you piss your pants? Maybe you should change them, could explain why you are so fantastically and deliciously madddd
How many KKK and westboro terrorist attacks have we had in the last 10 years again? There is almost certainly a guy named Muhammad sawing some other guys head off while screaming Allah Akbar right now at this very moment.
So you agree that the KKK has never killed anyone?
I made a fabulous picture of Sup Forums by the way, thats the way you guys come off in this thread.
Wbc are Christians. They're E, I do not approve them but you can't realistically say they aren't Christian.
They don't kill anyone and there aren't several millions of them though
The actual comments from this baiter are laughably bad. Holy shit.
ISIS killed more people in 2 years than the KKK has in it's entire history.
We are all Sup Forums. Making OC and pretending you're not part of "pol" because you disagree with some people is very contradictory.
That ain't how you do it son
Who separates the WBC and the KKK from Christianity? We recognise that they are fighting in the name of Christianity.
But KKK isn't a religious group it's a racial one.
No one is denying Westboro is Christian
Yes they have. The KKK has killed countless people. Also, the recent cop shootings are an effect of their influence on society's views of blacks as the majority of criminals.
I'm not Sup Forums because I'm not racist nor a bigot. I don't share the conservative values you people espouse.
Insert 25 cents to continue.
I love how the only "concrete" argument you guys have is supported by the same person over and over.
I threw it out, so don't worry. I don't need to listen to that.
Oh noes, a shitty MSPaint image! Sup Forums BTFO
Maybe half a century ago the KKK killed some black people in the name of Christianity and lit crosses. When was the last time you seen some bed sheets outside, killing people like ISIS. You seem like a well informed individual that has many sources on these countless modern day shootings and killings by the KKK.
>I'm not Sup Forums because I'm not racist nor a bigot. I don't share the conservative values you people espouse.
You're here making OC, you're part of Sup Forums. The board is filled with people of different races, countries, religions discussing current events. Just because it's funnier to hate on black people and jews doesn't mean the entire board agrees with it. I don't really think there's a jewish conspiracy or that Trump will be our God-Emperor, but I still browse here and by your definition I'm not Sup Forums either yet I'm here everyday
The beauty of Sup Forums is being able to freely shitpost (discuss) events without being shackled by PC rules. Maybe you should start understanding that before labeling sites as alt-right/white supremacist havens.
The KKK killed about 4,000 people in there entirety
Islam killed about 3,000 in one attack.
WBC hasn't killed anyone.
There is a difference.
>KKK is a cuckified version of what it once was with no power or presence
>WBC has no power and has never done anything beyond being annoying
Perfect comparison guys