>interracial couple
>fat as fuck
>using a hand cart for shopping
>literally carrying two Big Gulps in it
>interracial couple
>fat as fuck
>using a hand cart for shopping
>literally carrying two Big Gulps in it
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What is Big Gulp?
>Big Gulps
what's that?
It used to fucking mean something but now people use it to refer to large drink containers.
Bigass cup of soda
Now THATS diversity !
These are Big Gulps
those two big ass drink containers don the hand cart.
get them at gas stations or something.
why do black guys get all the best white women :/ ?
Who is taking this pick Superman?
Enough soda to kill your kidneys if you drink it all at once if you're not American
Something you don't have in your post-communist shithole of a country
At least that black guy can control his ham beast unlike the white cucks.
I live in miami, and every time i see a mother with child outside, it's either a young attractive white or latino girl with a nappy headed niglet or two. And i dont think I've ever seen the dad with them.
I feel like in south florida black and interracial couples are the only ones having children.
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It's an exceptionally large container, usually reserved for Soda Pop. They're commonly sold at Gas Station Convenience Stores.
711 franchise thing
Buy a huge plastic mug with a lid with your soda for like $15 and you can go back and get free refills on soda forever
that's called a dolly you fucking retard.
>they don't know
>Not calling it Hackenporsche
Ive never seen a big gulp in my life where i live. I have seen and used big jugs for water when i used to play sports tho.
What's wrong with hand carts?
If you don't have a car and live in a big city handcarts are much more comfortable than just carrying plastic bags of groceries in your hands.
It's sad to see people like that. How could you live your life as such a slob? How do people like that look at themselves in the mirror?
Those are hand trucks.
You're so cute, Ivan :3
Huge soda fountain drinks from a gas station we have here in the US called 7/11 (Seven Eleven) - pic related
They are meant for truckers
They don't. They really honestly don't
They're from 7/11.
7/11 lets you use your own container, or buy these containers, for the price of a Big Gulp.
Not really they're a gimmick since 90% of the "soda" is just water from the tap anyways.
>Big Gulp
Why is this a thing? Who the fuck needs that much poison?
Because America use to stand for getting your moneys worth and the bigger the better like those really big snicker bars.
Evolution of American soda
>le blacks only get le ugly white women that le we don't want
sure thing bubba
I knew what this was going to be before clicking it. Classic
Anyone else see these? This is the small one, it's called "road warrior apocalypse" or something it's a 240 ounce jug, and it's supposed to carry either coffee or soda. It's like cross country recommended for only the most diabetic of truckers.
Like I want to buy one every time, just so I can use it as a helmet.
I love Love's truck stop though, it's my favorite one.
>Mother Jones
Literally diabetus and kidney failure in a cup, what the fuck
A nigger dating a white woman... what a fucking horrific picture.
>implying skinny white blonde chicks aren't trailer park trash
Her name is probably Tammy
Europoors don't even carry small buckets of soda around with them.
Fucking step it up forth world faggots
Or Tabitha, Sable, Brandi, Laken, Kayla
>the white nerd carrying her kid with Jamal
This has to be a staged cuckoldry picture.,
How fat would she be a few years after 25?
>Soda Pop
that's probably the uncle, you mentally cucked fuck.
It's cheap, carbonated sugar water, who cares what you call it?
Okay, my mistake, cheap, carbonated corn syrup water.
Soda Thread?
wouldnt you have to go piss alot then?
I love how clean the trucker stops are.
What is the link with Sodium?
It's the South's Biggest chain.
Good ole ejaculate and evacuate
> no ass or tits
> fake blonde
> boring style
What a cuck that you think that is not a low quality woman. Though i dont disagree that black guys can get better
Cob bless Ameriga!
She can't walk more than 20 ft without taking a breather.. Where she gonna trundle off to anyway
Unlike roadside gas stations, truck stops are cleaned usually 4-5 times a day.
Loves does it every two hours I think. I asked someone working there. But they have to be that clean because they also have shower facilities and it's some sort of regulation on bathrooms that require their continual cleaning.
Shaq soda is pretty based tbqhfam
Nice staged photo cuckbot
clearly you are not familiar with the way of the road
Do people really finish those "king size" drinks by themselves, or do they share it with others?
I can't imagine finishing anything more than the Kid's size one.
That's what piss bottles are for, obviously.
How much is that in non-retarded units?
Freedom isn't free.
But the girl is quite thin by american standards?
"Coffee" is even worse
How do you drink only 7oz of pop with your food? I need at least twice that and i'm not even fat.
This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist).
Staged or an extreme outlier. White women don't like nigger boys.
looks like large rolls of disinfectant wipes or similar cleaning product.
It's 3.75 liters basically. And the Loves Apocalypse Warrior is 7.25 liters
Original 50's soda is about 200ml
You forgot to mention they paid fr the Big Gulps with food stamps and are headed to the liquor store next.
Yea, she is probably just smallfat.
The first thing you noticed was the interracial couple? You gotta get off Sup Forums every once in a while.
It's basically a product catered specifically to the obese.
What's your weight?
if you dont drink your coffee black you should off yourself fatass
Anglos have a weird sense of who is and isn't a complete lardass.
"big gulp" is a trademarked brand by 7/11. kind of like how "band aid" is.a trademarked by JnJ and people commonly say it when they mean "adhesive strip"
man, name brand word association is one of the more subtle threats to this nation's free trade. It gives the larger, well-known companies an unfair advantage. I'm doing my part to keep the playing field level by weaning people off referring to generic products with brand names.
Isnt that the mom from honey booboo?
>using BMI
>Literally sell buckets of soda
>"Tell calories not to be calorific, don't tell me not to be fat!"
I wish there was a reset button, I really do.
>1.2 Liters
>1.9 Liters
>2.4 Liters
>3 Liters
>3.8 Liters
From left to right starting from King Size.
No they do it by themselves frequently, and that combined with inactivity is why we get so overweight. If we really compared youth BMI to what it was before fountain drinks, honestly 90% of America would probably be overweight to the standards of 100 years ago.
But regardless, yeah, people love soda, and it's hard for them to stop now, I swear both it and sugary coffee are exactly like cigarettes. I haven't eaten Wendies in a year, and yet, because my parents didn't give a shit, I still crave Wendies even though I know it sucks. And I want a Coke randomly, like I have Manchurian candidate programming for consuming soda. I haven't in almost two years, but it's like always with you if you grew up with it.
It's called freedom faggot and you're free to leave.
>no liter of cola
They're too lazy to wear condoms and a baby is the only the way for a woman to have control over the man, who otherwise might leave the relationship.
Why is Mexico considered anglo?
I meant right to left, but this is obvious.
711 is all over the world. Japanese think it's greater than Americans do.
Implying food and the subsidies in corn syrup that allow this to exist is not political.
Implying they don't push this shit on us to make us think we have more and live better lives because we consume more, all while literally drinking and eating ourselves into a fucking grave.
Implying that this shouldn't be discussed and ridiculed.
You're an autist Harry
Shieet, I can barely finish 0,5 litres in one sitting, the amount of sugar in those makes me nauseous.
>from a gas station
A gas station. That doesn't every sell gas...
Big gulps huh? Alright!
Welp, see ya later!
It is good enough, there are not enough muscular people to actually skewer the results when applied to a population as a whole.
So stop crying fatty.
so what the heck do you call an Oreo style cookie ?
"Hi, I'd like a box of fake "cream" sandwich style cookies of opposing color ?"