60 addresses raided by German police this morning, targeting 'people suspected of posting hate content on social media'. Better stop posting on Sup Forums Bernd, before they come for you. :^)
60 addresses raided by German police this morning, targeting 'people suspected of posting hate content on social media'...
Back to your autistic KC.
Germany's fine, unless you're an open racist and fascist, but no one wants those people anyway so they can get fucked.
I couldn't care less for people who want to overthrow our democracy or murder people because of their mental illness pissing themselves now because they discover the internet is not a bubble without laws and they can be held accountable for the dumb shit they write.
tl;dr: piss off and shut the fuck up about Germany, Sup Forumsautists
hello merkel
why would Bernd post on 4cancer Sup Forums?
They have their own board for that.
It's even more cancerous than Sup Forums
60 people just got arrested for expressing what should be legal, freedom of speech. Don't try and defend it. The only fascism here is the arrests.
I don't know what this is about, I just used a random German name.
glad i don't live in eurabia
I fucking hate you people so much
>Told the Internet to shut up
Found the autist
>4th reich
>Not having freedom of speech is okay as long as my ideas aren't targeted
Dats rite ausbro
If they started holding everyone "accountable" for writing dumb shit on the Internet, you'd be one of the first in jail. Speech should not be a crime, no matter how stupid
Yeah they have
Why do we get so much shit when Krautcucks ppst this kind of shit with no hint of sarcasm? Why do we let these fucks on this board? This entire rapefugee crisis is literally all Germany and their cunt leader's faultFuck off Krautcucks and don't come here anymore
>It's not fascism when I call for suppression of other people's freedom of speech
It's easy. Your the little bastard everyone picks on. The one who tries to butt in but just gets told to shut up.
Germany is a lost soul. Europe as a whole is a lost cause thanks to the EU. When I look at europe I don't see its gloriousness anymore. It's drowning. The union is sinking.
As well I like to think there are genuine teams hired by merkel to post here
You guys are the little bastard who runs up the adult table and screams "look at me daddy pay attention to me"
Germany fucking deserves all this, just look how they post, for every 1 based German I see 9 reddit cucks, not even our shitpost ratio is that high
>Typical crimes
>verbal radicalism
You know what? Just let the Muslims have Germany, they couldn't make it worse than it already is.
>meanwhile in France
Don't show support for the victims on Facebook germs, your home may get raided by the police.
>The aim is to tackle what police called "a substantial rise in verbal radicalism"
>on facebook
It's not if that "freedom of speech" revolves around killing "mudslimes", genociding them, glorifying genocide and the 3rd Reich, or most importantly, is about overthrowing the democratic structure of our country.
Piss off if you're too stupid to get it
t. election rigger
Go suck another rapefugee cock you cucked shitstain evolutionary deadend
Your ancestors would be fucking disgusted with you
but muslims in germany can say whatever they want right. Just lol
No they obviously can't.
If a muslim advocates genocide of Germans, they would be punished just like some autistic East German nazis who advocates genocide against muslims.
Tell us more about life in Eurape
You salty, faggot? Keep being a big man behind your keyboard, won't be so smarmy when the rapefugees are cutting your shitforbrains head off
>speech should not be a crime
well you may get arrested in america too if you post a death or rape threat to someone using your full name on kikebook
This is app your worthless country's fault, all these rapefugees flooding Europe, you worthless scum destroyed Europe. I hope the rest of Europe rises up against you and cuts you subhuman cucks down for good. You will not be missed.
It's time to stop posting. Germans, in my experience, are boring but literate. They belong here
Canacucks, however... You should all be banned
>Germany in charge of not ruining Europe
Fuck you, defending the country that destroyed Europe. You people are beyond saving. You deserve everything you get.
Shit whats wrong with you German cucks I wanted to study in Germany
What is the definition of "hate"? Those who disagree with Merkle politically?
>In a secret facebook group
What next? Are they going to start arresting people for saying bad things in the privacy of their homes?
There's a difference between public and private, and the German Police don't seem to give a shit.
Anyone who hasn't sucked their daily quota of 50 rapefugee cocks
And what police gonna do, look angrily at them?
Or put people in prison where they could actually meet people of similar far-right opinions and get past shitposting in internet phase?
>If a muslim advocates genocide of Germans, they would be punished just like some autistic East German nazis who advocates genocide against muslims.
Don't lie, Hans.
t. Heiko Maas
>Germany's fine
>If a muslim advocates genocide of Germans, they would be punished just like some autistic East German nazis who advocates genocide against muslims.
They aren't. Their brand nazi devotion to bullshit their owners tell them is creepy and disgusting.
Its the Name used on Krautchan. Some here are easily triggered.
Do you actually have a counter-point or is all you can do post empty shitposts?
Shout "Heil Hitler", kraut!
Why are you comparing that to people who literally call for the genocide of another group of people?
Because that'S what autistic stormfags do
The cologne case is already dealth with and the people got their punishment.
Meanwhile the "EPIC RAPEWAVE" that stormvirgins predicted never happened.
>Being this much of a cuck
No wonder your women are abandoning you for Brown cocks.
>The cologne case is already dealth with and the people got their punishment.
Angry look from a policeman and crowd of leftists running to wipe their tears?
Who decides what is and what isn't "hate speech?"
Is speaking out against the government considered hate speech?
Is anti religious sentiment considered hate speech?
Is religious sentiment considered hate speech?
Where does it begin and where does it end?
A band-aide fix for a larger problem.
>The cologne case is already dealth with and the people got their punishment
2000 men rape 1200 women
4 convicted
>Who decides what is and what isn't "hate speech?"
Basically no one. Germany is trying to build 4th reich and they want excuses to reinstate fascist measures. Don't you really think those attacks on free-speech are because of hurting goat-fuckers feelings? They want permanent state of emergency for the time of TTIP discussion and signing.
>mfw germany puts more effort into controlling hate speech than fighting ISIS
>german protecting muslims
according to you, the current situation in europe is "fine" as well?
Police report DOZENS of sex crimes, including rape, committed by 'foreign men' at third Swedish music festival
I'd say that's pretty epic
1) That wasnt today
2) I still believe that 'targeting for hate speed' is just a false flag. Pretty sure that they checked the apartment of people who are pretty involved in the right winged scene, probably host entire website networks etc. The headline simply is phrased that way to scare the average person, so that they next, anti Muslim comment might not end up getting posted. No way in hell are they actually arresting people who are speaking their mind on the issue, doesnt even go hand in hand with our constitution.
You're a disgrace.
He's german so he is just doing what his goverment tells him to do. They are all nazis, fucking were and fucking will be.
>be burger
>see people getting arrested for social media posts
>tfw you glad you actually have freedom of speech
Feels good senpai.
That's right! There is nothing to fear my na- I mean German friend. Just remember the 6 million your people killed and make sure it never happens again. Don't forget to breed with a dark Muslim women. It's good for your genes
>muh stormfront
>muh genocide
Bring dich um goyim.
they won't be, it's too late
they're all cucked already and he's a living example
Lmao shit man at times I forget the EU doesn't have freedom of speech Damn it feels good to be american
Yeah, I'm sure they just checked if their V-Männer were alright
>They are all nazis
if only.
You guys survived the Romans only to become massive faggots
Please let Cuckmany receive the next terror attack. Those pathetic krauts deserve it at this point.
It's not freedom of speech if you go around pushing multiculturalism, genocide of a native people, strict shira law, rape, and violence against women.
You all should be prosecuted.
They don't seem to have welfare queen districts so there won't be enough biomass to make france scale of shit.
Reported to the nazi cops for posting in 4chins
>Don't you really think those attacks on free speech are because of hurting goat-fuckers feelings? They want permanent state of emergency for the time of TTIP
^This. They're even forming a EU army.
Not an argument, like most Sup Forumsturds ITT who reply to me.
You guys are so full of yourselves, it's pathetic.
Just this pathetic shitflinging which I guess is the only thing you can do if your IQ sinks to a level at which you agree with right-wing politics.
/pol is full of itself, you are full of shit your curators tell you
You're fun
i guess ill have to use torchan then
Kindly do us all a favor and kill yourself people like you together with the """antifa""" fascists are what is destroying this country.
Gas your self you God damn fucking (((kikelord)))
>IQ sinks to a level at which you agree with right-wing politics.
A retard calling me retarded
O boy
Needs to be a credible threat against a person or place.
Obviously it was a statement and not an argument. It was almost as obvious as your obliviousness to the dumbing down and the further escalating of your country into a police state. Have fun being one of the last real Germans by accepting your genocide (which it is according to the UN's definition of genocide)
>real Germans
Tanned Germans
Lulz but if OP said he was a derka derka I must have missed it
>Nazi-tier censorship is okay as long as it's people I disagree with
woah calm down here have a qt
It's interesting to see someone copy pasting my post from the other day
I like the one before the loli best
P.S.: Germany's fine
>rode the bus in direction of a major fugee shelter today
>obvious fugees on board
>everyone in a generally good mood rrspecting each other
>mfw imbeciles want a race war because they're mentally ill
>mfw they don't matter in reality
>Somali makes space as I get off the bus
>I left the my mom's basement for once in my life and met a rapefugee, and he was a lot nicer than those evil germans that always bullied me in the hauptschule
wow you convinced me, that explains why we should accept over 2 million """syrians""" into this country, even if most of those fachkräfte will be welfare queens, even if most of them will move into ghettos, even if most of them won't integrate or learn the language properly, even if most of them will become criminals to earn more money, even if most of them will become ostracized by society and turn to islamic traditionalism and radicalsim, even if your beloved sozialsystem will become unsustainable and you won't get your autismbux anymore, even if ...even if ... even if ...
just because you life in a first world bubble and don't experience the ramification of the massive influx of sandniggers right now, doesn't mean you won't feel them in a few years after your bubble bursts.
>mfw your little german girls are getting raped and molested in communal swimming baths, so they have to separate the genders now
>this is the new standard for aussie shitposting