bin niggers edition
big black willies
Someone post the paki gf that is Britains future
I hear abo babies get delivered via Ibis
Lads I just got home from a night one stand with an absolute top slag
Fucking hell I feel like death
Horrible edition
ayy der unna der racist DOG
Looks like a good old craic
any bruce man in
a so-called "anglo" canadian wouldn't last 5 minutes in brum
Gonna at some Golden Grams
ah yes another charming day in dubbo
Where is the hood at?
Where is it?
brum mentioned
what was it like?
literal actual nonce
That's racist!!
>fuck gf
>last about 30 seconds
>gf sucks me
>could last for hours
How do I last longer when fucking
honestly worse than our own reservations
t. prairie nigger
most of the perth could be classed as the hood
bum mentioned
have a wank 20 mins before
passed with flying colors outside of mental health
bollocks would instantly obliterate if rosy was ever in the vicinity
Im the opposite
fuck the gf never get anywhere close to cumming whilst shes having the time of her life
numb the ol' 'ember with a bit of naire cream
only fit 2/5 of those and I won't stop posting
7th and final day off toil. The cold persists but isn't as bad as before. Bit sad that my last 4 days off toil have been in bed but I've felt too shit to care. Not looking forward to resuming toil but at least it's felt like I've been away for ages.
*blocks your path*
sending the /brit/ police after you
her tattoos are awful
not hard to believe considering they live in places like this
meet all criteria, feeling welcomed
what's that big circle drawn in the dirt
Racist people are very horrible and don't deserve to live as they are a disgrace to humanity and human values.
The state of you
staging area for didgeridoo practice
Could most likely been you with the muscle of my back alone.
It looks like a carefree existence
footy oval mate
Playing Aussie rules, a sport invented by the Aborigines
ahhhh my willy, it's to early
*Sucks out your gains*
is Alan a manlet
pathetic balding manlet sex pest
no its just the rest of his body looks small in comparison to his massive bulbous head
I've seen nicer houses in the projects of America
depends on your definition of manlet
A real human bean
And a real an hero
Is this doctored or just low-res? It looked different in my memory
>Even the smallest factual inaccuracies are impossible to correct on these agenda-driven pages. As just one example, in 2012, author Philip Roth tried to correct a factual error about the inspiration behind one of his book characters cited on a Wikipedia page. His correction was repeatedly reversed and, ultimately, he was told he was not considered a credible source!
I wish we were back in the Golden-Age of fluffies comics, 2bh
Had a crush on palvin before the spammer
where's my medal
Id have to work for approximately 14 years to buy this
he's normal size it's just everyone else that's bigger
>banging a tranny
enjoying some japanese cultured milk product
business idea: make extremely subtle alterations to alan's pics, just enough that only he will notice the difference
when did I become the type of guy that has to worry about encountering giant centipedes in my kitchen sink anyway?
that is one chic ass gold watch, fuck, he does have fasion sense
saw so many tings in cardiff yesterday
Fuck sake girl from tinder wants to go on a date in one hour just when I was going to take a nap. Mind and personality clearly wanted to say no. But dick made me type "alright see you there". Can't wait for my fifties when testosterone won't make me act act like a thirsty jackal.
business idea: arranged marriages, but at 28 not 15
I don't know, that girl she looks kinda........ strong
Why were you in the 'diff
actually pretty decent
horrific posture
Looks like a typical American community
me in the bottom right
It's been done before. That pic was posted like 10 years ago on Sup Forums guy went crazy
I'd put my ting in her diff, if you would be so clever as to interpret my coyly phrased, underhanded advance
ugly whore
Please stop
>Dr Naseem PhD, The Titan of /brit/, international womaniser, champion of the United Berber Tribes, the ascended one
ah yes
"Princess" Chelsea
how to get my welsh wifey?
Dat lordosis
how did alan get doxxed?
Is that an oversized chair?
alan what's it like banging a tranny?
I WISH I was in a coma
for you
He Who Must Not Be Named
Alan, do you speak Berber?
The guy that took my blood earlier this year said my name means "Nothing" in Berber.
went to see the Anthony Joshua hit the other black man in a bar, loads of them dressed as skets cos halloween
also one hugged me and one knocked my hat off the fucking cow
the way the corners of her mouth curl up is worse than her nose imo