Jews in Nice say Islam is new Nazism

>Jews in Nice say Islam is new Nazism
>hurrdurr jews are behind multiculti

I love Jews.

Half of the zionist conspiracies on Sup Forums are fueled by pro-palestinian shitposters.

Wtf I love jews now. I am now a #jewzmissile


Offcorse the jude will say this.

They are the tru ss with there palestinian getto modeld after the nazi ones.

Do everthing to blame others.

Sure Moshe, how is Berlin?

Israel literally adopted Nazism except ironically this time by subhumans instead of Aryans.

I agree, lets not blame Islam for terrorism.

What are those cave drawings supposed to be saying

>Dog breaks away from leash and bites a neighbor
>Call it a bad dog.

jewish community in nice-radical islam is new nazism

Wtf I love Goldbergstein now

wew it comes full circle and they couldn't be further from the point lad

Kill yourself you fucking kike

Swindling jews, oy vey.

Islam = bad
National socialism = good

Islamism is the new national socialism;

Bad is the new good.

This is paralogical.

Jews are behind "multiculti" because the end goal is to mix all non jews with Africans who arent actually human, and have mixed with apes. They are effectively mixing white people with monkeys, and they become no longer human.

In the bible it says satans goal is to corrupt humans, and that they cant have a soul if they dont have human DNA.

The jews are playing into this, they know they can do whatever the fuck they want if they simply wipe out all the competition for Gods favor, by mixing all the whites with blacks, and then eventually Asians too etc, only jews will have souls, and only jews will be able to have gods favor, since there will only be the jews, and the animals.

Thats the endgame, oh, and big surprise, those "animals" will be put to work, for the jews.

People don't recognize that there are two main factions of Jews, the Zionist Jews and the Internationalist Jews. Internationalist Jews are the same rats they were in Hitler's day, Zionist Jews actually built their nation.

I have no mercy for the Zionists who don't live in Israel (they are cowards) but there is nothing wrong with the Jews building their own nation. Internationalist Jews are actually opposed to Israel, why do you think that the media and leftists are so opposed to Israel outside a few channels in the USA?

>>there is nothing wrong with jews invading foreign land (?build a nation?)

>>everything is wrong with 3rd world immigration to my country that is based on multiculti

>>zionist jews are good

It really makes you think.

>whining as always
>we are the victims
>smearing the one instance goyim defended themselves sucessfully

never seen that before, this changes everything

Yes I remember that entire section on biochemistry in the bible that mentions DNA.

>implying every single kike is in on it
>implying i don't hate both kikes and muzzies

Kikes playing sides? Stop the presses.

>>what is context

6 million jews in peril because of the muslims article when?

Hitler did nothing wrong.

This explains why the media in my country is so pro-Palestine, multiculturalism, anti-Israel, but defend the existence of the holocaust

Wtf I Love Jews now!!?

In Hebrew ...

They'll tell us "ban hate speech", they'll tell us "more indoctrination in schools" ... but they won't tell us "close borders to further Islamic immigration, maybe consider banning Islam".

They fundamentally can not. Once whites are allowed to honestly look at Islam and say "you know what, a culture can be objectively hostile and destructive", well, they might look further.

First they come for Muslims, then they will come for Jews and Gypsies. It would solve a lot of problems, but Jews don't want whites to solve their problems.

>create the problem
>cry about the problem

Sounds about right desu

The german "free speech party van" is gonna knock your door m8

Refugees Welcome


Heheh good Goy.
G*d's Chosen ones are your allies who only wish to help you

>hurrdurr jews are behind multiculti

The Holocaust is ultimately what ties Jews together. Not religion, not race, not culture ... the holocaust.

The only way jews can ever become good citizens is if we destroy the current holocaust narrative (what really happened never mattered much to it's creation, likewise what really happened doesn't matter to the necessity of destroying it).


Of course but the other half of the zionist conspiracies are objectively true.

Yes and there was nothing wrong with our founding fathers invading the USA and killing off indigenous peoples to make a superior, civilized country on top of their corpses. What is wrong is when a country, corrupted by international Jewry which is obsessed with slave morality, allows an endless flood of barbarians into your nation.

Which is what happened to the Roman Empire, since christcucks are also big into the slave morality thing. In fact your slavic ancestors would never have gotten into Illyria if the Romans hadn't been turned into cucks by the international Jew, which is the descendent of the ancient Jewish priesthood.

Zionist Jews are a new phenomenon and were born out of rejection of the slave morals of the priesthood. Herzl was big ion Nietzsche's philosophy just like Hitler was. Israel is everything that white nationalists wish their country would be. And there is nothing wrong with them doing that in their country, which they won and have kept time and time again through force against the barbarians around them more and the cunning of their diplomacy. They do what is necessary to survive.

It sounds like the beginning of a new "oy vey we victims" campaign from the sheklesteins.

Fuck you!

But if you remove kebap, I will forgive you

lol, OF COURSE THEY ARE, Schlomo.
Unless you are using a proxy, you know better than me that jews are divided as fuck, and you have nationalist israelis that are happy with their holy land or whatever and dont give a fuck abut the west; and you have those that say "all the good in the world will spread from israel to the rest of the world", which is the basis for financial judaism.
Next thing: LIterally EVERY single financier for multiculturalist shit like feminism, ape lives matter and what not ist a fucking jew

>Jews behind multiculturalism
Only Sup Forums retards believe that, islam is the most fierce enemy of judaism, they are most right wing political movement in the world but basement dwellers of pol hate them becouse they killed people like their idol Adolf Hitler, butthurt who value human life are the worse

They are behind it. The entire point is to foster anti-muslim sentiment in the western world so that when the time comes to form Greater Israel they'll have support


dumb goyim, we were right all along right ?

You're the ones who brought them over here, you dumb cunt. It's kind of too late to cry wolf now.

>The jew cries out in pain as it stabs you in the back

> believing that Jewish plebs are the same as Globalist Jews

These are the people on the ground that are suffering, of course they'll call for deislamization. Any person in their position would. That doesn't change the fact that Globalist Jews have an agenda. And part of that agenda is to destroy the homogenous nature of white countries.