Can somebody, preferably French, explain to me this comment?
Can somebody, preferably French, explain to me this comment?
>elect too many liberals
>now you have to deal with terror and high crime
They can't surrender this time so live with it
isn't that sort of surrendering?
I'm not French but its pretty obvious
"This shit has become entrenched here. Get fucking used to it, because it isn't going away"
this level of cuckery.......
>you bought this upon yourselves dumbasses by bringing in all these refugees
They surrendered
>its just part of their culture
ur all a bunch of bigots
Because we will obviously have more attacks in the future due to our mudslime population (subliminal message).
So we have to be used to it
Either you deport or exterminate all the muslims that live on your ground or the occasional radical muslim is to be expected to blow shit up you because France attacks muh ummah n shiiiieeeeettttt.
You don't deserve a flag with any colours.
Top fucking kek
Context: He was saying that in a modern society, terrorism of this kind is inevitable.
Same as when Churchill promised the people of Britain years of 'sweat, tears and blood'
Way badly said tho
We are gathered here today to pay our respects to Europe.
>american humour
Is this supposed to be funny?
Living with terrorism is easier than surrendering & running away from it, less effort.
21st Century frogs are lazy as fuck, can't even be bothered to put a white flag, they just say "eh sacre bleu mon ami, we'll just live with it!"
I know why my ancestors left that place in 1652, it went to shit way back when
Frenchsplanation pls
you know it doesn't take long to put down some concrete barrier if you know large gathering.
>we lost, we will keep losing, we won't fight back. Get used to being culturally enriched.
What did you expect, it's fucking France. Literally the pansy capital of the planet.
In brown countries brown people kill each other frequently, this will become normal in the west as the west destroys itself.
It's a realistic stance actually. Either this or pogroms at an industrial scale.
before the attacks he said the fight against terrorism would be the matter of a generation. basically his plan is to wait for ISIS to fall and to educate children out of islamism. that's why we still have to live with it for 15-20 years. i'm not sure there is a plan B in case this doesn't work
If you want to live in a free society, you have to accept that sometimes bad people will turn that personal freedom to evil ends.
I can explain. It means:
"currently we are too balls deep in negotiations with the EU that dealing with the shitskin terrorist issue is out of the equation. If we dealt with the problem in the political way, which would make it the East's and Muslim countries problem, it would interfere with our plans for a European State and this isn't what our puppet masters have instructed and we would be cut out of the deal.
We plan to import more Muslims from north Africa as well as the east, so get used to being raped and shot, we expect more so you will just have to get used to shit that used to be comfy now being a war zone. We know its bad, but you wouldn't want us to get a bad deal with Europe and upset the Muslim's, would you?
We are currently in no position to take any action politically against any Arab state, nor are we in a position for discussions, because your French government are currently all too busy plotting revenge on Britain for trying to warn you all our little experiment went too far.
After all, we're the government you elected. If you don't like it, you'll have to be more tolerant and live with it"
in a nut shell
Can you imagine if Obama said that gays must learn to live with terrorism? It isn't that it's a realistic position, it's the hipocracy that's galling.
We need to check our privilege.
video related, so you can understand:
You guys need to stop taking everything in the worst way possible.
purge soon i predict
bye bye mudshits
To understand this. You have to understand who you're dealing with.
Manuel Valls, French Prime Minister is a 2nd Gen spanish immigrant manlet who got mocked all the way through school and university. (his nickname was "Manu Cucul" hard to translate but basically calling him a dumb baby.)
Because of this and the fact that he's practically retarded (barely got a bachelor's degree in fucking history) he has a massive inferiority/superiority complex.
He was only ever elected to (very safe) socialist seats and the only time he went through a contested election (socialist primaries in 2011) he came 4th out of 5 (the 5th guy was a token nonentity from a different party altogether).
He only became PM because Hollande is massively insecure and wanted someone dumber than him so as not to feel threatened (that meant a very very short list of people)
Because of all this, he feels a need to showboat and spout a metric of bullshit every time he opens his mouth
tldr : he's a dumbass and a traitor
They are flying the white flag to terrorists.
who is the guy wearing nike kicks from the 80s, 90s? spend the whole video wondering about those kicks, and you didn't even fit in a eagle our aircraft carrier. 5/10
Fucking Hues.
That's clearly an AK-47.
That's exactly how I read it and I'm not seeing how a government being unwilling or unable to do what's necessary to protect it's citizens is anything but "the worst way possible."
That wasn't funny
Of course he wouldn't say that but you as an American are you more safe from bombings and shootings?
In the end it's a more honest stance from the French authorities.
i know valls is a traitor and stuff but that's a bad translation right? i heard him talk a bit earlier he didn't say that, he can't say that...
i miss dugan. that wasn't his best but some others were great.
Bretty vrench desu
He's cucked by Israel. He thinks France is like Israel now.
that word does not mean what you think it means
France gave up
"Muslims are our masters now, get used to it"
They won't fight... PATHETIC!
The only way to tackle these random acts of terrorism is to follow the trade of illegal arms
The Eurotruck simulator driver had AK's and grenades in the vehicle. If the security forces can effectively track movement of these weapons we might have a chance of stopping these attacks.
This relies upon the fact that guns are illegal in France, as they are in UK and other civilized western states. Obviously this sort of strategy would be completely inneffective in the USA where guns are legal.
If the USA becomes victim to more of these random terrorist acts it will be utterly powerless to stop them because of 2nd Amendment
Here's a better one.
Sit back and take it, French "man"
Sadly not. He actually said that
And he has form, he said pretty much the same thing to fucking high school students after the Charlie attacks
And all the while he keeps on praising islam and spouting the #notallmuslims and #religionofpeace shit because muslims make up 50% of the few voters the socialists have left (the other 50% are irredeemable libtards)
Memes do come true
not true.
It was with a truck and he had a gun.
What is Marie Le Penn reaction to this?
She is the last hope of France.
kind of like how we used to just accept plagues as god's judgment or maybe just random chance. Nothing you could do, just accept death.
Orlando, Dallas
Safety is just a myth. It shouldn't be a message of "live with it", it should be one of personal responsibility and safety--can't say that though because French don't have freedoms like 2a.
Nuke the skit on araberna
When Itele breaks his programmation
from what i understand even muzzies can't stand the PS anymore, it will be a long time before they win the presidency again
The frogs should change their flag to white.
The muzzies might say that but they'll keep on voting PS because muh benefits
More sandniggers, Sasha.
t. not-sandnigger.
fucking copycats
our goverment said this shit before them
What was he trying to do?
Hollande is retarded. He clearly doesn't have what it takes to deal with the derkaderkas.
They also evolve.
well they won't vote FN but i think significantly less will bother voting at all.
Terrorism is going to happen no matter what, so you have to prepare for it. Get emergency services ready, write SOPs for military, etc.
It's not shitlib bullshit, it's acknowledgement that the world is a dangerous place.
he doesn't understand the difference between life and death and thinks killing your enemies makes them win.
You cucks haven't seemed to stopped them and yet guns are illegal? Stay cuck ed muhammed
you understimate their greed.
they know the PS is their only hope to keep on reaping all that free shit
his name is Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel from Mseken, son of a member of the radical extremist islamic party Ennahda
Il s’appelle Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, originaire de Mseken et fils d’un membre du parti islamiste Ennahda connu pour son extrémisme
it means the goyim must believe death is a better alternative than being wacist
>Be French
>Immediately enter surrender-monkey mode
To imagine we have actually been historical allies. Fucking faggots.
because of idiots like you.
what do they say about groups of idiots hrmm?
>because you are an idiot yes I know the answer I am asking you to see if you know.
The fuck is the point of having a government if it's just going to throw it's hands up in the air and say "Just deal with it, we don't want anyone to call us racist."
>be white
>can't visit France ever again for fear of my life
When will the white flight begin?
this is surreal, he actually just said that....
there must be some kind of explanation, he could have been under mind control, or held by terrorists at gun point while making the speech.
W.... what ARE you....
Fix it son. Try to fight back. Go buy a gun....o wait
Every country should just copy the Singapore model of paying government officials through the roof but making it extremely hard to become one
It's basically saying we can't so surrender so we surrender. >_>
The saddest thing is i'm not the least bit surprised he said it. I had no other expectations from that fucking traitor.
Well, French natives probably won't have to live with it for very long
It's just the price we pay to live in a multicultural society.
I surrender, huee....
Valls is a douchebag.
they are clueless on what to do next, and btw they have all stepped on the religious explanation, whereas the investigation tend to show no religious motive but a family conflict with ex-wife and sons.