What's the reason for this?
IQ averages
Living in cold, mountainous regions requires higher intelligence than living on warm plains. Natural selection did its work.
Niggers are genetically inferior
Yet Italy is the smartest country in Europe.
Explain that nordicists
Why are Madagascar niggers the smartest of the nigger race?
I refuse to believe the US is that high, it just takes a few minutes of reading american posts here to contradict that map
>Irish at 90
It also requires planning and reflection.
Wasn't much to do in the winter except eat out of storage and talk to each other/read.
Appenine and Alps.
inuits don't strike me as especially intelligents though.. I would probably rank them similar to sub-Saharan Africans. I don't have any source for this, but it is solely based upon observations on how ppl from greenland fair in Denmark.
That china is utter bs and cherry-picked though. Rest looks correct.
PROTIP: Asians cheat at everything, or at least teach directly to the test. If they were smarter than Westeners then why are their countries so shitty by comparison?
Lots of blacks and hispanics in America
That map has poor resolution and sample size. Only Northern Italians are intelligent.
>China is the coldest country in the world
>high as shit
>even colder
Explain that
Because Africa is filled with illiterate niggers.
The Chinese are the jews of Asia, and you have to be smart to be a successful jew. Japan are the anti-jews, and adopted the higher IQs in order to combat their SquintyKike rivals.
If you live in a first world country and aren't mentally handicapped, you have no excuse to have an IQ less than 95
I agree, I guess the right mutations just didn't appear in the population that populated Siberia and crossed the Bering Strait. Evolution on a short timescale like this requires luck as well as a selection pressure.
Hot weather makes you lazy and dumb.
That and those Neanderthal, Cro Magnon genes giving us bigger brains
If people only knew that the colder climates evolved Homo Erectus these past 2 million years into the modern human of today.
You mean the reason why Greenland has no IQ? Beats me.
UH ohhhhh hahahahaha
Which European country is the smartest now
Neanderthal admixture
Their populations may have been small enough such that positive genetic traits take too long to arise/spread
ur stoopid
'Social factors' lol.
Migration theory. Niggers barely moved anywhere so they never had to evolve much. It's biological fact as to why they look so close to chimps. The further removed from the origin point of human evolution, the higher the IQ. Also, niggers prioritized spearchucking for thousands of years while the rest of the world created incredible civilizations and progress. Why do you think they're genetically more athletic? Nobody disputes that, but they refuse to believe they could be stupid. They get Lebron and we get Einstein. Fair trade, I'd say.
They don't have the Neanderthal genes. They got shitty Denisovan genes
That's why I drink so much milk.
There you go lad, don't spend it all in one place.
>t-they cheat
not an argument in IQ testing. Accept the fact that whites can't be the best at everything, kikes are even better than asians on verbal tests
>China drinks less milk
>105 iqs
>Africa drinks less milk
>65 iqs
China and Japan no drink milk. Why smart?
No English teacher, you can't cheat at a fucking IQ test.
Why, is it because you're unable to comprehend basic realities? Keep in mind the vast majority of Chinese adults grew up in poverty and in an effective 3rd world, but the only reason China's been able to modernise so effectively is because of its collective average East Asian IQ
Intelligence cannot be determined by genes, because knowledge is not hereditary, it is taught. Hormones are however, but they only influence behavior, they can explain rape, they might explain flight or fight, but not knowledge.
Wrong map.
t. vegan
>stop sending water to 3th world countries
>start sending milky aid instead
>all nignogs die
>dindu nuffin
lactose intolerant, and probably soy milk substitute, but yeah probably not a very relevant picture
>Intelligence cannot be determined by genes, because knowledge is not hereditary, it is taught.
This is possibly the stupidest thing I've ever read, please tell me you're not serious
wtf is that small dark blue spot in central america?
>Italians are the smartest people in Europe.
Underrated country
It's been a while since they did anything of note but they're still the best.
I think the feudalistic society have been more positive selective for genes related to high IQ, compared to the other types of society structure. I don't know why India and the muslim society haven't been as selective, since they had - in many aspects - a similar society structure.
So Lombard remnants and Germanics still?
>Why do you think they're genetically more athletic? Nobody disputes that,
They're only better at running reeee
People in the North had to adapt to survive. If they didn't bust their ass, they stood a good chance of starving or freezing to death.
In Africa people didn't have to work so hard to succeed. More negative genetic traits survived and we passed down tot he modern day.
why are the smartest countries in europe getting BFTO by muslims? and why are they still defending and making excuses for muslims if they are so smart?
>math is genetic
>science is genetic
They have the largest brains but it's mostly visual spatial skill related. Going even farther north causes selection for a different traits. It's not quite so simple as
>closer to arctic=smarter
intelligence != knowledge
here's your (you)
>tfw western average IQ has been diluted by importing slaves and immigrants
Explain please. So I don't sound like a dumb-ass when debating liberals.
ability to learn is genetic. You think that everybody could be Elon musk or Albert Einstein if they just had the right education?
The real big scientific question is whether people are dumb because they chose islam and it smarts got extinct due to it or whether they were dumb since beginning and that made them chose islam.
Watch Guns, Germs, and Steel.
>niggers have a low IQ because they're fucking stupid!
>b-but East Asians are not r-really smart... th-they just know how to m-m-memorize stuff... the t-test is flawed, anyway, IQ isn't an accurate measurement of intelligence
This makes no sense
The average Chinese shits on the street. I'm serious, go into any village on you will see streets covered with shit
You peanut head mothafucker.
Because our parents beat IQ into us since we were kids.
>ability to learn is genetic. You think that everybody could be Elon musk or Albert Einstein if they just had the right education?
you do realize this map is bullshit right?
ofc you don't, what am i asking
This question is at the forefront of HBD. It is a combination of a higher genetic propensity for altruism and massive kike infiltration of Northwestern European institutions.
no china had the one child rule , they killed of the retards thats why china is higher
Do you mean that they dont POO in the LOO?
>watch ggs
>not read
>not read superior books on the matter
American education system everybody
Having great abstract thinking skills sometimes pushes out common sense and instincts. The more complicated elements you pile on a theory the harder it is to tell when the foundation gets disconnected from reality. Marxism is a very sophisticated theory that requires intelligence to understand but its basic postulates have nothing to do with human nature. Smart people can also rationalize away anything if they want to or if it's necessary to preserve their favored ideology.
Smart people bailed like any smart person would. Try the same IQ test with a trailer park in any state. They are there because they are too dumb to be able to get the fuck out.
And we beat your parents
>it looks like they only tested the nigger parts of my country or the soccer team.
w-we aren't that retarded r-right guys?
>all the gook apologists itt
Yellow people cheat, you're literally at a disadvantage in Asia if you don't
Iq test is easily explained by the fact that the only """reliable""" studies come from the government, well known for being an unbiased source of information particularly in nationalistic countries like China
>tfw Canada, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand are the smartest anglo countries in that order
>UK and USA are dumb
why is this? when the anglo union forms should we exclude the UK and USA from joining?
I doubt the legitimacy of the IQ associated with Iran. Do you have the source which this map is based on?
Thank you, but even so, I doubt you can simply say "intelligence is genetic", a number of factors make up intelligence.
>It is widely regarded by historians that The Great Leap resulted in tens of millions of deaths,[3] estimated from 18 million to 32.5[4] or 46 million.
This provides a potential answer to the question of China. Seems likely that people with low intelligence might have been less likely to survive this so it essentially amounts to a massive Eugenics programme. Just a theory though.
whites had to survive the harshest of climates in the north and be smart enough to find rare sources of nutrition, so via darwinian processes, more dumbasses were removed from the gene pool.
Turns out, race isn't just skin deep at all.
Intelligence is how fast your processor is. Knowledge is what you are running on it.
And your parents got killed by red guard.
T. Underaged American on some 4 star hotel in Shanghai's wifi
Speaking as someone who's actually travelled thoroughly through inland China, the vast majority of Chinese people are urbanised and 'villages' are few and in between. Villages, however, as regressive as they are, have, in their Confucian tradition extreme amounts of order and bureaucracy and functioning plumbing systems.
No your liveleak video in 240p of that one tourist shitting somewhere nobody can identify doesn't disprove my argument.
Oh welcome back self-hating Chinkposter
well "china" is actually a few rich suburbs in beijing
sure, but many studies have shown that genetics has a big effect. For example 2 siblings raised in the same household can have wildly different talents and abilities.
Why don't asians like milk?
in any type of statistic, then there is a margin of error; a "+ -" if you will. Europe is more or less the same, with the exception of Balkans.
Italy is 80% mountains or hills and has the tallest mountains in Europe. where is the contradiction?
Kill yourself. Several studies by several organizations with no third party efforts from any government have been conducted have corroborated the results of OP's image.
The problem with China isn't intelligence, historically, it was the fact they had a huge bureaucracy and every time it tripped over, millions of people rebelled and died, and this gradual process eventually culled out a lot of the creative genes.
GGS is kike bullshit. Divergent environments result in divergent evolutionary pressures. Human biological equality is a lie made up and supported entirely by kikes who wish to prevent their own genocide.
Watch this instead: youtube.com
Explain all the mainlanders shitting all over HK then
I have never met anyone from HK who hasn't complained about that at some point
Any, none, or all of: malnutrition, restricted access to test subjects by governments, poor testing methods, poor education, or genetics.
they are genetically inferior and can't process milk and shit everywhere if they dare to drink it just like the subhuman niggers
The fuck, I just got here.
Ausie did you shitpost too much that you became a retard?
World War II, Korean War. Frontline soldiers (low IQ) much more likely to die than officers (high IQ)