>White Americans actually have to face the realization that they will become a minority in their own country
White Americans actually have to face the realization that they will become a minority in their own country
umm america doesn't belong to any one race
I never worry about it.
Either Trump will change the demographics. Or the white tax payers will be so fucked over, the country will Balkanize.
>have to
how's he going to do that? there's already more non white children entering grade 1 than white kids as of last year. by the time they're adults and the old white boomers die, It's over.
america was created by white people
Once all the Americas speak Spanish, it'll become a massive, super hemisphere.
Shit will be glorious.
American independence was a mistake
Blacks think they have it bad in White America... Just wait till it's run by Mexico.
>Shit will be shit and take the US with it
What iv noticed about American flags is that they love Mexican food and think Mexico and Mexican immigration is awesome!
>Bulgarians actually have to face the realization that they are not Slavs but Turk rape babies
Oh no, we'll have to send a couple million poor niggers and spics off to war.
It'll also be a massive, super shithole.
It never was theirs in the first place
Umm, excuse me, but I believe *someone* sold it to them for a handful of shiny beads? Remember?
Ugh. So ignorant.
It sucks.
We self segregate already but that outcome is probably inevitable.
The moment when advertisements shift from attracting Whites to attracting Spics will be very depressing
Anyone old enough to post here will be dead by the time it gets real bad. It's like the national debt, social security, environment, etc -- the future generations can deal with it. They'll love being minorities
Who cares? Being a majority doesn't mean shit unless you improve your culture to the point that you become productive. If Whites and Asians are still the producers it doesn't matter if they're a minority or not
To be fair, he could also be a spic who thinks it's his because they killed some Indians first.
Eh SeƱor, das racista
Then it will be our turn to be the oppressed minority and get preferential treatment and gibsmedats. Good times ahead.
10% of kids born are to illegals
kick them out we go back to 60% white kids vs non white
only idiots like mexican immigration
So that which makes America American is very closely tied with race, it's naive to deny that.
No, fuck, I hate the sound of Spanish. Sounds like some made up cartoon language, so fucking stressful to listen to.
yeah fucking right. as soon as whites become the minority we're getting rounded up and put into camps
But they won't.
All those white refugees from europe will keep them afloat until 22 century.
Ok Pablo
Two words: South Africa.
>once all the Americas speak Spanish
More like once all the Americas speak English.