>go on walk around neighborhood
>notice they put in an Islamic school down the street
>little girls in Burqas and terrorist looking fuckers everywhere
What degeneracy have you noticed in your local area, Sup Forums?
>go on walk around neighborhood
>notice they put in an Islamic school down the street
>little girls in Burqas and terrorist looking fuckers everywhere
What degeneracy have you noticed in your local area, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Every time I see them I yell hate speech at them and let them know they are not welcome.
I pull guns on the ones that drive like shit , make them cry. Lol
I'm an asshole but hey
I'm doing my part.
Sometimes the frappe machine at McDonald's is out of order
By sometimes I mean more often than not
There's a school for abos near my place. They sit around the schoolyard sniffing metho and smoking cigarettes all day and reduce the value of nearby porperties merely by existing.
I live in Tel Aviv:^(
i live rurally, and shithead rednecks throw their empty lite beer cans onto the gravel road and often times fire at stop signs with shotguns or pistols while driving drunk.
Living in the Greater Toronto Area.
You are doing gods work user
A flood of Somalis, Ethiopians, and Eritreans. Women covered in bags everywhere.
I'm in Seattle.
>Be me driving
>Notice ugly ass Volkswagen Golf almost fallibg apart
>Woman behind the wheel
>Woman driving like shit
>Go and talk to her since she almost hit me and caused accident
>I notice she is wearing the muslim headscarve
>Tell her to roll down window
>look her dead in the eyes and say
>"There is a reason woman aren't allowed to drive in Saoudi-Arabia you know"
>See tears coming from her eyes
>Walk back to car
>Feel happy
>Continue Day as usual
Where are you from, brother leaf?
Sounds like fun
>signs here are written in Punjab Indian and English
It's fucking Northern BC. Why the fuck.
i have faith in you
Down at the end of my street there is an old hotel chain.... Muzzies bought it and i'm pretty sure it's gonna be a mosque at some point.
The good news, this old hotel is a hot spot the police use and always sit in the parking lot to speed trap.
well...there is a Hebrew college down the street.
However, they seem to be orthodox and not really degenerate.
But they are jews, and Sup Forums seems to care about that.
To be fair, the burkas probably don't do their peripheral vision any favors. Women already have barely good enough depth perception to drive without having to deal with obscured vision.
I've noticed quite a few Somalians
in my area and some women wearing hijabs. I'm pretty sure it's the churches bringing them over here too, fucking cucks.
Based af.
Mississauga. Just fuck up my life forever.
I live in a very jewish area of massachusetts, absolutely nothing seems to have changed in this area even though this state is super liberal. I think i nose why
why don't you kill them
>at cabelas in utah
>obvious muslim trying to buy an ar15
>salesman tells him to fuck off "we don't sell guns to terrorists"
>mudshit flips out, asks to see the manager
>"I am the manager, now get out of my store, shitskin"
>mudshit refuses to leave
>security drags him out as people applaud
based utah
Just a bunch of trannies running aound graveyards trying to catch Pokemon
Not many, yet. Beach Florida here. Has anyone noticed northern Virginia is teeming with hijabs and pajamas? Do the policy makers not notice this? Have they considered the possibility of a plot? If they have, did they tamp down the thought for fear of offending the highly offended other thoughts?
More likely? The policy makers are quislings, if not confederates.
My entire neighborhood was white when I bought my house about 6 years ago. Now it's filled with burka wearing terrorists. Can't wait to move
Some nogs looking at a house across the street from me in an upper middle class all white neighborhood.
Fucking nogs, hope they get denied
yeah, its actually a small blessing to have jews in your neighborhood, it means your home won't be ruined.
Jews don't shit where they sleep.
>I'm pretty sure it's the churches bringing them over here too, fucking cucks.
They call them their brothers when muslims don't recognize Jesus as the Son of God baka desu senpai
>Muslim restaurant near my house
>Is delicious
THE LITTER IS RUINING MY NATURE WALKS YOU FUCK, and when i go out for night walks i dont' want to have to worry about getting shot by fucking rednecks, once when i was out a car pulled over and asked me for weed so their bitch in back seat could get high and then had the audacity to say they'd kick my ass if it was something other than weed. MAYBE DON'T ASK WEIRD LOOKING FUCKS LIKE ME THAT ARE WONDERING GRAVEL ROADS AT 2 AM FOR DRUGS YOU STUPID FUUUUUUUUUUUCKS.
God's work.
My state only has one mosque and it's in the biggest city and it's also an old building they just repurposed because lol we ain't building that shit. Anyway, I don't live around muzzies.
wasn't like this like a year ago
Someone wrote "heavy metal is the law" on nearby WWII era synagogue or what remains of it
Anyone here been to Mall of America in the last five years? Fucking burqas everywhere.
I'm just renting and they drop the price of the rent in the house I'm renting. I'll move out when I've saved up enough to buy my own place in a good neighborhood.
Also, they know to stay the fuck away from my place too because I have multiple rottweilers that will kill anyone dumb enough to try and break into my house too so I don't have to worry about them burglarizing me like they do to some of the old people that live in the area.
I walked down the local store for bread told the shop keeper when I left to have a nice day.
And He only said Thanks.
Not even a fucking "You too". Man what an asshole
Where I am we have 8 massive homeless camps, about~20000 people, mostly displaced white people whose homes were foreclosed by the banks in a city of 150000
And all those foreclosed homes were just sitting there, left to rot, since people got forced out. Lately they've been moving in refuges into them, while the former owners remain still homeless out in camps in the woods or parks. And lately they've been forclosing newer homes and forcing white people out, and refuges in, ones who more often then not get in trouble with the local police for having drugs or illegal firearms/explosives in their possessions.
I don't want to fucking live in this country anymore :L
I suspect that Tel Aviv is just a ruse, once the Sanhedrin is reformed it's going to get firebombed.
I could go for some steamed hams.
Nothing in Winnipeg familam,
The natives around here hate muslims more than everyone else and when the natives complain about something, the government immediately sucks their abbo dicks and gives them more money.
its a muslim belief to take over the primary symbols of the infidels.
They always flock to historical capitals or in this case major shopping centers to try to assert their dominance. Muslims are always at war with their hosts, whether they are using violence or not.
They are also permitted to use lies, deceit, and dirty business to subvert infidels.
>Coming home from work on the tube today
>Class of 7yo from a local state school, about 30 kids
>3 were white
More examples of how cucked we are as a country
one step better than a pitbull. at least they're good guard dogs. they burglarize the old? when i was in munich i saw 3 of them try to steal a bag from an old woman
>getting this mad about the aborginie population that you yourself and your grandfathers before you exterminated/raped/ and stole their land
Awww but a few of them hang around and lower muh property values :( :( :(
Nah Fuck off cunt
This is the end, beautiful friend
The End.
>he actually gave them weed
>he either gave them his own personal supply meaning he's a beta bitch degenerate pot head
>or he deals grass on the regular which means he's still a degenerate pot head
I have only seen one so far in Commiefornia. So that's pretty good, the rest I believed were Muslims but were actually Sikh's
>our province will never have a Conservative government because of this shithole
It's gonna get bombed hard first thing the next time we have a war. Whatever.
In Leyton there used to be an old British pub. As the local area became less and less white and more Muslim the pub was no longer financially viable and had to be sold. It now has a large sign over the front of the pub saying "Islamic Education Centre coming soon". The building was purchased by some muzzies and it's now being converted into an Islamic School. What makes matter worse is that the nature of the building means that due to regulations the external appearance of the building cannot be altered as it's considered a building of historical significance. So we have this beautiful ancient British pub that still looks like a pub from the outside, but in the inside it's now going to be a Muslim School.
Couldn't find a better metaphor for the state of Britain. Old British pub now Islamic school.
Plant the incendiaries now
Because then they win
>degeneracy have you noticed?
>Tel Aviv:^(
They fuck their kids up the ass, set up illegal organ trade and theft, commit welfare fraud and corrupt politics ... other than that, not bad neighbours. No petty theft or junk in the street at least ay?
Come to Soviet Canuckistan friendo. Even if they kick you out of your own property, they must provide with either the equal value or a propertt of equal value.
I live in Utah, Cabela's near Thanksgiving point?
Seems like this wouldn't happen here..
omg im voting for hillary now you are mean
Yes. Abos are by and large cowards who are pussies when they're not in a pack or facing someone they have some kind of advantage over. As such they tend to target elderly or weak looking people to steal from.
>that you yourself and your grandfathers before
Fuck off dickhead. I wouldn't trust to stick my dick anywhere near a black hole nor do I have an interest in killing them and neither did my Croatian grandfather.
Tel Aviv is the undisputed center of degeneracy in Israel.
Fags, muslim enablers, pro palestinians, cultural relativists, leftists of all kinds, fags, literal commies, drugs, antifa, illegal niggers, trannies, did I mention fags? we have a lot of fags.
It is also the safest which correlates with degeneracy a lot.
Yes, nogs. What are you, new?
leaf this is your opportunity to make a difference, better get the lorry ready
Just a load of welfare scrounging niggers that moved in on the local estate.
Right across the street from me is a community center where a large group of Somali women go daily to learn English, driving there vehicles that the local churches helped them get. Fucking Christians bring all the Somalis over and dump them in the working class neighborhoods.
Yeah super newfag. I voted for trump tho
I grew up as a kid in the Twin Cities. Saw a video a while back of some Somalis in St.Paul. A guy went around asking a bunch of them things like "American law, or Sharia law?, and would you rather live here or in a Muslim country?
You can guess what every fucking one of them had to say. Ungrateful refugees. We didn't have to take you in, and help you. If you hate it here so much than fuck off to your Islamic shithole. Shit pisses me off. Seeing my home, where I grew up change. It's unreal. My state, Minnesota only has a hundred of so years of history. My country only has hundreds. I can't even imagine being in Europe, in far far older countries and seeing ALL that history being erased away. Fucking hell,right?
> Take a few days to plan everything
> Find out where your street and CCTV cameras are located if possible ( Face will be covered so doesn't matter but will help )
> Find supplies needed rather than buy. Keep their ability to track you to a minimal
> Fire is recommended for buildings, while it can be put out before doing the job, it can be started and left alone leaving you ample time to distance yourself
> Fuel, Ripped up Styrofoam, bottle, thick cloth stuffed in neck
> Let the cloth inside soak a little bit, don't want the whole cloth drenched
> Will act as homemade napalm. Multiple fires instead of one
i let her have a couple hits of some mid grade weed that was already packed in a bowl, i like to smoke when walking around, i'm not giving away dimebags, and i'm not cheap enough to cry about two hits from the bowl.
i would have been fine with the whole interaction if they didn't try that macho bullshit on me.
>What degeneracy have you noticed in your local area, Sup Forums?
Well, yesterday I've seen a drunk bum walking on the other side of the street. That's about it.
That would give them incentive to radicalize because they become scared of you, you moron.
So what are nogs
>fuck their kids up the ass
Better then Belgians who fuck other peoples kids in the ass.
>set up illegal organ trade and theft
So like the Albanians who are here... isnt that failcountry also in the EU? I loose track of how much third worlders we invite into it just to anger Russia.
>commit welfare fraud
Like the turks and arabs we got in the country for fifty+ years now.
>and corrupt politics
Nearly every politician is already a corrupt piece of shit, even without external causes.
Sooo they are pretty much normal citizens of yurop?
Nignogs. Havent you played Pokemon GO by now?
Thanks for the enlightenment fellow user
Maybe, there was talk a few years back, mostly jokingly but not so much anymore of breaking off from the rest of the us and forming a sort of union with some other nearby states. You'd think that washington would listen to one of their biggest grain producers about shit though, but not really.
At least some parts of my area are remote enough to still have the odd lynching of those unsavory folk though, if they cause enough trouble.
No. I live in Hungary. (Transdanubian region, Veszprém megye, Várpalota [city]) Everything is comfy like it's supposed to be.
>give me your weed or we'll kick your head in
>they move towards you
>pull your legally registered firearm from its concealed holster
>fill with joy as you exercise one of the greatest rights which few in the world are blessed with
>Morgan says black people are over represented in the prison system,
Are these people even human?
>Everyone who committs crime goes to prison etc.
>Nigs commit most crime
>"Dey just ova represented, nun ov it true"
An asylum center or the like have opened up close to where I live. It seems to be pretty small so far, but sometimes I see these mid-30's looking central asians or whatever the fuck just roaming around aimlessely. No shankings or rapes so far, but I still don't trust them. Hazara's got that constant shifty look about them. Like they're gonna try to slit your throat any second.
It's also located very close to a beach filled with young families so yeah.
They look like pic related.
Once we're all culturally enriched, and the people who do these shit things to their fellow citizens are hogtied while they watch their family beheaded and fucked in the esophagus, then maybe, just maybe, they'll learn this was all a mistake
Comfy over here.
Ouro preto.
someone broke a glass of milk
thats "biggest" form of degeneracy exept fights after berr/ vodka in my little town uh.. Claus?
Do you live near or around Fort Wayne? My Dad lives out in the country but he goes into the city for Walmart stuff, sees them fucking everywhere.
Cool story bro
>lying on the internet
Hamilton reporting in.
Toronto is our nemesis.
So far no.. but I have seen cucks calling me Islamophobic after I said a terrorist attack could happen if we keep letting these muslims in.