why exactly is this wrong??
I cant even
explain common core math to me, burgers
why exactly is this wrong??
I cant even
explain common core math to me, burgers
Niggers are retarded, and they're trying to make everyone else retarded as well. Starting off your life hating and/or misunderstanding math is a great start.
It's not. Especially the array since arrays are read row by column not column by row.
4x6 is 4 columns 6 rows.
Teacher is retarded.
Also bet your ass that Laquisha and Tyrone get full scores for the same answers (or the same kind of partial scores for completely incorrect ones)
Can't they just decorate the multiplication table?
Common Core is retarded, either answer is perfectly valid. They shouldn't have to justify commutativity in third grade. Shit like this is why I want to go into math education.
>4 columns 6 rows.
what was wrong with memorising the times table? why so complicated with nitpicking rows and columns and all this nonsense
i mean we all grew up fine, right?
the answer isnt wrong but the child did not answer it the way the teacher taught.
This is nothing new, mark schemes will always be unfairly specific, even when it determines what university youll go to
Burger education.
>It's read rows by columns
>4x6 is 4 columns and 6 rows
Common core might benefit you, apparently
Assuming the questions were worth 2 point, the kid didn't illustrate commutativity.
Stupid thing to lose points over, but I wouldn't be surprised if burgers wouldn't know what it is otherwise.
This should explain everything:
what is this? why would anyone need to be specifically taught 5 x 3 is the same as 3 x 5?
isnt that like....common sense?
And what, be forced to teach this garbage against your will or be kicked out of your career field making basically minimum wage at best along the way?
All these "You wont believe what this teacher wrote on this test" pictures are fake, just so you know.
Base 12 counting system when?
Commutativity is an algebraic axiom and doesn't need to be illustrated
The question says draw AN array. Not draw ALL the arrays that show 4x6.
Has common core made it's way to GED tests? I might consider doing one after studying for a year prior to it and want to know what I'll be in for.
You just take it for granted because that's how you learned it. Not all binary operations are commutative.
I'd love to see the logic behind this
>It's wrong because you didn't pick the exact answer I wanted out of these extremely open ended question. Also you're white so I have to bring you down on the curve to make the nigs and yards look better for equality.
>Captcha: someone graffitied "lol" with a triforce on a building
there are noncommutative algebras. matrix multiplication for one
One bull has been deposited into your wife
But knowledge of commutative property does need to be shown.
I expect the teacher even reminded kids to write answers in full just as they were taught. Mine always did. If he didn't, he's a shitty teacher, but that's not a problem of common core.
Common core math has merit behind the idea, it employs techniques that people use who do "fast math" in their heads (and appear to be geniuses).
But it should not be forced on everyone. Teachers have no choice thought because they can only teach one class at a time, and there 25 or 30 kids in a class.
Just for the record, I do not approve of the methods of common core.
this, it's a good concept but the way they're putting it into practice leaves much to be desired
>chimping out about Common Core
>unable to see how fake this is
>"hmmm only conclusion is that the teacher is retarded as well as this system..."
>american with cuck fetishs
Oh my, what a shocker!
>>unable to see how fake this is
Sup Forums needs it's autistic moment when they get mad at anything.
What are the correct answers?
this is what happens when jews hijack your country's academic institutions.
They both lead to the exact same fucking solution because that's how math works, deducting points is idiotic.
Because idiots will just parrot what 6x3 is instead of understanding that 6x3 is 18 because 6+6+6 is 18. The times table is a simple but lazy way to teach math. 90% of adults don't know how to multiply using double digits using the same concepts they learned with the times tables.
>hurr we don't need to learn this bcuz calculators exist
>hold on lemme grab some paper so I can write down and solve what 40 hours x $15 and hour is so I can figure out my salary...
All throughout primary and high schools constantly have to tell my teachers to stfu and back off because i can do a lot of mathimatical problems including complex ones with multiple steps in my head.
Get to university for engineering and the same shit ensues.
>show your work user
>point to my head
>that's not work user
Lose a LOT of points. A hell of a lot, Graduate with 60-70% average because I dropped bullshit I didn't care about and saw as irrelevant.
Graduate and get my degree by meeting a 80% average through university (I still fought them on the show-your-work bullshit).
>get job, do work and only show final product
>am praised for great final products and never asked for the how-to unless they are generally interested in certain complexities
I had a rough time with that all. If i did the work, then the work would be done, why the flying fuck do you want me to go back and do it again just to prove it to your dumb ass that already knows how the fuck it's done? Why. WHY YOU CUNTY MOTHERFUCKERS.
>because you could have cheated meme
Go fuck yourself. Now I make more than all of my past teachers combined (excluding University professors). Jokes on their slow minded asses.
So you're saying that if you ask a smart person to do 51561*84984 they'll picture an array of 4,381,860,024 lines in their head and count them up? Or perhaps 51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+51561+....?
>dont expect burgers to understand
how's that space industry coming along?
dumb fuckin kid didnt know what a multiplier or multiplicand was. glad it was marked incorrect, because it was.
Last I've seen yous are hitching rides on russian rockets
lol poormerica lol
Please Amerikeks tell me this isn't true, this can't be the way you educate math to your children?
top kek this is too retarded to be real
Three times five, five times three, are the same
Marking wrong's not just teacher to blame
They're teaching our kids
From new books made by Yids
Dumbing down is the ultimate aim
This is more upsetting than I thought it would be.
The obvious problem is we are trying to teach children at different levels in the same class. For some reason we have assumed that people of the same age are at the same ability, this simply isnt true. We must accept that some people are smarter than others and treat them accordingly.
Thats a matrix
what the shit
fucking americans
>the order of the factors DO affect the product
please nuke america really
This is beyond my comprehension, why would you make a simple equation harder and take longer to solve? God help American children when they have to solve complex equation
AB is not BA tho
where did my acsii x mark go
what the fuck
ITT: Let's pinpoint rare occasions or retarded teachers doing something retarded and blame the common core in America
The kid did follow the order. The first one was 5x3, which is 3 5s, and the second one is 4x6 which is 4 horizontal rows and 6 vertical columns. Order of operations goes right to left, first horizontal then vertical. The obvious problem is the math teacher is likely a woman
#1 is the teacher being retarded.
#2 the kid drew a 6x4 array instead of a 4x6 array. the final answer is right, but he went about it the wrong way.
>right to left
FUCK meant left to right
What are the fucking answers?!!!
nice assumption that A and B where some integers (€ to IR)
I could have meant A and B as vectors, or vector spaces, or as matrices
Its nitpicking really, the kid did the calculation right.
Just put a comment you have to do it this way and not that way as a warning.
>#2 the kid drew a 6x4 array instead of a 4x6 array. the final answer is right, but he went about it the wrong way.
so he just had to turn the paper 90 degrees clockwise to make his answer right?
When I was a kid they called it "show your work". They pretended it was to prove you "know the formula" but it literally is an equalizer.
Get right answer but show no work - points.
Get wrong answer but scribble horseshit net to it + points.
It's nigger tier teaching.
Look at me everybody, I took LinAlg 1 !
we are working in the integers
You just reminded me that I have to drop Cal 3 and pick up linear algebra instead
thank you mr. melonpan
considering the examples of non-commutative spaces you've provided, you probably should not be making pedantic corrections about math
It's a fucking grade school worksheet.
Next you'll be telling me that the kid who got a geometry question wrong should be marked correct because he grew up in a non-Euclidean household...
It's the order of the number problem.
5x3 is 5 different 3s added together. 4x6 in an array is 4 rows of 6 different 1s added together.
The child answered 3x5, and 6x4, which is backwards
sorry, haven't taken linear algebra since highschool
He was talking about the swede n namefag.
>friendly number
Nice terrorist
>friendly number
this teacher doesn't like the student, they were using creative grading.
it's really not hard to make a wrong answer right or a right answer wrong.
This shit is seriously going to turn our next generation into a bunch of blithering idiots. How is common core helpful?
>The numbers known to be friendly are given by 6, 12, 24, 28, 30, 40, 42, 56, 60
do they think humans work like computers?
so a friendly number is an even number?
why not just call it an even number like it always was
It's right there if you want to know why it's wrong. Sorry if I don't want my kid to be a retarded calculator pusher. This is the reason we write 3x instead of x3, x + x + x, not ????
What a disgusting fucking person.
I remember my blue-pilled days when we were taught that the nazi-youth was basically complete brainwashing that seeked to erase the ego from little kids. How is this any fucking different? Even the normiest of normies should be disgusted by this
this, holy fuck 5's and 10's are easier than 12's and 6's by a huge margin
30 is an even number genius
Nice comprehension you got there.
I'm glad Texas doesn't have Common Core.
Praise be unto our lord, Sam Houston.
x3 is the same as 3x, 3x = 3 * x. x3 just looks terrible.
This seems to come from a Primary 3 Singapore test, friend.
Unless I am but a fool
Yeah better than yours, because in the image the student got scolded for using 30, a non-friendly number.
And where in my post did I refer to or quote that image?
Fucking hell carlos ,you're sexy as fuck
wtf i hate math now
Press F to Friendly Number
No it's not, that's why I provided the handy link for you precalc dropouts
We'll quite a few were. The audience reaction was priceless when he dropped the "white male privilege" card.
Nice Christmas tree
this is how they make whiteys hate stem and get women studies and political science degrees in murka kek
I can see what they're trying to do, but what they're doing isn't very good.
In the age of calculators and computers being everywhere, having rote memorization is pointless. Common core is supposed to give you a feel for numbers, so that you understand what you are doing rather than you just memorized it.
But they suck at it.
The teacher was probably black. The student was probably white.
No, it's always x by y (or independent by dependent.)
Row by column is standard in mathematics.
I have a literal masters in applied math.
And you make 300k a year?
Nope, I make 60k a year as an associate professor at a state university in Oregon.
It better not be PSU