Will pol ever recover?
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lmao it doesnt matter how fucking devout he was, its their culture thats the problem. They have a fucking toxic culture where they think its fine to do this type of shit.
>a muslim who beats his wife
>Unlikely Jihadist
He says this like he knows what a jihadist looks and act likes.
So... he's literally an atheist
Atheshits BTFO
>beat his wife
Sure sounds like a muslim.
So we got a lazy Islamic terrorist
My local news keeps calling him "a french national" rather than an "islamic terrorist"
Taqiya (تقیة taqiyyah/taqīyah, literally "prudence, fear, caution")[1][2] is an Islamic term referring to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution.
Our governments don't give a fuck about us. They rely too much on the Saudi oil and will not move to make changes about their stance on Islam because the profit is too good.
Everyone knows Islam is a backwards and unethical doctrine but the money is too good to do anything about it.
Most muslims I've ever met drank alcohol and smoked hash.
He was not a muslim, so he was a shit.
As expected from his muslim cousin. Nice.
Stfu canacuck it's their inbred race that's the problem.
>According to an eyewitness the driver of the truck shouted “Allahu Akbar!” before the attack.
Same here, had some muslim girls in high school that didn't wear their rags and said they could be good muslims without it.
But only when it's a terrorist the rules for "being a real muslim" get super strict.
race IS closely tied to culture
he wasn't a true muslim race?
in other news, "devout" muslims rape little boys, torture other devout muslims to death, fuck animals and steal left and right.
The real question is, if you can make a bad Muslim into a glowing symbol for Islamic Jihad, then what can you do with a "good" Muslim.
Here is the problem, if he did act like a proper Muslim, he would not have done those things except beat his wife, and would still have killed all those people.
That's the only difference.
So even the ones that aren't fundamentalist will start killing people. Sounds like we should let in more moderate Muslims!
Lol fuck off. Counsin got paid in shit tons of money as well as the ex wife
i wonder who is behind making this fallacy socially acceptable in islam discussions
le really makes you think
Yeah, just like Omar was gay too right?
>Quran 4:74 - "Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward."
Killing nonbelievers is an act of redemption for Muslims. This guy led a sinful life, but his final act guaranteed him a reward in the afterlife. Conversely:
>Quran 8:15 - "O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey's end."
The punishment for turning away from the fight, for allowing the unbelievers to persist when you are capable of attacking them, is damnation. Given that the US and the EU are engaged in war with the Caliphate, any Muslim who refuses to fight them is an apostate.
Just some fun facts from the Religion of Peace (tm)
What's a s***?
>Local Leftist Resident Expert on who Can and Cannot Identify as Muslim
>wife beater
>eats pork
isn't that what all mudslimes in the west do? they only have to pretend to be muzzies every friday, and it's okay to be degenerate as long as it's part of the westerner normie disguise for their holy war.
Isn't that even more worrying?
If every shit mudslime goes an hero like this, because to save his soul in the Afterlife, we're in for a world of hurt.
Nope. No more excuses. If these bastards want to move into my town then I will personally join with my community to firebomb them out. Even the blacks around my parts know about Islam.
>Taqiya at its finest
a sikh
fucking Islam apologists
How drove a truck through a crowd and killed 73 people while screaming ALLAH AKBAR.
Now fuck off.
1.9b mudslimes
No one is ever a mudslime
Is it opposite day today or something?
Fox News guy just called multiculturalism the problem.
Guest called America a Christian nation.
Guest denied host girls liberal bullshit deist claim.
War is coming.
Not getting this tune over here.
Maybe there's still hope for french television.
>some muzzie was a giant piece of shit!
>more news at 11
One more thread defending us and I WILL:
1. Find your IP
2. Find your real life Address
3. Find your private information
4. Find out everything about you
5. Mail it to you
Yeah because Muslims don't lie.
>man called Mohammed who beats his wife
Gee I wonder what religion this fine gentlemen is related to.
But wasn't he basically one of these "moderate" muslims?
Lol, he's implying that likely jihadists are usually good muslims
but... wasn't Omar Mateen gay/had gay tendencies and beat his wife? and one of the men from the Paris attacks frequented some gay bar and partied and did drugs?
>Look friend. All over the world there are muslims just like you and I. They drink alcohol, they do drugs, they listen to pop music, they don't pray ten times a day, they're just like us!
>LOOK FRIEND, he drank alcohol, he did drugs, he listened to pop music, and he didn't pray 10 times a day, he WASN'T A REAL MUSLIM!
I'm getting real tired of the media guys.
Real. Fucking. Tired.
Didn't he begin shooting?
>hold your people hostage to saudi oil money
>get attacked by islamic terrorists
>lay wreaths, have vigil
>have your leader say they will fight terrorism without mentioning the world islamic
>rinse and repeat
wonder how long it will take for the west to wake up
Exactly. Every time they say this, they essentially say "he wasn't a real muslim because he didn't act like all the other people who commit and finance the bulk of islamic terrorist attacks in the world".
It's fucking meaningless bullshit. They deflect the "muslim" question by claiming they act like we would want our immigrants to act: Not islamic.
The true issue is culture and immigration. And this fucker WAS an immigrant. Without mass immigration, none of the attacks of the past year would have happened.
>beats is wife
>not a true muslim
chose one.
>you can't be a Muslim if you do these things
So all Muslims who do these things aren't real muslims?
Like 95% of young muslims?
Do any real Muslims exist?
Of course, if they lied they wouldn't be True Muslims™
and all that was forgiven when he killed the infidel.
Nice, we can finally Say Hitler wasn't christan because he didn't go to church
So the fact that he drank alcohol and ate pork is what disqualifies him from being Muslim, not the fact that he murdered 80 innocent people in an unprovoked attack?
Good to know.
Fucking stupid. He had an "epiphany" that caused him to feel like the only way to repent for drinking and smoking and shit was to take out kuffars. It made sure he went to heaven.
Began shooting and had more weapons in the back.
But the real tragedy is how some far-right groups will use this to further their agenda. :^(
good thing he killed all those kaffirs to make up for his sins
the cognitive dissonance is so fucking real
just fuck my western culture up senpai
Wait what. So you're saying an actual "moderate" muslim it this time?
that behavior applies to many many other terrorists, in fact they are encouraged to do so in their manual to avoid any suspicion.
Shave beard, dress like them go to clubs, drink, do drugs, taqqyia.... blow some shit up/run people over
It's straight out of the God damn manual, it's prolly even googlable or somewhere on justpaste.it in the plain open
he was a fucking sandnigger and thats all that matters. quit trying to compartmentalize these fucking lunatics you impotent sack of shit
and earlier i worked with the audio of the attack enough to make it clear enough to hear him screaming "allahu ackbar"
but okay.
>anecdotes are news worthy
Sometimes I want the Muslims to succeed so that traitors like this will reap their rewards
I'm starting to suspect it isn't the religion nearly as much as it's him being a arab. Arabs are the cancer.
Based Hungary got it
I hate you people more than my words could ever express.
He must be one of those Zoroastrian extremists we hear so much about in the news
Suicide attacks are appealing to "bad" muslims because they think it gives them 100% chance to go to heaven no questions asked.
I'm sure Jihadists are well aware of this and exploit it to recruit people or incite attacks.
You're supposed to keep me smiling through the nightmare, croik.
Lol damage control as usual. There seems to be nobody who can meet the standards to be considered a real muslim
Says it all
>Be muslim
>do haram things everyday
>hate your life and don't want to go on living
>but if I kill myself now I'll go to hell
>I know!! I'll go murder non-muslims and get 72 virgins
why not both
Is he implying that jihadist have good faith behaviors?
never went to the mosque like omar mateen?
>he was a shit because he drank alcohol, ate pork and took drugs, not because he killed 84 people
'Slimes, everyone.
So he was a hypocrit?
Just like basically every other mudslime
>drank alcohol
>ate pork
>took drugs
So, the average western normie?
Does it mean ""integrated"" muslims are also dangerous?
Thanks, but we knew it already
>Be shitskin criminal
>visit le mufti
>My son only jihad "the highest calling of all MOOSLIMS" can absolve you
>Go run over some cockroach kuffars and go to paradise
too easy.
>not a serious, devout Muslim
>still a terrorist because he is technically Muslim
Yes, exactly. These dumb Muslims will always send their cucks to kill us and then claim that cuck isn't a real muslim.
Good thing nobody buys this shit.
Another heterosexual male murdered by matriarchy's divorce courts. He was a man who went his own way. Read & listen to GirlWritesWhat, JudgyBitch and MisandryPepe. Semper Elam.
>Muslims and a white cuck talking at work today
>Talking about how people always assume it's a Muslim
>White guy starts blabbing about extremely isolated cases where a white guy blew up a building
>I ask "why do you think everyone usually jumps to the conclusion that it was probably a Muslim?"
>Everyone gets flustered
>Conversation moved quickly on to an unrelated topic
Rekt those cunts
It's funny because that's exactly how the other local muslims described the 9/11 terrorists.
And now that you mentioned it, , they said about this dude despite his searches showing ties to local and foreign radical imans.
At this point, I can't help but think they are lying.
One post by this faggot.
C'mon guys this is really bad bait.
Fucking summer fags.
Let me guess, they also voted remain?
Start wearing a stabvest to work cunt, that kebab is coming for you.
Don't worry liberals he was just one of those typical violent, wife beating cis scum, western males. No mental gymnastics needed today.
The cousin is just jealous of his free virgins.
He knows he doesn't have the balls to jihad and will go to hell because of his sins.
what race was he?
where are his genetic roots?
Case closed.
Cant fix genes
Honestly, that's even worse.
Just shows you that pretty much any Muslim in Europe, religious/faggot/moderate(no such thing)/zealot/full sandnigger can be radicalized.
yeah, thats what iphones and mtv is for.
here come dat narrative
Case closed
What a monster, he ate pork
its funny, they try to say he wasnt muslim and therefore muslims arent the problems, but actually they are saying it doesnt matter if youre muslim, if you have any connection to muslim countries, other muslims or middle eastern culture you mostly have no or less moral values of compassion for human live.